
  • 网络Freetown;Sierra Leone;FREE TOWN
  1. 真是岂有此理!格雷厄姆·格林在弗里敦,而我却在非洲的另一边。

    Can you beat it ; there was Graham Greene in Freetown and there was I on the other side of Africa .

  2. NPR新闻的安德斯·凯尔托现在在塞拉利昂首都弗里敦。

    Now to NPR 's Anders Kelto in Freetown , the capital of Sierra Leone .

  3. NPR新闻,奥非比·奎斯特·阿克顿弗里敦报道。

    Ofeibea Quist-Arcton , NPR news , Freetown .

  4. 马丁:以上是NPR新闻的安德斯·凯尔托从塞拉利昂首都弗里敦带来的报道。

    MARTIN : NPR 's Anders Kelto speaking with us from the capital of Sierra Leone , Freetown .

  5. 我们回到弗里敦去问问科兹耶上校。

    We 'll go back to Freetown and ask Colonel coetzee .

  6. 弗里敦的治疗中心里仍然挤满了病人。

    Treatment centers in Freetown are still crowded with the sick .

  7. 弗里敦小姐我们来这不是为了喝茶

    We 're not here to drink tea , Miss Fritton .

  8. 弗里敦政府能够保卫自己免受叛乱袭击吗?

    Can the government in Freetown defend itself against rebel attacks ?

  9. 我的钱包、证件都掉在弗里敦了。

    My wallet , my credentials , everything got left in freetown .

  10. 弗里敦小姐你管理的学校真独特

    You 're running quite an exotic establishment here , Miss Fritton .

  11. 弗里敦小姐我的介绍信和资格证

    Ah , Miss Fritton , my references and qualifications .

  12. 我深有体会弗里敦女士

    I know all about that one , Miss Fritton .

  13. 轮船在弗里敦加燃料。

    The ship took on more fuel at Freetown .

  14. 我们想见弗里敦小姐。

    We 're here to see Miss Fritton .

  15. 弗里敦小姐如果我们不重视这个情况

    Miss Fritton , if we don 't take a firm grasp of this situation ,

  16. 弗里敦小姐我想你还没见过我们新的教育部长

    Miss Fritton , I don 't expect you 've met our new Minister of Education .

  17. 塞拉利昂的首都弗里敦曾是英国在西非的第一个殖民据点。

    Freetown , the capital of Sierra Leone , was once one of the Britain colonial settlements in Africa .

  18. 中国政府将在塞拉利昂首都弗里敦郊区建立埃博拉研究中心。

    The Chinese government is also working to establish an Ebola research center outside Sierra Leone 's capital , Freetown .

  19. 我们弗里敦家的女人都是坚强的使者但我们也需要情感的释放对吧亲爱的?

    We Fritton women are made of sturdy stuff but we do need an emotional outlet , don 't we , dear ?

  20. 目前,学校已送走了几名毕业生,其中包括在弗里敦做裁缝的一名姑娘。

    The school now boasts of several graduates , including one young woman who is a seamstress in Freetown , according to Kamara .

  21. 这是弗里敦,塞拉利昂的首都,位于西非海岸,一个从十年战争中崛起的国家。

    This is Freetown , the capital of Sierra Leone on the West African coast , a country still emerging from ten years of war .

  22. 警方说,这艘载学校学生的船只星期叁晚些时候在强风暴雨中在首都弗里敦以南的海域翻覆。

    Police said the boat , carrying a large number of schoolchildren , turned over late Wednesday in a heavy storm south of the capital , Freetown .

  23. 皮斯生活在布兰玛这个偏僻的小镇,距离塞拉利昂首都弗里敦有一天的车程。这里的生活和皮斯的家乡加州圣迭哥的生活完全是两回事。

    For Pease , living in the roadside village of Blama , a day 's drive from the capital , Freetown , is a far cry from her coastal hometown of San Diego , California .

  24. 科罗马宣布:所有的塞拉利昂民众必须在家中待三天。将原先只封锁首都弗里敦以及该国北部地区的命令扩大至全国范围。

    Koroma said : ' All Sierra Leoneans must stay at home for three days , ' he announced , expanding a previous order for a lockdown in the capital Freetown and northern areas of the country nationwide .

  25. 埃博拉疫情也扩散到了塞拉利昂首都弗里敦,以及几内亚首都科纳克里本次疫情最严重的另外两个西非国家但那些城市均已经更有效地控制了疫情。

    Ebola has reached the capital cities of Freetown , Sierra Leone , and Conakry , Guinea the two other West African nations most affected by the current outbreak but the disease has been more effectively contained in those cities .

  26. 这位增强型杀手在1918年8月底首次亮相,当时第二次感染浪潮几乎同时从三个主要的战时港口出现:美国波士顿,布雷斯特法国,塞拉利昂的弗里敦。

    This enhanced killer made its first appearance in late August of 1918 , when the Second Wave took off almost simultaneously from three major wartime ports : Boston , USA ; Brest , France ; and Freetown , Sierra Leone .

  27. 埃博拉疫情也扩散到了塞拉利昂首都弗里敦,以及几内亚首都科纳克里——本次疫情最严重的另外两个西非国家——但那些城市均已经更有效地控制了疫情。

    Ebola has reached the capital cities of Freetown , Sierra Leone , and Conakry , Guinea - the two other West African nations most affected by the current outbreak - but the disease has been more effectively contained in those cities .

  28. 这些信息关于攻击、侦察、维修,还有来自海岸指挥部和渥太华、纽芬兰、冰岛、弗里敦、直布罗陀和开普敦的指挥部的行动、计划以及海军的贸易分配问题。

    concerning attacks , sightings , D / F fixes , and the queries from the Operations , Plans and Trade Divisions in the Admiralty , from Coastal Command and from headquarters in Ottawa , Newfoundland , Iceland , Freetown , Gibraltar and Cape Town .