
  • 网络Banda Aceh
  1. 一些被转移的海啸幸存者在班达亚齐的一条河中洗去这些天来的灰尘和疲惫。

    Displaced survivors bathe in a spring-fed river in Banda Aceh .

  2. 在班达亚齐,澳大利亚士兵从飞机上卸下救援物品。

    Australian soldiers unload aid from military planes in Banda Aceh .

  3. 班达亚齐岛民的伎俩

    Banda Islanders up to their tricks .

  4. 没有立即造成损失的报道,但班达亚齐居民逃往地势更高的地方。

    No immediate damage was reported , but residents in Banda Aceh fled to higher ground .

  5. 她还记得尸体发出的恶臭,和笼罩在班达亚齐平坦大地上怪异的薄雾。班达亚齐是亚齐的首府,当时已被夷为平地。

    She remembers the stench of death , and an eerie mist hovering above the flattened landscape around Banda Aceh , the razed capital .

  6. 虽然已过八年,但居住在班达亚齐的自由记者穆丽赛尔·哈马斯仍然哀悼他的妹妹。

    Eight years later , Murizal Hamzah , a freelance journalist who lived in Banda Aceh at the time , still mourns his sister .

  7. 聚苯乙烯现在,班达亚齐地震已集中注意力在安达曼海域周围地区,您可能会看到别人的复制品区域界线的地图通过对这些板块。

    PS Now that the Banda Aceh earthquake has focussed attention on the area around the Andaman Sea , you may see reproductions of these plate boundaries on regional maps by others .