
pái bǎn
  • set type;compose type;type setting;compose;composition;set
排版 [pái bǎn]
  • (1) [set type;compose]

  • (2) 将单个由纸型翻铸的铅版排在版上或把单个邮票印版排在整版上

  • (3) 在邮票上加印东西的安排

  • (4) [composition]∶见排字

排版[pái bǎn]
  1. 这种机器让报纸出版发生了革命性改变,使得少量操作员在一天内排版大量页数成为可能。

    The machine revolutionized newspaper publishing , making it possible for a relatively small number of operators to set type for many pages on a daily basis .

  2. Windows应用程序开发&化学结构式排版软件设计

    DEVELOPMENT OF APPLIED PROGRAM IN WINDOWS & Composing software design of chemical structure formula

  3. 现在可以屏幕排版。

    Pages can now be typeset on-screen .

  4. 那本书已在排版,很快就可以印出来。

    The book will soon be published , the type is being set up now .

  5. 错误的排版是由于难以辨认的拷贝造成的。

    The infelicitous typesetting was due to illegible copy .

  6. 方正飞腾排版软件与Word文档的转换方法探析

    Analysis of the methods of conversion between Word and Founder FIT

  7. Word文档图片在方正排版前的导出与处理

    Deriving and Processing Pictures of Word Documents Before Being Typeset in Founder System

  8. 用Word进行毕业论文编辑排版的技巧

    The Skills of Typesetting a Thesis By Using Word

  9. 永中Office办公套件维文版的设计&多语言混合排版的设计

    Design of Uigur Edition Evermore Office : Design of Multiple Language Mix Typography

  10. 用XML实现基于大型数据库的结构化排版

    Structured Typesetting with XML Based on Large - Scale Database

  11. 用XML语言解决网络排版文件在网上的发布

    Publish File of Typesetting on WEB by Utilizing XML

  12. 图纸中图块的排版问题直接影响到CAD自动出图系统的出图效果。

    Drawing layout will directly influence drawing quality in automatic CAD drawing system .

  13. 在上面的例子中,缩进排版使Java代码更易辨读。

    Indentation makes Java code easier to read .

  14. 生成的试卷和试卷答案以Word形式保存,方便教师进行排版和打印操作。

    The test-sheet and answer-sheet will be saved in Microsoft word for convenient layout settings and printing .

  15. 基于Java的图像排版系统的设计

    Design of Images Typesetting System with Java

  16. 本词典的英文排版用的是PressRoman字体。

    This dictionary is set in Press Roman .

  17. 利用VBA在Word中实现自动排版功能

    Realization of automatic typesetting in MS. Word using VBA

  18. AUTOCAD图形和WPS汉字编辑排版的研究

    Study on AUTO CAD Drawing and WPS Chinese Characters Composing

  19. 基于AutoCAD环境的工程图纸自动排版系统的设计

    Engineering Drawing Auto-Composing System Design Based on AutoCAD

  20. 英文科技论文的LaTeX排版

    On Typesetting English Science Papers in LaTeX Format

  21. PCB排版对提高单片机应用系统可靠性的研究

    Research of PCB employed in MCU application system

  22. 虽然有些模版允许完整的控制操作,不过大多数应用只会提供简单的文字或图片给Windows排版。

    While there are templates that allow full control , most applications will simply provide text and images that Windows will layout .

  23. AutoCAD在计算机排版中的运用北大方正书版软件的排版技巧

    APPLICATION OF AUTOCAD IN TYPESETTING BY COMPUTER Typesetting Skills in Using Beida Fangzheng Book Edition Software

  24. 利用PLT文件实现AutoCAD图纸的自动排版打印

    Automatic Typeset and Print of AutoCAD Drawings by PLT Files

  25. 指出了科技期刊在排版录入中的一些常见错误。就word软件与北大方正排版系统兼容性进行了探讨。

    This paper points out some common errors in typesetting and recording of science periodicals and discusses the compatibility of Microsoft Word with Beida Founder typesetting system .

  26. 面向问题的CL排版语言及其实现

    Problem-oriented CL language and its implementation

  27. 由于它们使用颜色、黑体字和其它排版属性来模仿能处理XML内容的字处理器,因此被称为“伪所见即所得”。

    They are called " pseudo-WYSIWYG " because they use color , boldness , and other typographic attributes to emulate a word processor with XML content .

  28. 应用VB进行OLE对象数据的自动排版

    Automatic Typesetting with OLE Object in VB

  29. 接着从Adobe购买排版软件,激光打印机就这样面市了

    We got the software from Adobe , we introduced the laser writer .

  30. 介绍了一种利用VBA对Word编程来排版的方法,可以实现高速、自动的排版。

    The article introduces a method of setting up type by Word program . It can achieve high speed , automatic typesetting .