
mù dì bǎn
  • wood floor
  1. 水性UV固化木地板涂料的研制

    Study on Water-base UV Curing Coating for Wood Floor

  2. 合成了水性环氧丙烯酸酯和水性聚氨酯丙烯酸酯,作为UV固化木地板涂料的预聚物。

    Water-base epoxy acrylate and polyurethane acrylate are synthesized as the oligomers of UV curing coating for wood floor .

  3. 他们本想在整个房间的木地板上都不铺地毯的。

    They would have liked bare wooden floors throughout the house .

  4. 我们把木地板刷成了白色。

    We painted the wooden floor with a white stain .

  5. 这些木头在吱吱嘎嘎作响,木地板有些摇晃。

    The timbers groan and creak and the floorboards shift .

  6. 他们铺好木地板,在上面铺上新地毯。

    They put down wooden boards , and laid new carpets on top .

  7. 淡色木地板和充足的自然光平添了几分轻松的氛围。

    Pale wooden floors and plenty of natural light add to the relaxed atmosphere

  8. 他的脚步声在没铺地毯的木地板上发出回响。

    His feet echoed on the bare board floor

  9. 人们双双对对在木地板上跳着华尔兹舞。

    Couples are waltzing round the wooden floor

  10. 木地板不光容易打扫,而且还环保。

    Wood flooring not only cleans easily , but it 's environmentally friendly into the bargain .

  11. 这个房间和餐厅的木地板都已经被刮除涂层并进行了打磨上蜡。

    The floorboards in both this room and the dining room have been stripped , sanded and sealed .

  12. 他们公寓的木地板没铺地毯。

    Their flat has a bare wooden floor .

  13. 蜗牛在镶木地板上留下一道黏液。

    The snail left a trail of slime along the parquet floor .

  14. 大楼内部拥有高速玻璃升降梯,定制的消音磁性木地板和闪闪发光的天花板,这里的天花板由两百多万瓣锃亮的铝片和灯拼成。

    The interior boasts high-speed glass lifts , bespoke1 sound-muffling magnetic floorboards and a sparkling ceiling comprising more than two million polished aluminium2 petals3 and lights .

  15. 此树脂可和EA树脂配成UV木地板涂料。

    The resin and EA resin can form UV paint of wooden floor .

  16. 经MATLAB仿真表明,运用BP神经网络对强化木地板表面瑕疵进行检测效果不够理想,不能应用于实际生产。

    By matlab simulation , it shows that using BP network to detect the laminated flooring defects is insufficient , so it cannot applied to practical production .

  17. 在波士顿的欧米帕克豪斯酒店(OmniParkerHouse),华丽的会议室中回荡着学生们敲击键盘的声音。这家铺有桃心木地板的酒店源自19世纪。

    The click-clacks of their laptops fill the ornate conference rooms of Boston 's mahogany-paneled 19thcentury Omni Parker House .

  18. 综论Eo级强化木地板

    Summary of Eo Grade Reinforced Wooden Floor

  19. 将具有负离子功能的材料嫁接于竹、木地板专用UV漆这个载体上,使其与竹、木地板结合后具备治理空气污染、提高空气品质之功效。

    By combining anion material with UV paint , the flooring is expected to equipped with air purification function and hence it could improve the interior air quality .

  20. 用于生产甲醛释放量为E0级、E1级人造板、木地板、家具用脲醛树脂生产。

    For the production of non-wood based panel , wood based panel , and furniture used urea-formaldehyde resin with the E0 class , E1 class formaldehyde released .

  21. 在中国室内装修中使用了大量合成的建造材料,例如木地板、地毯、墙纸等,引起了室内空气品质的问题,并且它们散发的挥发性有机化合物(VOC)可能会导致不良的健康反应。

    In China , indoor decorations using synthetic building materials have resulted in indoor air pollution , and the emitted volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) may cause health complaints .

  22. 在清洁产品中,利基产品例如不锈钢专用清洁剂和木地板清洁皂的销售有所下滑,因为家庭开始选择使用多功能的Cif清洁剂。

    In the cleaning aisles , sales of niche products such as specialist stainless steel cleaners and soaps for wood floors are declining as families opt for multi-purpose Cif cleaners .

  23. 体育木地板的结构对运动员BLA生化指标变化有显著的影响,BLA值随着运动时间的延长和强度的增加而增大。

    The structure of WFG had a significant effect on sports biochemistry index changing for sportsmen , BLA value increased with sport time prolonging and intensity increasing .

  24. 深沉的木地板和黑色大理石不见了(三楼还是木地板和大理石),取而代之的是白色大理石、白色墙壁、以及满墙的Instagram式语句。

    Gone is all the masculine wood paneling and stately dark marble ( though they remain on the three floors below ) . In their place is light marble and white walls , full of nooks for exploring and eminently Instagrammable whimsy .

  25. 采用大环境舱模拟实际室内空气环境,研究室内装修用强化木地板甲醛的散发规律,并研究环境因素对处于稳定散发期的木地板甲醛散发的影响,同时对VOCs化学成分进行检测。

    The regularity of formaldehyde emission from laminate flooring was studied by adopting a full-scale environment chamber simulating indoor environment . During the study , effects of environment on formaldehyde emission in the steady emission phase were also investigated , and other VOCs emitted were detected from the flooring .

  26. 木地板及各种门类产品,专业生产销售Jasoo牌系列水龙头及卫浴五金,款式新颖,色彩丰富,欢迎各界人仕光临选购。

    Wood and various categories of products , professional production and sales JASOO brand series faucets and sanitary hardware , novel style , color is rich , welcome to visit and persons .

  27. 这对木地板行业的发展提出了新的挑战。

    This gives new challenges to the industry of wood floor .

  28. 文章对我国木地板业今后的进一步发展提出了建议。

    Suggestions are proposed for the further development of the industry .

  29. 我住在梦想中的铺有木地板的房子里了吗?

    Do I live in the dream house with wood floors ?

  30. 厨房铺的是木地板还是瓷砖

    Are there floorboards in the kitchen or is it tile ?