
  • 网络emission levels;NOx
  1. 本文研究了燃烧各种燃料的炉膛内二氧化氮(NO2)和氧化亚氮(N2O)的形成过程及其排放水平。

    Studied in this paper is the process of formation in a boiler furnace of nitrogen dioxides and nitrogen monoxides and their emission levels resulting from the combustion of various fuels .

  2. 呼吸-如果使用条件会产生粉尘,需戴上经过批准使用的防护口罩以适应粉尘的排放水平。

    Respiratory-if use conditions generate dusts , wear an approved respirator appropriate for those emission levels .

  3. 天然气再燃降低燃煤电站锅炉NOX的排放水平

    Decrease no_x emission of boilers from coal-burning power stations by gas re & burning

  4. IPCC称,目前工业化国家要达到的目标是在2000年,使炭的排放水平维持在1990年的水平上。但这仍将使炭的聚集持续1个世纪。

    The IPCC states that the current target adopted by the industrialized countries of returning carbon emissions to1990 levels by2000 will still result in rising concentrations for at least a century .

  5. 近年来,循环流化床(CFB)锅炉以其与煤粉锅炉相当的燃烧效率、低廉的脱硫成本、较低的氮氧化物排放水平以及广泛的燃料适应性而得到迅猛发展。

    Circulating fluidized bed ( CFB ) boiler has been more rapidly developed in recent years because of its comparative combusting efficiency with pulverized-coal ( PC ) boiler , cheaper desulfurization cost , lower NOx emission and wide fuel applicability .

  6. 报道了采用流化床焚烧高浓度混煤农药废液时,床温对不同混煤比例农药废液燃烧效率、CO排放水平的影响,并研究了N2O生成与NO、CO的关联性。

    In fluidized bed incineration of high concentration pesticide wastewater mixed with coal at different ratios , the bed temperature has an impact on combustion efficiency and carbon monoxide emission level . The relevancy of nitrous oxide formation to nitric oxide and carbon monoxide is also investigated .

  7. EIA的分析与中国的增长情况相符:2013年之前的10年期间,中国经济高速增长,现在则缓慢得多。但这项分析也让气候变化谈判者赖以确定各国排放水平的计算陷入了混乱。

    The EIA 's analysis squares with the supercharged economic growth of the decade before 2013 and much slower growth now but throws into confusion the calculations on which climate change negotiators rely to determine the level of emissions produced by each nation .

  8. 在空燃比较高(大于13)的情况下,采用适当的废气再循环可显著降低排气中HC的生成量,这为改善现代汽油机怠速工况下的排放水平提供了有效的途径。

    Under the conditions of high air / fuel ratio ( higher than 13 ) proper EGR ( Exhaust Gas Recirculation ) can reduce HC emissions dramatically , which suggests a good method to improve the emissions level under idling speed in modern gasoline engines .

  9. 将汽油缸内直接喷射技术(GDI)用于LPG发动机,以根本解决其动力性下降的缺点,并进一步提高燃料经济性和排放水平,满足现代车用发动机的要求。

    In order to solve the problem of power losses and to improve the fuel economy & the emission level , the research purpose of this paper is using GDI technology on LPG-fueled engines ; and the engines can satisfy the demand of modem vehicles .

  10. 国产摩托车排气污染物排放水平及机内净化措施研究

    Emission Level and Research of in-engine Emission Control of Domestic-made Motorcycles

  11. 我国车用压燃式发动机排放水平及现状分析

    A Study on the Present Emission Level of Compression Ignition Engines in China

  12. 每个省和城市都根据其排放水平进行了颜色编码。

    Each province and city is color-coded based on its level of emission .

  13. 国产柴油机废气排放水平的分析

    The Exhaust Emission Level of Chinese-made Diesel Engines

  14. 该循环可在试验室内对摩托车实际道路行驶的排放水平进行准确的评估和分析。

    It can give relatively accurate evaluation and analysis of emission factors of motorcycles .

  15. 但与快速城市化这一更为紧迫的挑战相比,排放水平是次要的。

    But emissions levels are secondary to the more immediate challenges of rapid urbanisation .

  16. 尽管如此,各市实施的公共交通运输政策仍有可能在2030年之前使排放水平降低26%。

    Nevertheless , public transportation policies in cities could reduce emissions by26 percent by2030 .

  17. 不同排放水平的轻型汽油车燃用中国燃油后污染物排放劣化分析

    Analysis on pollutants deterioration of light-duty gasoline fuelled vehicles with different emission control technologies in China

  18. 结果反映目前中国城市机动车污染物排放水平及各污染物排放特征。

    The result basically showed the character and level of motor vehicle emission in Chinese city .

  19. 欧盟已承诺在1990年排放水平上减排20%。

    The European Union has pledged to cut emissions by 20 per cent compared with 1990 levels .

  20. 在二甲醚中掺入氢气燃烧,可有效改善二甲醚发动机的燃烧和性能,并同时大幅度降低发动机的废气排放水平。

    DME fuel mixed with hydrogen will be helpful to improve engine performance and reduce engine emissions .

  21. 若以1990年排放水平为基准,美国的目标将只有3%的减排幅度。

    Using 1990 as a baseline , the US target would represent only a 3 per cent cut .

  22. 但是这并不意味着发展中国家的城市可以忽略它们的温室气体排放水平。

    But this does not mean that cities in developing countries can ignore their levels of GHG emissions .

  23. 其中一个关键问题是,是否为发展中国家降低其二氧化碳排放水平设定有约束力的目标。

    A key question is whether to set targets for developing countries to reduce their levels of carbon dioxide emissions .

  24. 它希望对目前的碳排放水平进行测量,并定下了在2010年前减排10%的目标。

    It wants to measure the current level of carbon emissions and set a 10 per cent reduction target by 2010 .

  25. 此外,在中国较富裕的地区,高增长和生活方式的改变已经造成了西方式的碳排放水平。

    Moreover , in the richer parts of the country , high growth and lifestyle changes have already created western-level emissions .

  26. 通过对柴油机关键系统&进排气系统、燃烧系统的持续改进,特别是不断提高燃油系统的喷射压力,柴油机的排放水平已经有了明显的提高。

    The exhaust emissions of diesel engines have been greatly reduced by improving the key systems , especially continual increasing injection pressure .

  27. 本文详细的介绍了喷嘴的结构参数对降低直喷式柴油机的排放水平所起的作用和影响。

    This paper introduces the effect and influence of the parameters of nozzles for reduction on exhausts emission levels in DI diesel .

  28. 同样,同其它国家相比,由于广泛使用乙醇,巴西交通运输行业的碳排放水平较低。

    Similarly , the Brazilian transportation sector is low-carbon in comparison to other countries , due to the widespread use of ethanol .

  29. 这是和2005年的排放水平相比较而言。中央政府正不遗余力发展环境友好型新能源。

    That 's compared to the level of2005.The central government is devoting major efforts and resources to develop environmentally-friendly renewable and nuclear energies .

  30. 怠速工况是发动机的重要工况之一,与发动机的排放水平、能源消耗有密切的关系。

    Idle speed condition which has close relation to the engine emissions and energy consumption , is one of the important working condition .