
  • 网络manas;Epic of Manas
  1. 基于RS的农业生产方式变化对区域景观生态的影响分析&以新疆玛纳斯县农业为例

    The Influence to Landscape Eco-environment by Change of Farming Mode Based on RS & Taking Manas County-region in Xinjiang as An Example

  2. 基于能值分析的MODS生态耦合机理研究&以玛纳斯河流域为例


  3. 欧坦巴耶娃表示,巴基耶夫政权倒台不会影响美军通过玛纳斯(Manas)军事基地向阿富汗运送兵力,但美军官员表示,骚乱期间飞机已经停飞,还不清楚是否已经恢复航行。

    Ms. Otunbayeva said the fall of Mr. Bakiyev 's government would have no effect on the supply of troops to Afghanistan through the base at Manas , though U.S. military officials said flights had been halted during the unrest and it was unclear if they had resumed .

  4. 基于水权理论的新疆玛纳斯河水资源分配研究

    Manas River Water Resources Allocation Study Based on Water Right Theory

  5. 玛纳斯河流域气候变化对径流变化的影响

    Impacts of Climate Change on Surface Runoff in Manas River Basin

  6. 新疆玛纳斯湖景观演化及其生态环境效应

    Evolution of Manas Lake landscape in Xinjiang and its eco-environmental effect

  7. 近300年来新疆玛纳斯湖变迁研究

    On the Changes of Manas Lake in the past 300 Years

  8. 玛纳斯河流域山前平原地下水资源分析及合理开发利用研究

    Study on groundwater resource analyses and development in Manas plain

  9. 1906年玛纳斯7.7级地震孕震过程的数值模拟研究

    Numerical modeling of the generation process of the 1906 Manas m_s7.7 earthquake

  10. 玛纳斯河流域绿洲生态经济功能区划研究

    Regionalization of the Eco-economic Function for the Oasis in Manas River Basin

  11. 新疆玛纳斯河流域冰川生态系统服务功能价值评估

    Valuation of glacier ecosystem services in the Manas River Watershed , Xinjiang

  12. 《玛纳斯》中玛纳斯诞生过程及其民族文化的认同

    The Naissance Course of Manas in Manas and Cultural Identity

  13. 荒漠区航片的土壤判读标志&以新疆玛纳斯河地区为例

    Interpretation of soil air - photographs of desert region

  14. 玛纳斯河流域的径流与洪水特征分析

    Analysis on Runoff and Flood Characteristics of Manas River

  15. 基于满意度决策理论的玛纳斯河取水权分配研究

    Study on water rights allocation in Manas River based on satisfactory decision-making theory

  16. 玛纳斯河流域近50年植被格局变化

    Changes of Vegetation Pattern in Manas River Basin over the Last 50 Years

  17. 盲断裂、褶皱地震与新疆1906年玛纳斯地震

    Blind thrust , folding earthquake , and the 1906 Manas earthquake , xinjiang

  18. 玛纳斯河流域农业节水潜力分析

    Agricultural Water-Saving Potential Analysis in Manas River Valley

  19. 新疆玛纳斯河水量波动与气候变化之间的关系

    Relationship of the Fluctuations of Stream Discharge of the Manas River and Climatic Changes

  20. 新疆玛纳斯河流域生态系统稳定性研究

    Research on ecosystem stability in Manas River Valley

  21. 玛纳斯河流域地貌初步研究

    Study on the Landform of Manas River Valley

  22. 天山北缘的地壳结构和1906年玛纳斯地震的地震构造

    Crustal structure in northern margin of Tian-Shan mountains and seismotectonics of 1906 Manas earthquake

  23. 基于遥感的净耕地系数实验研究&以玛纳斯河流域为例

    A net Arable Land Coefficient Study of Manas River Basin based on Remote Sensing

  24. 准噶尔盆地玛纳斯地区油气成因分析

    Petroleum Origin in Manas area , Junggar Basin

  25. 非言语因素在史诗《玛纳斯》口头传承中的作用

    Non-Verbal Behavior Plays an Important Role in the Oral Carrying of the Epic Manas

  26. 所以1906年玛纳斯地震是沿北天山主逆断裂带发生在深部的一次盲断裂地震。

    The1906 Manas earthquake is an important event in the northern Tianshan of China .

  27. 玛纳斯河流域污染排放总量控制规划研究

    Study on the Gross Control Plan of Pollutants Discharge of the Manas River Basin

  28. 新疆玛纳斯河流域节水农作制发展模式

    Model of water-saving farming system in Manas River Valley in Xinjiang Region of China

  29. 玛纳斯县城房屋建筑地震损失预测及抗震设防效益分析

    Earthquake loss prediction for building in Manas County town and Analysis on anti-seismic fortified benefit

  30. 玛纳斯河流域非常规水资源开发利用现状及可持续对策

    Sustainable Strategies and Status of Unconventional Water Resources Development and Utilization in Manas River Basin