
  • 网络The King's Speech;The King Speech;The King s Speech
  1. 《国王的演讲》(TheKing'sSpeech)是2010年由汤姆·霍伯执导、大卫.塞德勒编剧的英国历史剧情类影片。

    The King 's Speech is a2010 British historical drama film directed by Tom Hooper and written by David Seidler .

  2. 不过呢,如果当晚《国王的演讲》以压倒性的方式获胜,或许Carter也有机会走上领奖台。

    However , if " The King 's Speech " steamrolls the competition that night , her performance might earn her a train ride to the podium .

  3. 媒体演讲教练玛丽•西维尔罗在上一篇文章中探讨了我们能从奥斯卡获奖影片《国王的演讲》(TheKing'sSpeech)中获得的启示。

    Last we heard from media and presentation coach Mary Civiello , she weighed in on lessons from the Oscar-winning The King 's Speech .

  4. Logue的祖父LionelLogue,是一位澳大利亚语言治疗师,在奥斯卡提名影片《国王的演讲》中该角色由GeoffreyRush扮演。

    Logue 's grandfather was Lionel Logue , the Australian speech therapist played by Geoffrey Rush in the Oscar nominated movie The King 's Speech .

  5. 在奥斯卡战线上,两部影片的支持者们都在努力争取美国电影艺术与科学学院中亲英国团体的支持,它过去更加倾向于英国电影,如《国王的演讲》(TheKing’sSpeech)。

    As the Oscars approach , backers of both will be wrangling for votes from the British contingent of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences , which has leaned toward the United Kingdom ( " The King 's Speech " ) in the past .

  6. 影片《国王的演讲》中将这段君主与平民间的友谊缩短成了一年,但实际上George六世和Logue认识了将近25年。

    The King 's Speech condenses the friendship of the monarch and commoner into about a year , but the real George and Logue knew each other for a quarter of a century .

  7. 当然,影片《国王的演讲》确实也做了些改动,比如:真正的LionelLogue可要比GeoffreyRush在片中扮演的那个Logue医生恭敬些呢,而且他本人略显矮小些。

    The movie did make some changes , of course : The real Lionel Logue was more deferential than Geoffrey Rush 's character , and rather shorter than his movie counterpart .

  8. 导演TomHooper在《国王的演讲》开拍前7周看到了这些材料,于是决定在影片中加入一些具体情节。

    " King 's Speech " director Tom Hooper starting looking at Logue 's material about seven weeks before starting filming , Logue says & and was able to add some details to the movie as a result .

  9. 《丹麦女孩》由《国王的演讲》(TheKing’sSpeech)的导演汤姆·霍珀(TomHooper)执导,尽管它由英美两国联合制作,亦是诸多探索性别平等与性别身份的丹麦性冒险故事中最新的一个。

    Despite being an American and British production , " The Danish Girl " - directed by Tom Hooper ( " The King 's Speech " ) - is the latest in a long line of sexually adventurous Danish stories exploring gender equality and identity .

  10. 博友们,我要向你们推荐一部电影《国王的演讲》!

    Fellow speech bloggers , have I got a movie for you !

  11. 在本次奥斯卡提名中,《国王的演讲》凭借12项提名一路领跑。

    The King 's Speech leads the Academy Awards field with a total of12 nominations .

  12. 据美联社报道,当地时间周日,《国王的演讲》在第83届学院奖颁奖典礼上获最佳影片殊荣。

    " The King 's Speech " was crowned best picture on Sunday at the83rd Academy Awards ceremony , AP reports .

  13. 休·杰克曼和罗素·克劳都会出演本片,而本片的导演则是曾经指导过《国王的演讲》的汤姆·霍珀。

    She joins co-stars Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe in the project , which The King 's Speech helmer Tom Hooper is directing .

  14. 《国王的演讲》还使汤姆·霍珀获得最佳导演奖,让大卫·塞德勒获最佳原创剧本奖。

    " The King 's Speech " also won the best director prize for Tom Hooper and best original screenplay for David Seidler .

  15. 影片《国王的演讲》根据英国国王乔治六世的真实故事改编,追述了这位王室君主克服口吃、最终恢复正常说话能力的一段人生历程。

    Based on the true story of King George VI , The King 's Speech follows the Royal Monarch 's quest to find his voice .

  16. 《悲惨世界》和《国王的演讲》的英国导演汤姆•霍伯是电影节主要奖项的陪审团主力。

    British director Tom Hooper , whose films include Les Miserables and The King 's Speech is heading the jury for the festival 's main award .

  17. 影片《国王的演讲》围绕英国战时国王乔治六世克服严重口吃的故事展开,领跑本届入围影片。获提名作品或是商业力作,或者好评如潮。

    The film , revolving around wartime monarch King George VI 's struggle to overcome a crippling stammer , led a field packed with commercial and critical hits .

  18. 由《国王的演讲》奥斯卡金奖导演汤姆·霍伯执导的圣诞歌舞大作《悲惨世界》,本片围绕着休杰克曼扮演的冉阿让,一个法国的获释罪犯寻求救赎的故事。

    Directed by The King 's Speech 's Tom Hooper , the film follows Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean , a French peasant and paroled prisoner seeking redemption .

  19. 于2011年2月27日在美国洛杉矶柯达剧院举行。本次盛典的大赢家是《国王的演讲》。

    The83rd Academy Award ceremony was held at the Kodak Theatre on Feb.27th , 2011 , and The King 's Speech was crowned grand winner on this particular occasion .

  20. 科林·菲斯和娜塔莉·波特曼分别凭借在《国王的演讲》和《黑天鹅》中的优异表现,毫无悬念地摘得了最佳男主角和最佳女主角的桂冠。

    Colin Firth and Natalie Portman were crowned Best Actor and Best Actress in a Leading Role for their excellent performances in The King 's Speech and Black Swan respectively .

  21. 从左至右分别是:出演《大地惊雷》的海莉·斯坦菲尔德、出演《国王的演讲》的海伦娜·伯翰·卡特、出演《斗士》的艾米·亚当斯、出演《动物王国》的杰姬·韦弗、出演《斗士》的梅丽莎·里奥。

    From left are Hailee Steinfeld for'True Grit ' , Helena Bonham Carter for'The King 's Speech ' , Amy Adams for'The Fighter ' , Jacki Weaver for'Animal Kingdom'and Melissa Leo for'The Fighter . '

  22. 恶搞影片包括《盗梦空间》、《国王的演讲》、《大地惊雷》、《黑天鹅》、《社交网络》以及1985年的经典穿越电影《回到未来》。

    The duo spoofed movies including Inception , The King 's Speech , True Grit , The Fighter , Black Swan and The Social Network & as well as the1985 film Back to the Future .

  23. 该片由刚凭借《国王的演讲》横扫奥斯卡的英国导演汤姆•霍珀执导,这部音乐巨制请来了安妮•海瑟薇、休•杰克曼以及罗素•克洛等影星担当主演。

    Directed by British director Tom Hooper , fresh from sweeping the board at the Oscars with The King 's Speech , the movie-musical stars the likes of Anne Hathaway , Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe .

  24. 其中,《国王的演讲》以七项提名领跑,紧随其后的是分获六项提名的《社交网络》和《斗士》。

    " The King 's Speech " topped the shortlist for Golden Globe awards , with nominations in seven categories . " The Social Network " and " The Fighter " have nominations in six categoriesrespectively .

  25. 从左至右分别是:出演《城中大盗》的杰瑞米·雷纳、出演《孩子们都很好》的马克·鲁法洛、出演《斗士》的克里斯蒂安·贝尔、出演《》的约翰·哈克斯、出演《国王的演讲》的杰弗里·拉什。

    From left are Jeremy Renner for'The Town ' , Mark Ruffalo for'The Kids Are All Right ' , Christian Bale for'The Fighter ' , John Hawkes for'Winter 's Bone'and Geoffrey Rush for'The King 's Speech ' . '

  26. 影评人的初步共识预示着哥伦比亚公司出品的《社交网络》和温斯坦公司的《国王的演讲》对奥斯卡最佳影片奖的角逐将异常激烈,派拉蒙公司的《大地惊雷》则可能出来“搅局”。

    Initial consensus among critics indicated a tight race for the top prize between Columbia 's " Social Network " and Weinstein Co 's " King 's Speech , " with Paramount 's " True Grit " a possible spoiler .