
  • 网络rehearsal hall
  1. 苏州科技学院排练厅的音质设计

    A Discussion on the Acoustical Design of a Rehearsal Hall

  2. 如果你来到这里,我一定带你去排练厅听他们的演唱,好吗?

    If you arrive here , I certainly lead you to rehearse the hall to listen to their singer ?

  3. 不过,欢乐合唱团最终克服了困难,成为一个男女混声合唱团。多年来,亨德里楼的排练厅是团员们暂时忘记学习和其它压力的避风港。

    Yale Students down through the years have found the Glee Club 's rehearsal room in Hendrie Hall a refuge from academic , and other pressures .