
yínɡ yǎnɡ zhuànɡ tài
  • Nutritional status;vegetative state
  1. 结论E/I与患者的营养状态密切相关。

    Conclusions Body fluid distribution as reflected by E / I is closely associated with nutrition status .

  2. 水体营养状态指数(E)值各季平均在4~9,呈严重富营养化状态。

    The average nutritive indexes in each season were 4 ~ 9 , presenting a heavy level of eutrophication .

  3. COPD患者营养状态及骨质代谢的研究

    Study of Nutritional State and Bone Metabolism of COPD Patient

  4. 血液透析患者IL-6、CRP水平与营养状态、贫血呈负相关。

    IL-6 and CRP are negative correlation to nutrition status and anemia .

  5. 从血清PA及Fn含量变化看急性腹泻对婴幼儿营养状态的影响

    Effect of Acute Diarrhea in Children on Nutrition State

  6. 营养状态、肺功能指标为影响COPD患者骨密度的相关因素。

    BMD in patients with COPD is correlated with the nutritional state and lung function .

  7. 而且随着体内营养状态改变而变化的瘦素水平,促进THmRNA表达的变化。

    Moreover , the altered levels of leptin according to the nutritional condition facilitated the variation of TH mRNA expression .

  8. 克山病病区粮喂饲大鼠维生素E营养状态评价及补充硒和维生素E的影响

    Evaluation of Vitamin E Nutritional Status in Rats Fed a Diet of Grains from Keshan Disease Area and Effect of Selenium and Vitamin E

  9. 大骨节病区与非病区人体硒营养状态和维生素E的季节动态研究

    A Study of the Season Dynamic of the Selenium Nutrition State and Vitamin E Content in the Human Body in Kaschin-Beck Disease and Non-Disease Regions

  10. 湖泊营养状态的Hamming贴近度评价法

    Application of Hamming Accessed Degree to Eutrophication Assessment of Lake

  11. 兴化湾水域DIN、DIP分布及营养状态评价

    Distribution of DIN and DIP in seawater and assessments on nutrient level for Xinghua Bay

  12. 透析患者血浆游离IGF-I浓度与患者营养状态的评估

    Free Insulin-like Growth Factor I Plasma Level and Assessment of Nutritional Status in Dialysis Patients

  13. 目的研究酮酸疗法对狼疮性肾炎(LN)患者营养状态的治疗作用。

    Objective To gain clear idea of the function of the ketoacid theraphy on the nutritional state of lupus nephritis ( LN ) .

  14. 结果:试验组患者肾功能恶化延缓,血脂、血糖、尿蛋白降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05~0.01),营养状态无明显受损。

    Results : There were significant difference in renal function , serum glucose , lipids and urinary protein be - tween two groups ( P < 0.05 ~ 0.01 ) . While patients in test group maintaining good nutritional state .

  15. 结论异体组织埋藏法治疗RP可以改善视网膜-脉络膜血液循环,从而改善视网膜-脉络膜营养状态。

    Conclusion The implanted foreign tissue for treatment of RP patients may improve the retina-choroid blood circulation , thus improving the nutriture of retino-choroid .

  16. 其总氮(TN)先下降后上升,总磷(TP)先上升后下降,嘉陵江下游及河口段处于富营养状态。

    Total nitrogen first decline then rise , total phosphorus first rise then decline . The jialing river downstream and estuary section belongs to rich nutrition .

  17. 根据本次调查结果测得的Carlson营养状态指数判断汤河水库属于中营养型。

    The trophic type of Tanghe reservoir was in moderate level deduced by Carlson trophic index .

  18. 这和分别应用营养状态指数(TSI)和生物多样性指数(DI)进行评价的结果相似,表明运用Exergy、结构exergy和生态缓冲容量指标对湖泊生态系统健康状况进行评价的方法是可行的。

    Therefore it is feasible to use exergy , structural exergy and ecological buffer capacity to evaluate the health state of lake ecosystem .

  19. 研究结论认为EPO反应性对血液透析病人死亡率是有一个强有力的预后指标,其于机体的炎症反应和营养状态有密切关系。

    The investigators concluded that EPO responsiveness is a strong prognostic indicator of mortality among hemodialysis patients and is tied to inflammatory and nutritional status .

  20. 血浆Hcy水平受营养状态和Hcy代谢相关酶基因多态性的影响。

    Variation in the levels of the homocysteine has been shown to be due to nutritional status and homocysteine metabolism related enzymes gene polymorphism .

  21. 目的研究瘦素(leptin)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者营养状态的影响及其可能机制。

    Objective To investigate the effects of serum leptin and tumor necrosis factor - α( TNF - α) on nutrition states in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) .

  22. 治疗组治疗后营养状态主观评分有非常显著性的提高(p0.01),对照组治疗前后积分无明显改变(p0.05)。

    After treatment , the nutritional status of subjective score has a very significant improvement ( p 0.01 ), the control group before and after treatment no significant changes in points ( p 0.05 ) .

  23. 检查血TNF-α、IL-6以及白蛋白水平,并用主观整体评估(SGA)法评估患者的营养状态。

    Plasma TNF - a JL - 6 and albumin were tested by biochemical instruments . Their nutritional status were also measured using subjective global assessment ( SGA ) .

  24. 对17例并发急性下呼吸道感染的慢性用塞性肺病(COPD)患者进行了营养状态评定和血浆游离氨基酸测定。

    The nutritional status and plasma free amino acid ( PFAA ) of 17 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) were assessed with and without acute lower respiratory tract infection .

  25. 结论COPD患者的营养状态与血清TNF-α水平有一定关系,TNF-α增高可能导致COPD患者病情加重和营养状态恶化。

    Conclusion The levels of TNF - α may have an influence on nutritional status of COPD . The disease and nutritional condition may deteriorate in COPD with higher levels of TNF - α .

  26. 方法应用双能量X线吸光测定法测定COPD组39例患者及对照组19例全身及局部的骨矿物含量,同时测定营养状态、血清钙、磷、碱性磷酸酶和肺功能。

    Methods Bone mineral densities ( BMD ) of whole body and regional sections were measured by dual energy X ray absorptiometry ( DEXA ) in 39 aged patients with COPD and 19 control subjects .

  27. 结论QST可作为早期提示慢性酒精中毒性周围神经损害的指标。周围神经损伤与饮酒时间呈正相关,与营养状态成负相关。

    Conclusion QST can be used as an important index for early peripheral nerve damage of chronic alcoholism .

  28. 同时结合修正营养状态指数(TSIM)模型,针对水质参数的实验室数据和高光谱模型模拟数据,对查干湖富营养化程度进行了监测和评价,并进行了验证。

    Furthermore , with the TSI_M trophic state index model , the trophic state of Lake Chagan was monitored and evaluated .

  29. 讨论了N/P值的季节变化;以COD、TIN、PO~3-4-P和Chl-a为分析指标,用营养状态质量指数(NQI)分析了该海区的营养状态;

    The seasonal variation of N / P value was discussed , the nutritive status ( showed by nutritive quality index-NQI ) in the studied seawater aquaculture area was analysed based on the indexes of COD , TIN , PO ~ 3_4-P and Chl-a.

  30. 2001和2002年的水质现状调查显示,流溪河水库营养状态指数(TSI)的平均值为33.8,整体上处于中营养水平,水库湖泊区的水质要好于河流区。

    Based on the investigations from 2001 to 2002 , its average trophic state index was 33.8 , which indicating a mesotrophic reservoir .