
  • 网络wooden stairs;Wood Stairs
  1. 我说:“她步履沉重地登上木楼梯,她悲哀的棕色鞋子带着她走进了她从来不喜欢的房子。”

    I say ," And so she trudged up the wooden stairs , her sad brown shoes taking her to the house shi never liked . "

  2. 我说,“她步履沉重地登上木楼梯,她悲哀的棕色鞋子带着她走进了她从来不喜欢的房子。”我喜欢讲故事。

    I say , " And so she trudged up the wooden stairs , her sad brown shoes taking her to the house she never liked . " I like to tell stories .

  3. 莫娜爬上了摇摇晃晃的木楼梯。

    Mona climbed the rickety wooden stairway .

  4. 他沿木楼梯而上,走到一半站住了。

    He stood halfway up the wooden stairway .

  5. 龙泰楼梯是一家专业生产,销售各种实木楼梯,钢木楼梯及石材铁花的企业。

    Longtai staircase is a professional production and sales of all kinds of solid wood staircase , steel and wood staircase and stone Tiehua businesses .

  6. 当她的老木楼梯拾,她的印象,就像玛姬张从在花样年华电影我们。

    As she ascends on the old wood stair , she impresses us as just like Maggie Zhang from the film In the Mood for Love .

  7. 有助于房子的光线和开放感的其他内容包括薄金属扶手,裸露的天花板搁栅,和悬臂式木楼梯踏板。

    Other elements that contribute to the light and open feel of the house include thin metal handrails , exposed ceiling joists , and cantilevered wood stair treads .

  8. 我现在知道,35年前那个炎热夏夜和我坐在破旧的木楼梯上的老人并不高大,但对一个5岁的孩子来说,他却是一个巨人。

    I know now that the man who sat with me on the old wooden stairs that hot summer night over thirty-five years ago was not a tall man . But to a five-year-old , he was a giant .

  9. 我爬上木楼梯,把门推开,内面一股闷浊空气迎面扑来,我看见一排排控制杆,一个通红发光的炉子,还有一个铁道信号员正架着双腿看报纸。

    Having climbed the wooden stairs and pushed open the door , I was met by a thick fug of pipe smoke , rows of levers , a glowing stove and a signalman with his feet up reading the paper .