
  • 网络national examination;state examination;National exam;Staatsexamen
  1. 个人自学、社会助学和国家考试相结合的高教自学考试制度,是我国教育制度改革的一项重要创新,是发展中国家办大教育的有效形式。

    Higher Education Self-study Examination System , which includes three combined aspects : self & study , social assistance , and national exam , is an important innovation in education .

  2. 在巴西,国家高考(ENEM)是非强制性的标准化国家考试,每年11月举行,以考核中学生的学习水平。

    High School National Exam ( ENEM ) is a non-mandatory , standardized Brazilian national exam , which evaluates high school students in November .

  3. 国家考试立法的几点思考

    Reflection on National Examination Legislation

  4. 在印度,与就业招聘和职业认证有关的国家考试不计其数。

    In India , there are huge national tests given for job recruitment and professional certification purposes .

  5. 它有三部分组成:个人自学、社会助学、国家考试。

    It consists of three parts : teach oneself , society help study , country carry out exam .

  6. 公证员必须经国家考试合格,符合国家有关规定,取得执业资格。

    The notary shall have passed the national examination and obtained the practicing qualification according to relevant national provisions .

  7. 在德国,未来职业法律者在参加国家考试前,必须要经过校园专业学习和职业预备期的训练。

    Before the National Examination , a would-be professional has to major in law in college and receive preparatory professional training .

  8. 现行的职前教师教育制度的主要特点是两个阶段的教育模式和两次国家考试。

    The main characteristics of the current teacher education system in Germany are the two-phases training mode and two state examinations .

  9. 我国司法考试制度由法律正式确认,并取得国家考试的地位,称国家司法考试。

    The national judicial examination system is affirmed by laws and statutes , and awarded the position of the national examination .

  10. 自学考试是一种个人自学、社会助学、国家考试三位一体的教育制度和教育形式。

    Self-taught test is a trinitys educational system and form of individual self-taught , social aid to study and state test .

  11. 他们想看看支付给小学生100美元是否对通过国家考试有所帮助。

    They wanted to see if paying elementary school students as much as one hundred dollars would help in passing state exams .

  12. 在处理国家考试违法行为时,往往因为缺乏足够的理论基础而感觉底气不足。

    When processing national examination illegal activity , the administrator often feels the energy is insufficient because of lacks the enough theory .

  13. 并结合具体案例对预备实习、国家考试、在职培训等阶段进行了深入研究。

    Combined with specific cases , the paper made thoroughly study on such stages as internships , state exams and on-the-job training .

  14. 国家考试设在12-13,15-16以及18-19岁时,并且每年的补充考试,可以让当地政府仔细的跟踪学校到底做的怎样。

    National exams at12-13,15-16 and18-19 , and supplementary tests each year , allow local authorities to monitor carefully how the schools are doing .

  15. 阎辰昌建筑师留学美国取得硕士学位及美国国家考试合格建筑师资格后回台服务。

    Charles C.Yen received his Master of Architecture degree from Texas A & M University , and NCARB National Architect Certificate in the U.

  16. 国家考试立法不完善,是考试权难以得到有效保护的重要原因。

    One important reason why the testing rights can not be protected effectively is that the national testing law system is still incomplete .

  17. 她说她不打算按照要求写道歉信,因为她是通过课业、国家考试、课外活动得到毕业证书的。

    She says she doesn 't intend to write the apology requested , as she earned the diploma through coursework , state exams and extracurriculars .

  18. 高等教育自学考试是对社会自学者进行以学历考试为主的高等教育国家考试。

    Self-taught higher education examination , or STE , is a national examination organized to test the self-learners and issue certificates to the qualified candidates .

  19. 职业资格证书制度是劳动就业制度的一项重要内容,也是一种特殊形式的国家考试制度。

    The professional qualification certificate system is an important content for the state labor employment system and one of the state examination systems in specific form as well .

  20. 考试将变得更加集中——甚至会变得更加重要,州级评估考试将给国家考试让路,而且以考核技能为主的测试将成为实现职业规划的快速通道。

    Testing will become more centralized - and potentially more important , state assessment exams will give way to national ones , and skills-based testing could fast-track careers .

  21. 考试作弊行为破坏了考试的公开、公平、公正的原则,极大地损坏了国家考试的严肃性和公信力,并危及社会的安定与和谐。

    Cheating in examination damaged the principles of open , fair and just . It greatly destroyed the seriousness and credibility of national examination and endangered social stability and harmony .

  22. 爱尔兰国家考试委员会在针对去年15岁学生考试成绩的评论报告中称,语法和标点错误频频出现,已成为一个严重的问题。

    The frequency of errors in grammar and punctuation has become a serious concern , the State Examination Commission said in a report after reviewing last year 's exam performance by15-year-olds .

  23. 作为高等教育自学考试三要素&个人自学、社会助学、国家考试中的社会助学,是连接个人自学和国家考试的枢纽和重要桥梁。

    Social Assistance , as one of the three elements " Self-study , Social Assistance , National Examination ", is a hub and important bridge in connecting self-study and national examination .

  24. 自考助学是一种个人自学、社会助学和国家考试相结合的教育形式,是我国高等教育的有益补充并日益受到考生及社会的关注。

    As a valuable supplement to higher education , self-taught examinations are an educational form which combines self-study by the examinees , teaching aid by the society , and examinations by the state .

  25. 近年来,由于我国国家考试制度的不完善和立法构架上的欠缺,政府的公信力颇受争议。

    In the recent years , due to the incomplete national testing system and the shortcomings in the legal framework , the public confidence in the governments of our country has been strongly disputed .

  26. 通过分类研究,分别阐明了考试和国家考试的定义,总结出国家考试的基本特征:国家意志性、权威性、大规模性和社会公共性。

    Through the classified research , has expounded separately the examination and the national examination definition , summarizes the national examination basic characteristic : national will , authority , big large scale and social public .

  27. 改革国家考试制度,充分发挥大学法律系教学积极性,在各大学法律系开展提高教学质量的良性竞争:这些经验是中国法学教育与改革应当借鉴的。

    Thirdly , the reformation of national examination system of law carried out ; last but not the least , it stimulates the enthusiasm of law departments in universities by benign competition of teaching quality .

  28. 自学考试是我国一种特殊的高等教育形式,而社会助学是高等教育自学考试的重要组成部分,它是连接国家考试和个人自学的纽带。

    Self-study exam is a special kind of Chinese higher educations , and social assistance is an important part of higher education self-study exam , because it is a connecting link between the state examination and self-study .

  29. 第三部分对国家考试作弊处罚的必要性进行了分析,论述了国家考试作弊处罚法律存在着实体规则、程序规则以及救济途径方面的问题,并阐述了国家考试作弊处罚进行法律规制的意义。

    The third part analyzed the necessary of the punishment of cheating in examinations , expound the issues about entity rules , procedural rules and the relief , also the significance of the regulatory system for legal punishment .

  30. 高等教育自学考试是对自学考试者进行的高等教育国家考试,是个人自学、社会助学和国家考试相结合的高等教育形式,是国家高等教育制度的组成部分。

    Higher education self-study exam is a national examination for the public . It is a form of examination which combines self-study , social assistance and national examination , and it is a part of national higher education system .