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  • Spelling;spell check
  1. 据达戈斯蒂诺说,Crystal是继拼写检查功能之后对电子邮件的最大改进。

    According to Mr D'Agostino , Crystal is the biggest improvement to email since the spell check .

  2. 如果你一定要用Facebook向老板求职,那就说些有趣的话,并用拼写检查工具检查一下拼写。

    If you do Facebook the owner , have something interesting to say and use a spell check .

  3. 现代文字处理器通常带有拼写检查功能,有的还有语法检查功能。

    Modern word processors usually have spelling checkers and even grammar checkers .

  4. MicrosoftWORD的拼写检查功能及其引用

    Spelling - check function of Microsoft Word and its application

  5. 增强对presentation模板文件中拼写检查的支持

    Improved support for spell checking in presentation template files

  6. 输入您的Google授权号,以及您想要拼写检查的短语。

    Enter your Google authorization key and the phrase that you want to spell-check .

  7. SpellCheck,这种扩展为纯文本文件、注释、字符串和HTML/ASP代码提供了拼写检查功能。

    Spell Check , an extension that provides spell check in plain text files , comments , strings and HTML / ASP .

  8. 使用一个外部的代表性状态转移(REST)服务,例如Google建议,Yahoo拼写检查等等。

    Use an external representational state transfer ( REST ) service , such as Google suggestions , Yahoo spell-checking , and so on .

  9. 如果启用自动拼写检查功能,则您可以在一些office程序中右键单击经常出现拼写错误的单词,并将其直接添加到自动更正列表。

    If you enable automatic spelling checking , in some office programs you can right-click a word that you typically misspell and add it directly to the AutoCorrect list .

  10. 经验更丰富的用户可利用改善的代码生成性能、模型指标、拼写检查、更好的自定义选项,以及改进的RationalTeamConcert集成。

    More experienced users can take advantage of improved code generation performance , model metrics , spell checking , better customization options , and improved integration with Rational Team Concert .

  11. 此外,在Lite模式中,拼写检查得到了增强。

    Also , the user experience for spell check has been enhanced for Lite mode .

  12. 我学业成绩不好,连“academic”这个词都拼不出来(此刻,没有那棒极了的微软文档“拼写检查”小功能的帮助,我也能拼出“academic”那个词,我都感到有些吃惊)。

    I wasn 't academic enough to spell academic . ( I 'm a little surprised right now that I was able to spell that without the aid of my nifty little Microsoft Word spell checker ) .

  13. 现在文字处理软件都有拼写检查(SpellingCheck),您实在没有理由拼错,否则雇主会觉得您连最基本的东西都不去做。

    Now a word processor has spell Check ( Spelling Check ), you really have no reason misspelled , otherwise employers will think you even the most basic things to do .

  14. 一种采用自动校正的UPS蓄电池组巡检系统的设计如果所选语言的词典有效,拼写检查程序和其他校对工具将自动使用该词典。

    Design of An Automatic Correction of The UPS Battery Inspection System The speller and other proofing tools automatically use dictionaries of the selected language , if available .

  15. 要在打开的项目中进行快速拼写检查,请按f7键。

    To quickly check spelling in an open item , press f7 .

  16. 不幸的是,Soundex算法是一个差劲的拼写检查备选方案。

    Unfortunately , the Soundex algorithm is a poor candidate for spell checking .

  17. 这样,基于Soundex的拼写检查应用程序就无法把lamb作为拼写错误的lam的修改建议。

    A spell check application based on Soundex would not , therefore , offer lamb as a suggested correction for the misspelling lam .

  18. 该技术目前尚处于初级阶段,但如果你在思考,到底“苹果语音助手”(Apple'sSiri)和“谷歌语音搜索”(GoogleVoiceSearch)谁会在这场竞争中取胜,那就想想拼写检查给我们的启示吧。

    It is still early days , but if you 're thinking about which side will win in the battle between Apple 's Siri and Google Voice Search , consider the lesson of spell check .

  19. 微软必应(MicrosoftBing)证明,施密特关于谷歌独有拼写检查功能的说法并不完全正确,但也只有微软这种规模的大公司才能应付这样的问题。

    Microsoft Bing has proved Mr. Schmidt was not entirely correct in Google owning spell check , but it does take a company of Microsoft 's size to come at the problem .

  20. 在文章结尾,我会用一个实例,演示在Jazzy的帮助下,您可以很容易地把它的拼写检查特性合并到Java应用程序中。

    I 'll close the article with a working example that demonstrates the ease with which Jazzy can help you incorporate its spell checking features into your Java applications .

  21. 这个规则保证了lam和lamb会有相同的编码(LM),这样就使拼写检查应用程序能够为lam提供正确的替换。

    This rule ensures that lam and lamb will have the same encoding ( LM ), thus enabling a spell check application to offer the correct replacement for lam .

  22. 从Word的COM体系结构入手,重点探讨了与拼写检查有关的对象、方法和属性,以及在应用编程时通过会话框来引用Word的拼写检查功能的模块化方法。

    This paper begins with the COM architecture of Word , and concentrates on the objects and their methods & properties , and finally focuses on the design of a module based on dialog box which invokes the spelling-check function of Word .

  23. 中文的VISUALBASIC6.0是一种比较流行和实用的编程语言,但是复杂计算的问题没有提供相应的公式,且没有拼写检查和单词统计等方面的功能。

    Chinese Visual Basic 6.0 is a rather popular and widely applied programming language . But due to the lack of corresponding formulae for complicated calculation and such functions as spelling-check and words counting , we can employ the software OFFICE to make up for them .

  24. Enchant:了解如何使用此包装器执行拼写检查,它在多个库上提供了统一性和一致性。

    Enchant : Learn about spell checking with this wrapper that provides uniformity and conformity on top of several libraries .

  25. 选中此设置时(在Mail-General面板中),LotusiNotes会在发送消息之前自动运行拼写检查。

    When this setting ( on the Mail-General panel ) is selected , Lotus iNotes automatically runs a spell check prior to sending a message .

  26. 辞典编撰学家,电视节目《倒计时》(Countdown)的常驻专家苏西•登特认为,这种现象源自于拼写检查和自动纠错等工具的流行。

    Susie Dent , lexicographer and resident word expert on TV show Countdown , believes the results were partly down to the prevalence of tools such as spellcheck and auto-correct .

  27. 这种不规范的后果就是,Soundex不太适合做英语中的拼写检查。

    As a consequence of this irregularity , the Soundex is not particularly well suited to spell checking in the English language .

  28. 虽然Soundex和Metaphone算法都很好地解决了语音模糊的匹配问题,但是如果不能纠正打字错误,那么拼写检查应用程序是不完整的。

    While both Soundex and Metaphone algorithms solve phonetic fuzzy matching very well , no spell checking application is complete without typo correction .

  29. 不过,这一切都吸引不了洛丽•米勒(LoriMiller)。作为一名文字处理专家,她的工作校对、拼写检查和设计版式似乎和梦想不沾边。

    None of that appeals to Lori Miller who , as a lead word processor , has to do things that don 't seem so dreamy , including proofreading , spell checking and formatting .

  30. 我们要保证尽可能快的启动Buzzword,其中要做的一件事情是在后台加载并解压主要的拼写检查字典。

    One of the things we do to make sure that Buzzword starts up as quickly as possible is to load and decompress the main spell check dictionary in the background .