
  • 网络Bangui;Benjy;Benji
  1. 还向班吉郊区Boeing的水灾受害者提供了急救医疗物资。

    First-aid medical supplies were also brought to flood victims in the Bangui suburb of Boeing .

  2. 经位于班吉的巴斯德研究所国家实验室检测,3例为黄热病IgM阳性。

    Three cases were positive for yellow fever IgM at the National Laboratory in the Institute Pasteur of Bangui .

  3. 所有血清样本都被送往班吉的巴斯德研究所进行检测,ELISA检测的结果均为IgM阴性。

    All these serum samples were sent to the Institute Pasteur of Bangui for investigation , and were IgM negative by ELISA test .

  4. 喀麦隆的货运商PaulAiméToukam拥有的卡车就穿行于杜阿拉-班吉走廊。

    Paul Aim é Toukam , a Cameroonian transport operator , owns trucks traveling along the Douala-Bangui corridor .

  5. 在中非共和国,常常发生水灾,就像在2005年8月,军队用了6周才开始在Boeing(班吉机场附近的一个郊区)的救援行动。

    It took the army six weeks to start relief operations in Boeing , a suburb of Bangui , next to the airport .

  6. 当前总统帕塔塞的刚果部队在2003年袭击达马拉时,Marie-Thérèse的丈夫(退休公务员)已前往班吉,想要领取他的退休金。

    When ex-President Patass é 's Congolese troops raided Damara in2003 , Marie-Th é r è se 's husband , a retired civil servant , had gone to Bangui to try to collect his pension .

  7. AugustinDibert是世界卫生组织驻中非共和国首都班吉的一名职员,他不仅只从事他的常规工作。

    Augustin Dibert , a WHO staff member based in Bangui , the capital of the Central African Republic , doesn 't just do his day job .

  8. 因此,班吉是一个基督式人物与白痴的悖论。

    Thus Benjy is a paradox of Christ figure and idiot .

  9. 是啊我也这么听说了班吉

    Yeah , I heard that one , too , Benji .

  10. 解读《喧哗与骚动》班吉篇中人物的言语与行为

    On Speech and Action in Benjy Chapter of The Sound and the Fury

  11. 第一部分是关于班吉的悖论。

    Chapter One is on the paradox in Benjy .

  12. 班吉你怎么会在这里

    Benji , how is it you 're here ?

  13. 大部分冲突都发生在首都班吉。

    Much of the fighting has been in the capital city of Bangi .

  14. 班吉你能锁定亨德里克斯的位置吗

    Benji , can you pinpoint Hendricks ' location ?

  15. 班吉是一个白痴,现实生活中的影像和声音经常使他的思绪回到过去。

    Benjy is driven to the past by the image and sound around him .

  16. 怎么了出什么事了班吉

    What 's wrong ? What 's happening , Benji ? Oh , God .

  17. 他说,让他的卡车从港口开到班吉是需要勇气的。

    He said it takes courage to get his trucks from the port to Bangui .

  18. 斯默登说道:“当我们可以的时候会在班吉进行一些分发。

    Smerdon said , " We are doing some distributions in Bangui when we can .

  19. 你留在这里掩护班吉

    You stay here and cover Benji .

  20. 班吉会扮作威斯特伦等在楼下

    Downstairs , Benji will double Wistrom .

  21. 声音与愤怒&班吉的后结构主义解读

    " The Sound " and " The Fury " & Interpretation on the Post-structuralism of Benjy

  22. 我的首都是班吉。

    My capital city is Bangui .

  23. 有特定的热点地区,尤其是班吉机场外的区域。

    There are particular hot spots , especially the area just outside the airport at Bangui .

  24. 班吉把这东西接好再连上网我去恢复电力

    Benji , get this thing rewired and back online . I 'll get the power on .

  25. 达马拉是从75公里之外的班吉向北延伸的公路上第一大城市。

    Damara is the first major city on the road heading north from Bangui , 75 km away .

  26. 我们还要看看其他可能的选择,其中一个是从喀麦隆空运到班吉。

    We 're also looking at other possible alternatives , one of which would be airlifting from Cameroon to Bangui .

  27. 在雨季,在重新设置了雨栅之后,客车要走两个星期才能到达班吉。

    During the rainy season and ever since rain barriers were reinstalled , trucks take two weeks to travel to Bangui .

  28. 但二者显然有着根本的区别:班吉只是一个家庭衰亡的象征,是个真正的低能儿;

    But they obviously have a fundamentally different : Bangui home is only a symbol of decline and fall , are a real imbecile ;

  29. 然而,与此同时,联合国机构正在努力应对特别是在首都班吉不断增长的不安全感。

    However , in the meantime , the U.N. agency is trying to cope with growing insecurity , especially in the capital , Bangui .

  30. 中非共和国总理对法国的军事干预表示欢迎,几个小时以前首都班吉的致命攻击事件升级。

    The prime minister of Central African Republic is welcoming military intervention by the French , hours after deadly assaults around the Capital Bangui , apparently escalated .