
  • 网络Maqu County
  1. 对1986年和2000年的TM影像的解译结果汇总看出,玛曲县的土地类型面积经过14年以后,发生了较大的变化。

    By interpreting TM images in 1986 and 2000 , was land type areas in Maqu county had greatly changed after 14 years later .

  2. 介绍了运用TM资料监测玛曲县土地利用动态变化的方法和结果。

    In the paper , the method and result about using TM data to monitor dynamic change of land use in Maqu county were described .

  3. 利用TM资料调查土地利用状况动态变化&以玛曲县为例

    Using TM data to investigate the dynamic change of land use status

  4. 近30a玛曲县土地利用/覆盖变化监测

    Change of Land Use / Cover in Maqu County from 1975 to 2005

  5. 甘肃省玛曲县沙漠化土地治理探讨

    Discussion on controlling desert land in Maqu County in Gansu Province

  6. 黄河上游玛曲县土地沙漠化研究

    Study on Desertification in Maqu County , Upstream of Huanghe River

  7. 玛曲县沙化土地主要分布在沿黄河两岸的阶地带和冲积河滩。

    The desertification land distribute mainly in fluvial terrace and alluvion .

  8. 玛曲县鼠害草地综合治理途径的研究

    Study on integrated methods to control rodents in grassland in Maqu County

  9. 黄河上游玛曲县植被指数与气候变化研究

    Study of NDVI and Climate Change in Maqu County , Upstream of Yellow river

  10. 黄河上游玛曲县天然草场退化现状、成因及治理对策

    Present Status , Causes and Control Countermeasures of Natural Grassland Degeneration in Maqu County

  11. 过牧的制度解释及治理的制度设计&对玛曲县人草畜紧张关系的制度经济学思考

    An Institutional Explanation of " Over-grazing " and Institutional Design of a Control System

  12. 玛曲县土地沙漠化成因及治理

    Origin and control of desertification in Maqu County

  13. 玛曲县天然草地沙化动态及现状分析

    Analysis on desertification dynamics and present situation of the natural grassland in Maqu County

  14. 长期来,玛曲县依靠境内丰富的矿产资源来带动经济发展。

    Currently , the rich mineral resources in Maqu County contributed to the development of its economy .

  15. 玛曲县在其区位、资源、政策、产品上有很大的优势和发展潜力。

    Maqu County has the great advantage and development potential in location , resources , policies and products .

  16. 草地畜牧业是玛曲县的支柱型产业,也是特色产业和优势产业。

    Grassland animal husbandry is the pillar industry , the characteristic industry and the advantageous industry of Maqu County .

  17. 本试验设在玛曲县鼠害危害严重的高寒草甸草地上,进行毒饵灭鼠、补播和封育等防治鼠害综合试验研究。

    Integrated trial of controlling rodents by poisonous bait , sown and enclosing was carried out in Maqu county .

  18. 在对玛曲县天然草场退化原因深入分析与研究的基础上,提出了相应的治理对策。

    This paper put forward corresponding control countermeasures based on the deep study and analysis of natural grassland degeneration in Maqu County .

  19. 在多因素综合作用下,玛曲县近50年来天然草地沙化面积迅速扩大,沙化程度不断加剧。

    Under many synthetical factors , the area of desertification grassland extended quickly and the degrees of desertification turn worse continuously in the last five decades in Maqu County .

  20. 本文以甘南玛曲县典型的亚高山草甸为研究对象,一方面,在甘南州玛曲县典型高寒草甸区,不同利用频次下草地初级生产力基本特征的变化进行了研究。

    In this paper , changes of basic characteristics of grassland primary productivity under different utilizing frequencies were studied at a typical alpine meadow in maqu county , Gansu province .

  21. 在玛曲县现有沙化草地中流动沙地占沙化土地总面积的35.5%,半固定沙地占沙化土地总面积的12%,固定沙地占沙化土地总面积的52.5%。

    The area of mobile dune , semi-mobile sand land and fixed sand land of the current desertification area occupies respectively 35.5 % , 12 % and 52.5 % of total .

  22. 这不仅直接影响了玛曲县草地畜牧业的可持续发展,而且严重影响了黄河中上游地区的生态安全。

    This not only directly impacted the sustainable development of livestock production in Maqu County , but also heavily impacted the ecological security of the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River .

  23. 以玛曲县高寒草地为研究对象,采用空间序列代替时间序列的研究方法,对该区不同沙化程度草地的土壤物理性质变化进行分析研究。

    The changes in physical properties of soils at different degrees of desertification were studied in the first meander of the Yellow River at the alpine meadow of Maqu County with the substitution of spatial sere for time sere .