
yínɡ yǎnɡ shī
  • dietitian;dietetic technician
  1. 澳大利亚塑造我(ShapeMe)创始人兼营养师苏茜伯勒尔说,有些食物长期食用有加速细胞老化的作用。

    Susie Burrell , an Australian dietitian and founder of Shape Me , says there are qualities in some foods that make them more likely to contribute to ageing cells in the long term .

  2. 来自奥尔巴尼的纽约州卫生健康部的注册营养师LynnS.Edmunds告诉路透社记者说。

    Edmunds , a registered dietitian with the New York State Department of Health , Albany , told Reuters Health .

  3. 你可以征求营养师或饮食专家的意见。

    You can seek the advice of a nutritionist or dietitian .

  4. 世界癌症研究基金会(WorldCancerResearchFund(WCRF))的民意调查数据显示:只有五分之一的英国人按照营养师推荐的五大类蔬菜水果来完成每天的餐饮。

    Just one in five Britons eats the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day , a poll for World Cancer Research Fund ( WCRF ) suggests .

  5. 《每日邮报》驻澳大利亚记者向NAQNutrition首席高级营养师阿罗伊莎霍瑞根咨询了什么该放冰箱里、什么该常温保存。面�

    Daily Mail Australia spoke to leading senior nutritionist from NAQ Nutrition , Aloysa Hourigan , to find out what should be in the fridge and what should remain at room temperature 。

  6. 在HeatherD'ElisoGordon成为注册营养师之前,她在一家相框装帧店当零售员。

    Long before Heather D'Eliso Gordon became a registered dietician , she worked as a retail salesperson for a custom framing shop .

  7. “非常简单的答案是,不需太多。”美国国立卫生研究院饮食补充办公室科学顾问教育学博士兼注册营养师PaulThomas说。

    " The fairly simple answer is , not much ," says Paul Thomas , EdD , RD , scientific consultant with the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements .

  8. VictoriaTaylor,英国心脏协会的高级营养师称:这是一项有趣的研究,它建议人们多食用高纤维素食品。

    Victoria Taylor , Senior Dietician at the British Heart Foundation , said : This is an interesting study and reinforces existing dietary recommendations to eat more foods high in fibre .

  9. VictoriaTaylor,英国心脏协会的高级营养师称:“这是一项有趣的研究,它建议人们多食用高纤维素食品。”

    Victoria Taylor , Senior Dietician at the British Heart Foundation , said : " This is an interesting study and reinforces existing dietary recommendations to eat more foods high in fibre .

  10. 纽约长老会医院注册营养师AnnGaba说,在一餐中摄入一些水果沙拉能够有效抑制吃甜食的欲望。

    Ann Gaba , a registered dietitian at New York Presbyterian Hospital , says that sometimes all it takes is a bit of fruit in a salad during a meal to curb a sugar craving .

  11. 其中最近的一份由营养师邦妮·利布曼(BonnieLiebman)负责整理,并发表在该中心《营养行动通讯》(NutritionActionNewsletter)的9月号上。老实说,这份成绩单可不怎么能令美国人感到自豪。

    The latest , collated by the nutritionist Bonnie Liebman and published in the September issue of the center 's Nutrition Action Newsletter , is not one Americans should be especially proud of .

  12. 即使当我们问专业营养师估计的数目热量的快餐食品,他们错了,尚东告诉INSEAD的知识。

    Even when we asked professional nutritionists to estimate the number of calories of fast food , they were wrong , Chandon told INSEAD Knowledge .

  13. 纽约的营养师邦妮&12539;托布-迪克斯(BonnieTaub-Dix)将其称为清洁进食。她建议道:别吃那些排毒化品了。

    New York nutritionist Bonnie Taub-Dix calls it ' clean eating . ' She advises : ' Skip the cleanse .

  14. 方法对60例COPD稳定期病人的营养状况进行评估,并根据病人年龄、病史、肺功能、消化功能、饮食习惯和个体营养状况制定食谱,并由营养师监督实施。

    Methods The nutritive conditions of patients with COPD in the stationary stage were evaluated , and recipes were made out according to patients ' age , case history , pulmonary functions , digestive functions , dietary habits and individual nutriture .

  15. 只要摄入3盎司的沙丁鱼,每日就可摄入必备的维他命D量。沙丁鱼是昂贵得多的超级食物(三文鱼)的绝佳替代物,MariaBohland说道,她是一名注册营养师,同时也是DietAustin.com网站的创始人。

    Just 3 oz. of sardines are enough for your daily dose of vitamin D. They are the best substitute for the much more expensive superfood - salmon , Maria Bohland , a registered dietician and founder of DietAustin.com , says .

  16. 尽管一项消费者调查显示瓶装水被认为在健康和安全方面优于自来水,但注册营养师、执业运动营养学专家CynthiaSass认为这一结果并非完全正确。

    Although bottled water is perceived as a healthier , safer choice over tap water in consumer surveys , that is not necessarily always true , says sports nutritionist Cynthia Sass , R.D. , C.S.S.D.

  17. 行业协会营养和饮食学会(AcademyofNutritionandDietetics)的男性营养师吉姆•怀特(JimWhite)指出,生物学特质也是一个影响因素&男性往往能更快减轻体重,或许还会比女性更容易坚持节食。

    Biology also plays a role : Men tend to lose weight more quickly and might find it easier than women to stick to a diet , says Jim White , a men 's nutrition specialist with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , a professional association .

  18. 下面您可以阅读他的回答,观看视频,并向《芝麻街:让我们一起学烹饪!》的作者,家庭营养师苏珊·麦奎兰(SusanMcQuillan)学习更多知识!“

    You can read his answers below and watch the video , and learn more from Susan McQuillan , a family nutritionist and the author of " Sesame Street Let 's Cook ! "

  19. 但是韦克福里斯特浸礼会医疗中心的注册营养师、传染病预防教授玛拉·Z·维托林(MaraZ.Vitolins)说,对如今的大部分普通人来说,没有科学依据证明需要摄入这么多维生素和矿物质。

    But for much of the general population today , there is no scientific justification for a high intake of vitamins and minerals , said Mara Z. Vitolins , a registered dietitian and professor of epidemiology and prevention at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center .

  20. 注册营养师可帮助你制订饮食计划。

    A registered dietitian can help you design a meal plan .

  21. 你应该转介到营养师的意见的饮食习惯。

    You should be referred to a dietician for advice on diet .

  22. 艾米丽你最好在这个礼拜看看营养师

    Emily . You might want to visit the nutritionist this week .

  23. 最好的建议是向你的医生或营养师咨询。

    The best advice is to consult your doctor or a dietician .

  24. 与此同时,梅耶的营养师公司也有所起色。

    All the while , maye managed to build out her dietitian business .

  25. 结果11所老年公寓中营养师设置为0;

    Results In 11 senior citizen apartments investigated , the nutritionist was 0 ;

  26. 有一个营养师的话将会非常有帮助。

    Working with a dietitian can be extremely helpful .

  27. 而营养师则强调控制卡路里的重要性。

    Dietitians emphasize the importance of controlling calories .

  28. 营养师是食品与营养方面的专家。

    Dietitians are experts in food and nutrition .

  29. 请按时赴医生、糖尿病护士和营养师的所有约诊。

    Keep all your appointments with your doctor , diabetes nurse , and dietitian .

  30. 你可能也想请教医生或营养师对于你的决定。

    You might also like to consult a doctor or dietician regarding your decision .