
  • 网络the nanxi river
  1. 基于OSG的楠溪江古村落虚拟漫游系统设计与实现

    The Study and Implementation of Virtual Navigation System in Nanxi River Ancient Village by OSG

  2. 楠溪江风景名胜区管理体制探讨

    The Research on the Scenic Spot Management System of Nanxi River

  3. 开发楠溪江风景区旅游资源

    Approach to Develop the Tourist Resources in Nanxi River Tourist Center

  4. 楠溪江风景区生态旅游的开发与管理

    Research on Nanxi River Scenic Spot Eco-Tourism Development and Management

  5. 楠溪江流域宗族与学术高峰

    The Academic Peak and Clan in The Nanxi River Basin

  6. 楠溪江古乡村园林研究初探

    Preliminary Study on Ancient Village Garden at Nanxi River Basin

  7. 楠溪江风景区古村落保护与开发探索

    The Preservation and Development of Ancient Villages in Nanxi River Scenic Spot

  8. 浙江楠溪江渔业承包机制和资源保护工作的新探索

    Working contract mechanism in fishing resources protection in Nanxi River

  9. 楠溪江风景区森林植物景观优化初议

    About Better Forest Landscape in Nanxi River Scenic Spots

  10. 楠溪江珍稀濒危特有植物调查研究

    Investigation on Precious , Rare , Endangered and Exotic Plant along Nanxi River

  11. 楠溪江的水十分清凉。

    The Nanxi River 's water is quite refreshing .

  12. 它可是楠溪江的标志性景观。

    It is a landmark of the Nanxi River .

  13. 楠溪江生态景观树种资源与开发前景探讨

    Resources of Tree Species for Ecological and Ornamental Scenery along Nanxi River and Development Prospect

  14. 楠溪江传统民居聚落典型中心空间研究

    Research on the Typical Central Space of Traditional Settlement in Nanxi River Region by Liming Huang

  15. 楠溪江供水工程拦河闸枢纽水工模型试验研究

    An Experimental Study of the Hydraulic Models of the Sluice in Nanxi River Water Supply Projects

  16. 去年夏天在浙江,喝杨梅酒,品雁荡山,游楠溪江,今年的夏天我在哪?

    Last summer in Zhejiang , drank red bayberry wine , tasted Yandangshan , swam Naxi River , this year 's summer where am I ?

  17. 这些特点,都与对楠溪江村落建设有着重大影响的士文化和士族文人有着密切的关系。

    All those special qualities had close relationship with the intelligentsia culture and intelligentsias , which had great influence on the construction of those villages .

  18. 楠溪江传统民居聚落中心空间是地方传统建筑文化宝库中一颗璀灿的明珠。

    The central space of traditional Settlements in Nanxi River region is regarded as a shining pearl among the treasures of the traditional architectures of Nanxi River region .

  19. 它们给风景区增添了浓厚的人文气息,赋予楠溪江丰富的文化内涵,在我国建筑史、规划史的研究上具有很高的价值。

    They added to the scenic strong cultural presence , giving Nanxi rich cultural connotations , in our architectural history , planning history research on the high value .

  20. 它是建立在楠溪江独具特色的自然环境以及内涵丰厚的社会历史和人文积淀的基础上,通过丰富多彩的外在结构形态表现出来。

    It is represented by exuberance outstanding structures , based on both the special natural environments of Nanxi River , and its social history and culture with various intensions .

  21. 温州拥有特色乡村旅游资源,如楠溪江的古村落、泰顺的廊桥等和优美的环境、丰富的物产和多彩的民俗,温州市民经济基础雄厚、休闲娱乐需求旺盛等。

    Wenzhou owns specialized rural tourism resources , for example , the ancient villages in Nanxi River , the Corridor Bridge in Tai-shun and beautiful environment , abundant products and colorful folklores .

  22. 楠溪江流域是一个相对独立的文化圈,楠溪江的古村落也有着与江南其它古村落极为不同的特点。

    Nanxi River Basin was a comparatively independent culture circle , and the ancient villages in Nanxi River Basin also had unique characters comparing to other ancient villages in South Yangtze River Area .

  23. 本文在详细调查的基础上,分析楠溪江风景区现行管理体制存在的主要问题,提出改善管理体制的对策。

    Based on its detailed investigation , this paper analyzes the main problems existed in the scenic spot management system of Naxi River nowadays , and raises several strategies to ameliorate the management system .

  24. 楠溪江就在身旁静静地流淌,草地上一片葱茏,树林刚刚换上了春装,真是实战的好地方!

    Nanxijiang in the one 's side calmly flow , on the lawn a piece of onion long , the woods just had exchanged the spring clothing , is really actual combat 's good place !