
  • 网络Princess Margaret
  1. 玛格丽特公主那条青绿色的印花裙子与她很相配。

    Princess Margaret toned with her in a turquoise print dress .

  2. 玛格丽特公主与斯诺登勋爵离婚了。

    Princess Margaret is divorced from Lord Snowdon

  3. 玛格丽特公主医院(PMH)乳腺癌专家正在使用一种新方法治疗乳腺癌,该法在手术的同时给予一次剂量的放疗。

    Princess Margaret Hospital ( PMH ) breast cancer specialists are using a new way to treat patients by delivering a one-time dose of radiation during surgery .

  4. 英国王室对今年的榜单也有一定影响力,梅根和哈里亲自挑选的、在其婚礼上伴奏的大提琴手谢库·坎内·梅森以及在Ins上展露头角的万人迷、玛格丽特公主的孙子亚瑟·查托也上榜了。

    The royals have also had an influence on this year 's list , which features SHEKU KANNEH MASON , the cellist hand-selected by Meghan and Harry to play at their wedding as well as Arthur Chatto , the grandson of Princess Margaret and an up-and-coming Instagram heartthrob .

  5. Etienne博士是多米尼加国民,在该国玛格丽特公主医院开始了她作为医务官员的职业生涯,最后在该医院担任首席医务官。

    A national of Dominica , Dr Etienne began her career as a medical officer at the Princess Margaret Hospital in her country , where she eventually became the Chief Medical Officer .

  6. 玛格丽特公主:我要听企鹅的故事。

    Princess Margret : Now I want to a penguin story .

  7. 海伦娜·伯翰·卡特将替代凡妮莎·柯比饰演玛格丽特公主。

    Helena Bonham-Carter will replace Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret .

  8. 玛格丽特公主选择的是一种充满曲折恋情和极度奢华的生活。

    Margaret chose a counterpoint life filled with tortuous romances and unabashed indulgence .

  9. 玛格丽特公主:爸爸也给讲个故事!

    Princess Margret : Now Papa tell a story !

  10. 第三季还将讲述玛格丽特公主与斯诺登伯爵离婚的故事。

    Season three will also cover Princess Margaret 's divorce from the Earl of Snowdon .

  11. 海伦娜·伯翰·卡特饰演玛格丽特公主

    Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret

  12. 1960年,伊丽莎白二世就是穿着这件礼服,参加玛格丽特公主的婚礼的。

    In1960 , Elizabeth wears this full dress in two generations , participates in Princess Margaret 's wedding .

  13. 比如说,假如戴安娜王妃与玛格丽特公主一样相貌平平,我们还会这么关注她吗?

    Would we have cared so much about Princess Di if she had looked like , say , Princess Margaret ?

  14. 之前玛格丽特公主曾住在这里。肯辛顿宫里有20多间房子,最近还花费160万美元重新装修了一遍。

    The wing , once occupied by Princess Margaret , features 20 rooms and recently underwent a $ 1.6 million makeover .

  15. 这是1960年5月6日,英格兰的玛格丽特公主嫁给安东尼阿姆斯特朗时在威斯敏斯特教堂中穿着的礼服,也是第一次采用电视报道的形式关注皇家婚礼。

    On May6th , 1960 , England 's Princess Margaret married Anthony Armstrong-Jones in Westminster Abbey , in the first ever televised royal wedding service .

  16. 20世纪60年代,在姐姐玛格丽特公主的婚礼上,女王穿上了一件水蓝色塔夫绸晚礼服,并穿戴着配套的女用短上衣和手套。

    And in 1960 , for her sister Princess Margaret 's wedding , she sported an immaculate aqua-blue silk taffeta gown with matching bolero jacket and gloves .

  17. 预计接下来的情节还会包括玛格丽特公主与准男爵罗迪·卢埃林长达八年的婚外情,这最终导致了她与斯诺登勋爵离婚。

    This next batch of episodes is also expected to include Princess Margaret 's eight-year affair with baronet Roddy Llewellyn that culminates in her divorce from Lord Snowden .

  18. 在《灰姑娘》中女王扮演的是弗罗利泽王子。1942年,在演出《睡美人》时,伊丽莎白二世再次担纲男性角色——萨尔维多王子,而妹妹玛格丽特公主则扮演了蓟花仙子。

    She was once again given the male part in a performance of Sleeping Beauty in 1942 , where Margaret was Fairy Thistledown and her elder sister Prince Salvador .

  19. 从前有两个公主,伊丽莎白和玛格丽特公主,她们爸爸是个企鹅,因为一个邪恶的女巫诅咒了他。

    Once there were two princesses , Princesses Elisabeth , and Princesses Margret , their papa was a penguin , this was because he been turned into by a .

  20. 这项技术也可以使《王冠》里的玛格丽特公主嫁给离过婚的彼得•汤森,而不受国教的阻挠。

    The technology could also potentially be used to allow Princess Margaret to marry Peter Townsend in The Crown , instead of having her relationship with the divorcee blocked by the Establishment .

  21. 展览将展出哪些童话剧服装还尚未可知,但伊丽莎白二世和她的妹妹玛格丽特公主(已过世)幼时曾出演多部童话剧,包括《阿拉丁》和《灰姑娘》。

    It is not known yet which pantomime costumes will be included , but the Queen and her younger sister , the late Princess Margaret , appeared on stage in their youth in a number of shows including Aladdin and Cinderella , where Elizabeth played the role of Prince Florizel .