
  • 网络deprivation;Social Deprivation
  1. 轻度心理缺陷的许多病例都是由社会剥夺引起的。

    Many cases of mild mental handicap are caused by social deprivation .

  2. 中国公共卫生财政资源分配公平性研究&基于社会剥夺的视角

    Equity in Financial Resource Allocation for Public Health in China & From the View of Social Deprivation

  3. 罗琳也参与了许多其他支持单亲父母和帮助减少社会剥夺的慈善代表团。

    Rowling is also involved with many other philanthropic missions regarding supporting single parents and helping to relieve social deprivation .

  4. 不管是尝试处理气候变化、社会剥夺、经济发展抑或是医疗卫生问题,要改进这个复杂体系中的缺陷,最好应本着谦逊的态度去着。

    Whether attempting to deal with climate change , social deprivation , economic development or healthcare , improving faults in such a complex system is a task best approached with humility .

  5. 它们包括社会剥夺,但这一因素本身并不能说明这类人在获得初级卫生保健和特定检查与治疗方面机会有限的根源所在。

    They include social deprivation – but this factor on its own does not explain the limited access that such people have to primary health care and to specific screening and treatment .

  6. 学者们从社会剥夺与社会排斥理论、能力贫困理论以及一些经典的公民权利理论得到启发,逐步形成了权利贫困的观念,这是在学术界层面形成的对权利贫困的社会认知。

    Scholars gain elicitation from the theory of social deprivation and social exclusion , poverty of capability and some classical theories of civil rights , and they form the view of poverty of rights gradually . This is the cognition of the poverty of rights in academe .

  7. 社会文化剥夺与精神发育迟缓&南京市某家庭三个孩子的调查报告

    Sociocultural deprivation and mental retardation : a report of three MR siblings in one family

  8. 这首诗向我们介绍了拉图尔这样一位目不识丁的粗人,他直呼穷人为穷人,而非‘社会权益受剥夺者’。

    The poem introduces us to Mr. Latour , an illiterate boor who calls poor people poor instead of underprivileged .

  9. 这首诗向我们介绍了拉图尔这样一位“目不识丁的粗人”,他“直呼穷人为穷人,而非‘社会权益受剥夺者’。”

    The poem introduces us to Mr. Latour , " an illiterate boor " who " calls poor people poor instead of underprivileged . "

  10. 在旧社会劳动人民被剥夺了受教育的权利。

    In the old society , the working people were deprived of the right to be educated .

  11. 他为美国社会中那些被剥夺了权利的人而工作。他不仅仅为他们工作,并且他在立法方面也卓有成效。

    And he worked for those who were deprived in the American society and not only did he work for them , but he was very effective in his legislative work .

  12. 该大学的睡眠研究员西蒙·凯尔博士说:很多人都对这个问题感兴趣,在24小时的社会环境下,剥夺睡眠增加了我们身体接触人造光的时间。

    Dr Simon Kyle , a sleep researcher at the university , said : ' A lot of people are interested in this at the moment given that as a 24-hour society , sleep deprivation is increasing and we are exposing ourselves to artificial light at night .

  13. 该大学的睡眠研究员西蒙·凯尔博士说:“很多人都对这个问题感兴趣,在24小时的社会环境下,剥夺睡眠增加了我们身体接触人造光的时间。”

    Dr Simon Kyle , a sleep researcher at the university , said : ' A lot of people are interested in this at the moment given that as a 24-hour society , sleep deprivation is increasing and we are exposing ourselves to artificial light at night 。

  14. 引起当前城市贫困群体致贫的主要原因不是个人因素,而是由社会因素使其遭受了社会剥夺或社会排斥;

    The reasons that cause poverty in urban areas are not concerned with personal factors , but the social factors . The latter made social deprivation or social exclusion .

  15. 消费则是场所的剥夺,社会交往体现出对社会资本的剥夺,等等。

    As to the consumption , it is the robbery of place . And the social activity is a deprivation of social resources , and so on .

  16. 社会权力贫困理论得益于三个与贫困有关的理论,即社会剥夺和社会排斥理论、能力理论、经典的公民权利理论。

    This theory comes from theories related to poverty , that is , theories of social deprivation , social exclusion and capability , which are classic civil rights theory .