
  • 网络Lampung Province;Provinsi Lampung;PROPINSI LAMPUNG;Propensi Lampung
  1. 这是苏门答腊岛楠榜省第1例新病例。

    The new case is the first from Lampung Province on the island of Sumatra .

  2. 第一起新确认病例是来自楠榜省苏门答腊岛一名4岁男童。

    The first newly confirmed case is a four-year-old boy from Sumatra Island in Lampung Province .

  3. 20例来自万丹省,1例来自苏门答腊楠榜省。

    Twenty of the new cases are from the province of Banten , and one of the cases is from Lampung province , Sumatra .

  4. 第四例为楠榜省一名5岁男童,他于去年10月出现症状,并且自那时以来已完全痊愈。

    The fourth case is a five-year-old boy from Lampung Province who developed symptoms in October of last year and has since fully recovered .