
  • 网络freudianism;Freudism
  1. 论弗洛伊德主义和舍伍德·安德森的文学创作

    On Freudianism and Sherwood Anderson 's Literary Creation

  2. 然而在安德森与弗洛伊德主义的关系这一问题上批评家们还颇有争议。

    However , on the topic of the relationship between Anderson and Freudianism they show great differences .

  3. 弗洛伊德主义在中国的传播和影响

    Of the Freudian Theory in China

  4. 弗洛伊德主义在当代中国

    Freudianism in Modern China

  5. 巴赫金的语言学理论是一种批判理论,它建立在对弗洛伊德主义和形式主义批判的基础之上。

    Bakhtin 's philological theory is a critical theory , which is built on the criticism of Freudism and Formalism .

  6. 本文是对中国巴赫金接受史中关于其《弗洛伊德主义批判纲要》的接受史分析。

    The article makes an analysis of the reception history of Freudism : A Marxist Critique by Mikhail Bakhtin in China .

  7. 埃里希·弗洛姆是20世纪法兰克福学派和新弗洛伊德主义的主要代表人物之一。

    Erich Fromm is one of the most famous figures of Frankfort School and Neo & Freudism in the 20th century .

  8. 第四章,结合弗洛伊德主义中的精神分析理论和中国文学作品进一步挖掘恋母情结背后的精神内涵与隐含的意义。

    The fourth chapter , combined with the Freud doctrine in psychoanalytic theory and Chinese literary works to further tap the " Oedipuscomplex " behind the spiritual connotation and implied meaning .

  9. 埃里希·弗洛姆(1900&1980)曾经被称誉为美国最具影响力和最受欢迎的精神分析学家,同时也是西方弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义流派的主要代表人物。

    Erich Fromm ( 1900-1980 ) was praised as the most influential and popular psychiatrist in America . At the same time , he also was the principal exponent of the genre of Freudianism Marxism .

  10. 人本主义作为现代西方两大哲学思潮之一,它包含了许多哲学流派学说,例如:唯意志主义、生命主义、实用主义、存在主义、弗洛伊德主义等等。

    Humanism is one of the contemporary western two greatest philosophies current of thoughts , it includes many philosophies flows , for example : Voluntarism , life doctrine , Pragmatism , Existentialism , philosophy of Sigmund Frend etc.

  11. 本文用新弗洛伊德主义解读司汤达代表作《红与黑》,以证实《红与黑》对人类灵魂的展示为现代心理学提供了诸多经典范型,并建构了完整的心理动力学体系。

    This paper tries to use Neo-freudism to decode Stendhal 's representative work The Red and the Black , and to demonstrate that the revelation of Man 's soul in this work provides paradigms for the modern psychology and constructs an integrated psycho-dynamics system .

  12. 本文运用弗洛伊德主义精神分析理论,着重从主人公乔的内心冲突无形的黑和外界社会的黑暗有形的黑来挖掘其悲剧根源。

    In this thesis , the writer intends to apply Freud 's theory of personality to the analysis of the protagonist Joe Christmas 's tragedy , chiefly from Joe 's inner conflict " invisible blackness " and external social background " visible darkness " .

  13. 人生命运的表达是小说美学的基础与核心,叔本华、尼采、伯格森、萨特、弗洛伊德以及马克思主义西方学派马尔库塞等哲学巨匠都十分重视文学艺术的人生命运的美学表达问题。

    The aesthetic expression of life and fate is the foundation and core in the aesthetics of fiction , hence masters of philosophy such as Schopenhauer , Nietzsche , Bergson , Sartre , Freud , Marcuse of the Occidental school of Marxism , etc.

  14. 弗洛伊德思想对女性主义的启示&精神分析学的社会性别阐释

    The Enlightenment which Feminism can gain from Thought of Freud & Gender Thought Contained In Psychoanalysis