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  • lignification
  1. 常温下GA3处理对绿芦笋采后木质化的影响

    Effects of GA_3 on Postharvest Lignification of Green Asparagus

  2. GA3处理对采后竹笋木质化及内源激素水平的影响

    Effects of GA_3 Treatment on Lignification and Endogenous Hormone Levels of Postharvest Bamboo Shoots

  3. 来自河南2个居群的CP含量较低,植株木质化程度较高,8个居群中地处最北的山西右玉居群ADL含量最小。

    ADL content in population from Youyu , located in the most northern Shanxi province was the least among the8 populations .

  4. 结果表明,杉木CCR基因与杉木的木质化可能有比较直接的关系。

    These results show that the fir and cedar lignification CCR gene may have more direct relationship .

  5. 本试验是在有弥雾装置并加盖遮阳网的塑料大棚中,用不同的植物生长调节剂IAA、IBA、NAA处理叶子花的一年生木质化插条和当年生嫩枝,进行扦插试验。

    The experiment was done by dealing Bougainvillea glabra 's cutting with different kind of plant-growth regulator IAA . IBA .

  6. 另外,减压贮藏减轻冷藏枇杷果实的木质化败坏,可能与抑制POD和PAL酶活性有关。

    In addition , the inhibition of flesh leatheriness development of loquat fruit by hypobaric pressure storage was correlated to the reduced POD and PAL activities .

  7. 与木质化过程的比较结果表明,POD参与了细胞壁的木质化过程,但次生壁中木质素的沉积位置并不与POD活性位置一一对应。

    The present results indicated that POD had participated in the lignification . However , the distribution of POD was not same as the regions of lignin deposition completely .

  8. 推测外源GA3处理可能通过降低ABA/GA3的比值来延缓竹笋木质化进程。

    It is suggested that GA_3 treatment retarded lignification through decreasing the rate of ABA / GA_3 in postharvest bamboo shoots .

  9. 以大红袍枇杷果实为试材,研究了SO2处理对冷藏枇杷果实活性氧代谢和内源多胺含量变化的影响及与果实木质化败坏的关系。

    Changes in active oxygen and polyamine metabolism and their relation to flesh woodiness development in SO 2 treated cold stored loquat ( Eriobotrya japonica Lindl . cv . Dahongpao ) fruits were investigated .

  10. PAL活力与刺槐胚轴或幼茎的维管系统即导管分子的数量和木质化程度增长趋势相一致。

    And the activity of PAL coincided with the increasing tendency of the numbers of vessel element in the plumular axis or juvenile stem of robinia and its degree of lignification as well .

  11. 授粉后60~70d,内果皮细胞开始木质化。

    The wall of endocarp cells begins to thicken 65-70 days after pollination .

  12. 利用光照喷雾装置,采用ABT生根粉处理色木槭半木质化嫩枝,在不同基质内进行色木槭嫩枝扦插试验。

    A softwood cutting test of Acer mono was conducted which adopted method of treating semi - lignified cuttings by ABT rooting powder and spraying with light installation .

  13. 植物多胺氧化降解产物过氧化氢(hydrogenperoxide,H2O2)参与发育过程中的细胞壁成熟和木质化以及病原体感染过程中的创伤愈合、细胞壁加厚过程。

    It is reported that , in plants , the production of hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 ) deriving from polyamine oxidation has been correlated with cell wall maturation and lignification during development as well as with wound-healing and cell wall reinforcement during pathogen invasion .

  14. 在植物抵御病原微生物的侵染过程中,ROS发挥了重要的作用,如参与超敏反应、细胞壁的木质化、富含经脯氨酸糖蛋白的交联、诱导表达抗病基因及POD等病程相关蛋白。

    ROS is indispensable during the course of anti-infection against the microbes in the plant . For instance , ROS is involved in the hypersensitive responses , the lignification of the cell wall , the linkage of proteins and the inducible expression of many genes .

  15. 用黑琥珀李半木质化嫩梢短茎切段作外植体进行组织培养,结果表明,外植体在LS固体培养基和LQ液体培养基上能快速诱导成苗,增殖迅速并健壮生长。

    The in-vitro micropropagation of Black Amber Plum with stem segments of the half-wooden shoot as explants has been trialed . The result shows that the explants cultured on LS medium and LQ medium can be quickly induced to form plantlet , with a fast proliferation and a strong growth .

  16. 试验采用随机区组设计,对采穗母树设遮光和喷施叶面肥处理,穗条选取未木质化、半木质化、木质化三种,长度分为3~5cm,5~8cm,15cm以上。

    Using block randomization design , we select three kinds of cuttings for non-lignification 、 semi-lignification and lignification , and the length is 3 ~ 5cm 、 5 ~ 8cm and over 15cm respectively by shading and spraying foliar fertilizer with stock maternal tree ;

  17. 半木质化、未木质化、木质化穗条出现愈伤组织的时间分别为36d、37.3d和41.7d,平均生根率分别为44.33%、25.75%和60.33%;

    The callus induction time is 36 d 、 37.3 d 、 41.7 d respectively and rooting percentage is 44.33 % 、 25.75 % 、 60.33 % respectively using semi - lignification 、 non - lignification and lignification cutting ;

  18. 结论HRGP的积累和细胞壁的木质化与黄瓜对霜霉病的抗性反应有关,是寄主抗病反应的生化机制之一。

    【 Conclusion 】 The results suggest that the accumulation of HRGP and the deposition of lignin in cell wall are related to resistant reaction of cucumber to downy mildew , and it is considered a biochemical response of cucumber to downy mildew .

  19. 外层细胞在发育过程中逐渐趋于木质化。

    The cells outer sphere gradually to lignification during the growing .

  20. 使木质化通过木质的沉淀使其木质化或木质一样。

    To make woody or woodlike by the deposit of lignin .

  21. 树皮下坚硬多孔的木质化物质。

    The hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees .

  22. 竹笋采后活性氧代谢对木质化的影响

    Effect of Active Oxygen Metabolism on Excised Bamboo Shoot Lignification

  23. 高氧气调包装对绿芦笋木质化的影响

    Effect of High Oxygen Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Lignification of Green Asparagus

  24. 枇杷果实采后木质化与品质调控

    Regulation of Lignification and Quality Changes in Postharvest Loquat Fruit

  25. 具有硬的木质化组织或茎部是木质部分的植物。

    A plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stems .

  26. 施肥苗造林木质化不好,易干尖;

    Manuring seedlings are badly in lignification and easy to top drying ;

  27. 木质化足以使细胞变硬和增强。

    This lignification serves to stiffen and strengthen the cells .

  28. 造林苗木选用充分木质化的粗大壮苗;

    Strong , big and well lignified seedlings should be used in afforestation .

  29. 初代培养以自剪期前后至半木质化春梢为最佳外值体。

    Spring shoots of half lignification were the best explants in initial culturing .

  30. 在全光照间歇弥雾条件下,未木质化的绿枝插条也未能生根;

    Rooting of softwood cuttings not lignified also failed .