
pái shuǐ nénɡ lì
  • Drainage capacity;drain ability
  1. 其措施包括:提高排水能力,将洪水蓄积在金融城名下的开放空间内&例如汉普特斯西斯公园(HampsteadHeath),确保新建筑物能够经受住洪水和干旱的侵袭。

    Measures include increasing drain capacity , holding flood-water in City-owned open spaces such as Hampstead Heath and ensuring new buildings can survive floods and droughts .

  2. 调蓄池提高已建系统排水能力的水力模拟研究

    Modeling of applying detention tanks to increase drainage capacity for existing sewer system

  3. 河南省主要城市供排水能力的综合评价

    Synthesis Estimation of Water Supply and Drainage of Main Cities in Henan Province

  4. 东鞍山铁矿水文地质及贮排水能力的确定

    Determination on Hydrogeology State and Water Storage and Drainage Capacity of East Anshan Iron Mine

  5. 驱动压力的大小和流动路线上的阻力是排水能力的明显成因和限制因素。

    The size of driving pressure and resistance of flowing path are distinct elements and limiting factors .

  6. 通过改造提高了内环高架路的排水能力。

    After the transforming , the drainage ability of elevated roads of the Inner Ring Line has been raised .

  7. 为此,在设计这类油库时,必须计算渗流量,以便决定排水能力。

    Therefore , the sinking rate must be calculated in the design of such oil storage in order to determine discharge capacity .

  8. 在干旱半干旱地区,土工布通常处于非饱和环境中,其排水能力取决于非饱和导水特性。

    In arid or semiarid regions , geotextiles are always used in unsaturated conditions , so that the drainage ability depends on unsaturated hydraulic characteristics of geotextiles .

  9. 在水稻栽培管理中,免耕稻田应及时清理沟系,保持农田排灌系统的畅通,以提高土壤内排水能力;

    In rice cultivation management , the irrigation and drainage system in zero-tillage rice fields should be kept unblocked , inorder to enhance the drainage ability of soil .

  10. 随着矿井的技术改造和生产能力的提高,原有中央水泵房的排水能力已不能满足生产需要。

    Along with the technique reformation of the mine and the exaltation of the production abilities , the drainage ability of the original central pump house of water can 't satisfy it .

  11. 储水量和0~40cm储水量分别较纯林和荒地提高了12.4%、22.7%,排水能力也较强。

    The water total storage and water storage of 0 ~ 40 cm soil layer in mixed plantation were 12.4 % , 22.7 % higher than those in pure plantation and wild land .

  12. 作为城市环境的重要组成部分,城市水环境存在着水资源短缺、水体污染严重、洪涝干旱多、城市排水能力低下以及城市内涝频繁发生等问题。

    As a significant part of the urban environment , the urban water environment has many problems , such as water resource shortage , severe water pollutions , more floods and droughts , low drainage ability , frequent urban water-logging and so forth .

  13. 矿井涌水量是确定矿床水文地质条件复杂程度的重要指标,更是生产设计部门制定开采方案,确定矿坑排水能力、制定疏干措施,防止重大矿井水害的重要依据。

    Mine discharge is an Important index to determine the Hydrogeological condition complexity of the Ore Deposit , Mine Discharge is an Important basis for the Production design department of formulating Mining scheme , determining mine drainage capacity , enacting Well-precipitation measures and Preventing major mine flood .

  14. 船舶破舱后排水施救能力的确定

    Determination of Drainage and Rescue Capability for Vessel Breakage

  15. 提出船舶破舱危险状态的概念,确定船舶危险状态所对应的进水速度,通过将此船舶破舱进水速度与船舶排水设备能力的比较确定船舶的施救能力。

    Furthermore , concept of dangerous condition for damaged ship is put forward , flooding velocity of dangerous condition is fixed and it 's ability of rescue is determined by comparing flooding velocity with discharging velocity .

  16. 道路开口式排水口排水能力分析

    Analysis of Water Drainage Capacity by Road Open Outlet

  17. 以往较注重竖向排水系统排水能力的研究,而忽略了对水平排水系统排水能力的研究。

    The drainage capacity of vitical drains has been paid more attention in the past , but drainage capacity of horizontal drainage system has been overlooked .

  18. 为了使理论结果可以应用到实际路面的设计计算中,本文分别对几种不同路面结构形式的内部排水系统排水能力进行计算,并对其附属设施进行了设计。

    To apply the academic result to actual design and calculation , we calculate the drainage ability and design the attaching facilities of some different kinds of construction .

  19. 对排水口排水能力的水力计算,综合考虑了边沟形式、边沟内水流量、铺面横坡、道路纵坡等因素,得出了排水口排水能力在不同条件下的变化规律。

    Hydraulic calculation for water drainage capability of water outlet takes comprehensive consideration of factors such as side ditch form , water flow inside side ditch , pavement lateral gradient , etc. , so to conclude the changing rules of water drainage capability of outlet under different conditions .

  20. 塑料排水立管通水能力探讨

    Discussion on Drainage Ability of Plastic Run-Off Standpipe

  21. 大空隙沥青稳定碎石排水基层具有透水能力强和便于机械化施工等优点,较多作为排水基层材料。

    Asphalt Treated Permeable Base ( ATPB ) material has been widely used due to its high drainability and construction convenience .

  22. 解决塑料排水立管通水能力的关键在于确定立管最大允许充水率α值。

    The key to the solution of maximum discharge capacity of plastic drainage stack in building was to determine the maximum allowable fullness ratio , α of the stack .

  23. 蛇形起伏排水管道过流能力受起伏高度影响明显,不受起伏个数的影响。

    The serpentine of the drains flow capacity by the ups and downs of high-impact is obvious , and has no capacity by the number of the ups and downs .

  24. 组件2能够实现地下水源补给,提升排水管道泄流能力,减轻泄洪河道下游压力和实现废物利用。

    Devise 2 can realize the replenishing of ground water and increase the discharge capacity of the pipe and ease the pressure of flood discharge in the lower stream of river canal and recycle the waste .

  25. 伸顶通气排水立管的排水能力与管径的关系

    Relation between Capacity and Diameter of Drainage Stack

  26. 受制于国家尚无固定的排水立管系统的排水能力试验装置、设备、方法和判定标准,在不同的试验中,方法、标准不一致,所得结果也不一致。

    There is no fixed subject to state water drainage capacity of riser system test device , equipment , methods , and determine standards in different experiments , methods and standards are inconsistent , the results are inconsistent .

  27. 日本测试方法不按照终限理论来确定给排水立管的最大通水能力,而是按测试塔测试结果决定排水立管的最大排水能力。

    JaPan is not in accordance with the final test method to determine the theoretical limit to the maximum water standpipe with water caPacity , but the test results by test tower riser determine the maximum water drainage caPacity .

  28. 为了减少由此带来的由于农业污染物流失造成的环境问题,控制排水措施可以灵活调节现有系统的排水能力。

    Controlled drainage can be used to reduce the drainage rate for the current system .

  29. 指出了城镇排水中存在的主要问题:城镇环境的变化导致排水能力降低以及排水设计中暴雨强度公式和水力设计问题。

    The paper points out the main problems of urban drainage : the drainage capacity decreasing due to changes of urban environment , the formula of storm intensity in drainage design and the problem of hydraulic design .

  30. 针对隧道采用“以堵为主,限量排放”的防排水措施后,衬砌外水荷载的计算,以及排水系统排水能力大小对衬砌外水荷载的影响进行了探讨。

    In this paper , in case of grouting reinforcement and based on calculation of external water pressure , the effect of drainage volume on the external water pressure on lining is discussed .