
  • 网络parquet;mosaic;Pattern
  1. 客房享有精致的风格,以真正的拼花地板装饰。

    Rooms exude a sophisticated style and feature real parquet floors .

  2. 数控超高压水射流切割技术在加工实木拼花地板中的应用

    Application of Numerical Control Super High Pressure Abrasive Water Jet Cutting in Machining of Solid Wood Parquet

  3. 基于VISUALBASIC实现石材拼花参数化设计

    Parameters Design of Stone Pattern Based on Visual Basic

  4. 我到教堂看染色拼花玻璃窗去了。

    I went to the church to see the stained glass .

  5. 下去的时候别砸坏了理石拼花。

    Please don 't break the terrazzo floor when you land .

  6. 我们可以根据客户指定的设计和尺寸来做出水刀拼花。

    We can do water-jet as your size and design .

  7. 瓷砖拼花的表现形式及其应用

    The expression forms and application of the pattern composition of polished tile

  8. 薄木镶嵌拼花装饰的构图与工艺

    Patterns and Technology of Veneer Match and Inlay Decoration

  9. 分形几何在石材拼花图案设计中的应用

    Application of Fractal Geometry in Stone Pattern Design

  10. 狗嘴里的口水滴到了拼花地板上。

    The dog dribbled onto the parquet .

  11. 可加工圆柱、罗马柱、拼花、异形门套、石线、台板等。

    Processing column , Roman column , pattern , special shaped , stone borders , countertop .

  12. 用于高级拼花板,单板,餐台,木皮贴面,办公家具。

    Uses in putting together the top board high-level , the veneer , the dining table .

  13. 然后从构成形式和构成技法两方面归纳总结出了现有瓷砖拼花的艺术表现形式。

    The expression forms and application of the pattern composition of polished tile is emphatically discussed .

  14. 台阶两旁都是雕像,他穿过华丽的陈设着画像和铺着拼花地板的厅室。

    Then he went on through richly-furnished chambers , over mosaic floors , amid gorgeous pictures .

  15. 建筑用木工制品,包括蜂窝结构木镶板、已装拼的拼花地板、木瓦及盖屋板。

    Builders'joinery and carpentry of wood , including cellular wood panels , assembled flooring panels , shingles and shakes .

  16. 它变成了这个新世界的立面:一个水平的拼花玻璃窗&一个密集的、三维地下城市的窗户。

    It becomes the facade of this new world : an horizontal Vitrail : a church window of the dense three-dimensional underground city .

  17. 电视组合柜别具心思,印有不少拼花图案,让柜子变得不再平凡。

    TV combines ark not to have idea , imprint have many pattern spelling a flower , let a cabinet become no longer ordinary .

  18. 地毯砖由于创造了全新装饰美学,成为取代艺术地毯和拼花抛光砖的最新时尚产品。

    Because of creating a new decoration aesthetic , the carpet brick becomes the newest fashion product replacing artistic carpet and parquet polishing brick .

  19. 为了适应产品风格的需要,大风范的设计师对产品做了大量的木皮拼花设计。

    In order to meet the needs of the style of products , the stylists do many split joint of wood belt designing for products .

  20. 在室内环境设计中,石材主要以整体性装饰和点缀性装饰两种方式被广泛地应用于室内的界面装饰,其中图案拼花是一种最为重要的装饰手法。

    Under the concept of ecological interior environment design , stone has two kind of decorative ways : integrity adornment and dotted adornment , which are used widely in interior decoration . Pattern spelling flowers is a kind of most important decorative method .