
  • 网络Dodoma
  1. 沙土路连接塔宝拉和新首都多多马,并向北连接姆旺扎。

    Dirt roads connect Tabora to the capital Dodoma and to Mwanza in the north .

  2. 坦桑尼亚多多马的这个项目与其他IT项目不同。

    This project at the University of Dodoma in Tanzania was different from most other IT projects .

  3. 方法对作者在坦桑尼亚多多马省地区医院经治的32例艾滋病患者进行临床综合分析。

    Method 32 cases of patients with AIDS are analyzed .

  4. 多多马在坦桑尼亚中部的该国首都。人口46000。

    The official capital of Tanzania , in the central part of the country . Population , 46,000 .