
yíng jiàn
  • construct;build;found
营建 [yíng jiàn]
  • (1) [construct;build]∶营造;兴建;建造

  • 营建居民楼房

  • (2) [found]∶创立事业

  • 于时江左营建始尔,纲纪未举

营建[yíng jiàn]
  1. 城市居住环境地域特色的营建

    Construct regional characteristics of urban dwelling environment

  2. 在当今信息时代,营建合理的高校师资的档案库已成为我国高校人事档案工作发展的必然趋势。

    At present information time , it has become a necessary trend to construct the storage of university teachers files .

  3. 他们找到了适于营建种子园的地区。

    They have found areas suitable for seed orchard purposes .

  4. 为提升进入WTO后的竞争力,拟研究营建工程教育评鉴。

    We study to the education accreditation of construction engineering in order to promote the competitive ability after the entry into WTO .

  5. 山地型森林公园营建与3S技术应用

    Application of 3S Technology and the Establishment of Forest Park in the Mountain Area

  6. 鹏瑞利的ipo涉及在中国的一些物业,包括在佛山和成都举债营建的尚未完工的购物中心,其部分建设资金将来自此次上市融资所得。

    The perennial IPO involves a portfolio of properties in China , including unfinished debt-funded shopping malls in Foshan and Shengdu , which will be financed in part by the proceeds of the offering .

  7. 又由于酸性化学肥料的大量施入,土壤pH值由8.3下降为5.3.果园的营建,明显改善了土壤的肥力状况及其保水保肥性能,提高了沙滩地的利用价值及生态经济效益。

    Meanwhile the PH was decreased from 8 . 3 to 5 . 3 . Afforestation and planting fruit trees at the coastal sandy land largely improved the soil fertility status and water-holding capacity as well as utilization value of sandy land .

  8. 阐述了GIS技术、RS技术、GPS技术的功能及与山地型森林公园营建的结合,以及由此产生的对山地型森林公园营建速度、精度和效率的提升作用。

    The function of GIS technology , RS technology , GPS technology and the combination with the building of Forest Parks in mountain region were explained , which can promote the building speed , precision and efficiency of Forest Parks in the mountain regions .

  9. 日本技术转移机构(TLO)的营建及对我国的启示

    The Development of Japan 's Technology Licensing Office ( TLO ) and Its Enlightenment for China

  10. 老圃(OFLA)为一提供规划、景观设计、营建管理及施工专业服务的国际专业顾问团体。

    OFLA is an international professional consultant group , providing planning , design and construction Management services .

  11. 营建精品园林景观,突出地方特色;

    Standing out the native characteristic by building the high-quality landscape ;

  12. 重视医院营建工程投资管理

    Stressing the management of investment in housing construction projects of hospitals

  13. 定义新现代主义,满足人的需求,营建人性化环境

    Define new modernism , meet human reguirements and create humanistic environment

  14. 资源观透视下中国大型工业企业竞争优势的营建

    Building Competitive Advantage of Chinese Large-sized Industrial Enterprises on Resource-based View

  15. 并确证城市雕塑以及中国城市雕塑的文化阐释能力和文化身份的自我定位,及其在城市文化营建过程中发挥的作用。

    And explaining the Urban sculpture and the Chinese city culture .

  16. 推进政府公关,营建优良政府形象。

    Enhancing the public relationships and erecting good government 's image .

  17. 阳新县吴茱萸母树林营建技术

    Construction Technique for Seed Orchard of Evodia rutaecarpa in Yangxin County

  18. 杉木种子园的营建与管理技术

    Techniques of Establishment and Management for Seed Orchard of Chinese Fir

  19. 大青杨基因库的营建技术

    Study on the Establishment Techniques of Gene Pool for Populus ussuriensis

  20. 净化校园网络道德营建和谐校园文化

    Purifying the Internet Ethics and Constructing Harmonious Culture on the Campus

  21. 基于郑州市域山水格局绿脉营建的探讨

    The Discussion to Construction of Green Veins of Zhengzhou Landscape Pattern

  22. 新课程标准下历史新课堂的营建

    On the Construction of New Classroom of History under New Curricular Standard

  23. 北京市大规模居住社区营建模式研究

    Study on Development and Management Mode of Large-scale Dwelling Community in Beijing

  24. 银杏采叶圃营建技术的初步研究

    Preliminary study on construction techniques for leaf collection nursery of Ginkgo biloba

  25. 老杉木基因库营建技术的研究

    Study on the Building Techniques of Old China Firs ' Gene Bank

  26. 日本落叶松种子园营建技术的研究与应用

    Study and Application on Technology of Seed Orchard Establishment for Larix Kaempferi

  27. 景观设施空间边界半私密区营建;

    Building the landscape facility space boundary half private area ;

  28. 村落空间资源化&村落营建研究

    Resources Utilization of Settlements Space : Study of Settlements Construction

  29. 生物集雨面营建技术及其集雨效率的研究

    Construction Technology and Rainwater Harvesting Efficiency of Biological Rainwater Catchment

  30. 关于中国低碳城市及其营建的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Construction of Low-carbon City in China