
yíng yè shuì
  • business tax;sales tax;turnover tax;transaction tax
营业税 [yíng yè shuì]
  • (1) [turnover tax]∶同营业额税

  • (2) [sales tax]∶对有形的个人财产的销售特权或自由行动权所课的税,通常按购买价格的百分率(如百分之三)计算,由卖方为课税的政府收取,它与直接对财产本身的课税不同

营业税[yíng yè shuì]
  1. 及(c)对提供服务、转让无形资产和销售不动产征收的营业税。

    And ( c ) the Business Tax on providing services , transferring intangible assets and selling real estate .

  2. 对不征收增值税的收入可以征收营业税。

    Business tax ( BT ) is taxable based on non-VAT revenue .

  3. 增值税、营业税和进口税都是间接税。

    Value-added taxes , sales taxes , and import duties are indirect taxes .

  4. 4.Operationtax营业税A:我们要付营业税吗?

    A : Do we have to pay operation tax ?

  5. 对J2EE体系结构进行了分析,介绍J2EE在电子报税系统应用的优越性,以营业税报税过程为例介绍了J2EE在电子报税应用中的设计和实现。

    This paper gives an analysis of J2EE , and shows the advantages of J2EE application on electronic tax system . Sales tax was chosen as a case to introduce the system design and implementation with J2EE .

  6. 德国基本法稳定性和适应性之探究德国营业税

    Germany Inquiries into the Stabilization and Adaptability of the German Constitution

  7. 铁路重组过程中新成立的公司营业税政策研究

    Study of Sales Tax Policy in the Process of Railways Regrouping

  8. 在澳大利亚,间接税的主要形式就是营业税。

    Australia 's major from of indirect taxation is sales tax .

  9. 营业税被并入了个人所得税。

    The sales tax is absorbed into the state income tax .

  10. 营业税改革对保险业影响的经济效应分析

    The Economic Impact of Premium Tax on the Chinese Insurance Industry

  11. 服务业;所得税;营业税;税收政策;

    Service Industry ; Income Tax ; Sales Tax ; Taxation Policy ;

  12. 条例修订了营业税计算营业额的方法。

    Calculation of business turnover for business tax purposes revised .

  13. 建筑安装工程营业税代扣代缴会计核算探讨

    Discussion on Accounting System of Withholding Business Taxes for Construction Installation Project

  14. 在你们国家你必须支付营业税吗?

    Do you have to pay a sales tax in your country ?

  15. 主要说明了营业税的地位及其存在的问题。

    Mainly states the status of operating tax and the problems concerned .

  16. 总统推行了一项新的5%营业税。

    The president has introduced a new5 % sales tax .

  17. 施工企业营业税税收筹划方案解析

    On tax planning scheme of sales tax of construction enterprise

  18. 改革现行营业税制度促进第三产业发展

    Reform the Current Business Taxation and Promote the Development of Tertiary Industry

  19. 福克斯先生曾提议的营业税普遍不受欢迎。

    Mr fox 's proposed sales tax was enormously unpopular .

  20. 对于税收两年内开征的营业税是比较明显的。

    For two years of the business tax revenue is more obvious .

  21. 通常只有商品的最终买家来支付营业税。

    Only final buyers of merchandise normally pay sales taxes .

  22. 营业税政策难抑房价商品房价还将上涨?

    Business tax policy hardly real commodity prices will rise ?

  23. 从第一天起,我们就缴纳营业税。

    We were liable for business taxes from day one ,

  24. 房地产营业税征管预测信息系统探讨&以马鞍山市为例

    Exploration of the Information System for Levying and Predicting Real Estate Sales Tax

  25. 浅析建造合同下对施工企业“应交营业税”的影响。

    Influence of construction contract on " sales tax " for construction enterprise .

  26. 新法律提高了个人所得税和营业税。

    New legislation has raised taxes on people 's incomes and on business .

  27. 缴纳蜡像馆的营业税她精力上很大的负担。

    The sales tax of wax museum was a tax on her energies .

  28. 房地产营业税对稳定住房价格的作用研究

    The Effects of Sales Tax on Housing Estate Price

  29. 中国的营业税是多少?

    How much is the business tax in China ?

  30. 调整部分消费税和营业税政策;

    Part of the policies on consumption and business taxes will be readjusted .