
  • 网络emission;Source;primary source
  1. 而火力发电厂是最重要的SO2、NOx排放源。

    While the thermal power plant is the most important emission source of SO_2 and NO_X .

  2. 广州市住宅室内PM(2.5)排放源的定量计算

    Quantification of pm_ ( 2.5 ) indoor emission source intensity in residence of Guangzhou City

  3. 土壤是全球最主要的氧化亚氮(N2O)排放源。

    Soil is the most important source of the N_2O .

  4. 植物&大气N2O的一个潜在排放源

    Plant : a potential source of the atmospheric n_2o

  5. 北京市主要PM(10)排放源成分谱分析

    Analysis of PM_ ( 10 ) Source Profiles in Beijing

  6. 而燃煤锅炉烟气量大,是CO2的主要排放源。

    Coal-fired boiler emissions a great quantity of flue gas , and it is main emission source of CO2 .

  7. 对CO2排放源的不确定性分析表明,中国CO2排放存在大于10%的减排潜力。

    Analyses on the uncertainty of CO2 emissions shows that the potential mitigation of CO2 emission in China exceeds 10 % .

  8. 采用有限元法,考虑洞口排放源、洞口边界与东线洞口排放及隧道西线洞口进风的影响,对该特长隧道洞口排放形成的垂直和水平二维CO质量浓度分布及通量场进行了数值计算。

    The CO concentration distribution and flux field for both horizontal section and vertical section around outside portals were numerically calculated using finite element method .

  9. 土壤是N2O的重要排放源。

    Soil is the main source of nitrous oxide .

  10. 应用初步建立的全球二维大气化学模式,对工业革命以来甲烷的长期变化进行了模拟研究。模式将CH4、CO和NOx排放源方案进行了参数化。

    A global two-dimensional chemistry model is developed to study long-term trends of methane ( CH4 ) since industrial revolution .

  11. 应用二维大气化学模式对此原因进行了模拟研究,结果表明,CO排放源的减少是CO体积分数下降的主要因子,平流层臭氧减少是另一个重要因子。

    It is shown that the decrease of CO emissions is the main cause of the decrease of CO and another one is depletion of stratospheric ozone .

  12. 矿物燃料燃烧是中国CO2的最大排放源,占总排放的90%以上。

    The main emission of CO2 , which account for 90 % of total emission , is from mineral fuel combustion in energy using .

  13. 燃煤电厂是CO2的一个集中排放源,控制燃煤电厂CO2的排放对于应对全球气候变暖问题具有重要的意义。

    Coal-fired power plant is a concentrative CO2 emission source.CO2 emission control in coal-fired power plants has significant effect on global warming and greenhouse effect .

  14. 未来中国煤炭将主要用于发电,燃煤电站将因此成为CO2的主要排放源。

    In the future China will use its coal mainly for power generation , coal-firing power stations will thus become the main source of CO2 emission .

  15. 通过Green函数分量与排放源强的线性组合,得到了公路机动车排放为多点源、线源和面源时污染物浓度三维分布的解析解。

    By choosing appropriate sub-Green functions and source strength , three-dimensional analytical ambient concentration distributions of air pollutants from different highway vehicular emission types such as multiple point , line , and area releases are given .

  16. 结果表明,春季(5月)崇明东滩湿地是大气CH4的排放源。

    The results showed that CH_4 was the source in CM into the atmosphere in Spring ( May ) .

  17. 比较这些数据可看出,有机堆肥是N2O较强的排放源,稻田和燃烧过程也是大气N2O的源。

    Comparing with these data , following results could be shown ; the organic piles had stronger source activity ; rice field and combustion process were the sources of air N2O .

  18. 燃煤电厂是CO2的集中排放源,分离捕集烟气中的CO2对控制CO2的排放量尤为重要。

    The coal-fired power plant is the concentrated emission source of CO2 , and it is especially important to control CO2 emissions by separating and capturing CO2 from flue gas .

  19. 其中,农田施肥被认为是最重要的人为N2O直接排放源,约占全球人为直接排放源总量的28%。

    It is reported that the application of fertilizer is the most important direct source of N_2O and the amount of N_2O from the fertilizer is about 28 % of anthropogenic direct N_2O source .

  20. CO2主要来源于化石燃料的燃烧过程,燃煤电厂是二氧化碳的一个集中排放源,控制和减缓电厂烟气中CO2排放对于缓解全球气候变化具有重要意义。

    CO2 mainly comes from fossil fuel combustion process , and fossil fuels are main energy for the power plant , so coal-fired power plant is a concentrated emissions source of CO2 .

  21. 燃煤为最重要的NOx排放源,其排放量占燃料型NOx排放量的72.3%左右。

    Meanwhile , coal burning contributed about 72 3 % of the total fuel NO x emissions , which became the most important source of NO x emissions .

  22. N2O是一种重要的温室气体,其主要的排放源是土壤。

    Nitrous oxide ( N 2O ) is one of the important kinds of greenhouse gases , and it mainly comes from soil ecosystem .

  23. 中潮滩(CM-2)为大气CH4的排放源,在7月达到排放高峰;

    The middle tidal-flat of CM ( CM-2 ) was source of atmospheric methane and the maximum emission flux occurred in July ;

  24. 非生长季日间与夜间森林都主要表现为CO2的排放源,但在午间冠层部位仍有数小时表现为CO2的吸收过程。

    In non-growing season , the forest acted as CO_2 source in both daytime and night time , but still had a clear evidence of CO_2 assimilation at noon , with canopy location during non-growing season .

  25. 烧结工艺是钢铁生产过程中SO2的主要排放源,占钢铁行业SO2排放总量的60%左右。

    Sintering process is the main source of SO2 emissions in iron and steel company , which accounts for approximate 60 % of the total emission in iron and steel works .

  26. 而燃煤电站锅炉是环境中主要的NOx排放源之一,本文希望通过低成本的方式实现对电站锅炉NOx的减排。

    Considering coal-fired utility boilers is one of the main sources of NOx emission in the environment , this paper hopes NOx emission from utility boilers could be controlled by low-cost way .

  27. 而作为主要温室气体之一的甲烷(CH4),因为增温效能高、增长速度快,其排放源已成为国内外学者关注的焦点。

    As one of the major GHG , the emission source of methane ( CH4 ) has become the focus of attention of foreign scholars because warming and growing fast .

  28. 我国畜禽粪便管理系统是温室气体(CH4、N20)和氨气(NH3)的重要排放源之一。

    Manure management system is one of the major contributors of greenhouse gases ( CH4 , N2O ) and ammonia ( NH3 ) emission .

  29. 将沈阳市的大气污染排放源按其排放高度分成3类:(1)烟囱高度35m;

    The height of air pollution source in Shenyang is divided into three kinds : ( 1 ) the height of chimneys 35m ;

  30. 目前,全球N2O的源汇估算仍存在很大的不确定,并可能存在一些未知的重要排放源。

    Till now , large uncertainties still exist in the global budget of sources and sinks of N 2O , and possible there are certain important sources of N 2O unknown .