- accessory protein

Its synthesis and expression are associated with cell proliferation and probably can regulate DNA duplication .
In the eukaryotic cells , DNA is packaged with some proteins to form a compact chromosome .
Scientists worry that such " naked " DNA might not flourish in a new cell because it would lack certain helper proteins .
Proliferation cell nuclear antigen ( PCNA ) is affiliated protein of DNA ploymerase 6 . It can be used to evaluate the state of cell proliferation .
The proliferating cell neclear antigen ( PCNA ) gathers more coenzyme for DNA . PCNA can lie in normal proliferating cells and cancer cells . It can present the character of cell proliferation .
At the same time , PTEN has the high homology with tensin and auxilin , PTEN may suppress cell migration , spreading , and adhesion formation .
Objectives To investigate genetic mutation of membrane cofactor protein ( MCP ) in patients with hemolytic uremic syndrome ( HUS ) .
There is growing evidence that IAV has evolved highly sophisticated strategies to overcome the antiviral signaling , such as antigen variation and encoding accessory proteins ( NS1 and PB1-F2 ) .
Histone chaperone is a class of proteins that help histone to correctly translocate and perform their functions during their biogenesis , function and metabolism .
Phosphatase and tensin homology deleted in chromosome 10 , hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha gene expression in colorectal adenoma and adenocarcinoma and their relation to vascular endothelial growth factor protein expression
Molecular cloning and expression of human complement membrane cofactor protein
Inhibition of the cytotoxicity of human complement by porcine endothelial cells expressing human membrane cofactor protein
Construction of the eukaryotic expression vector of human membrane cofactor protein and transfection NIH 3T_3 cells with chitosan nanoparticles
Computer-aided identification the secondary structure of BR at low temperature
The Fg concentration , FMPV / Amax were tested with assisting plasm Fg activity assay system .
Studies on the Ultrasonic Extraction of Horsebean Protein and It 's Functional Properties
The secretion apparatus of the type ⅴ secretion system is simple and no energy coupling or accessory factor seemed to be required for the translocation process .
Influencing factors in the refolding process of artificial molecular chaperone assisting chicken IL-18 recombination protein
Analyzing for serum proteome associated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancerObjective : To investigate changes of protein profiling before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy with paclitaxel and epirubicin ( TE ) program , seeking for possible therapeutic effect prediction proteins .
Calnexin , an important lectin-like chaperone in endoplasm reticulum , can assist in protein fol - ( ding ) and modulate Ca ~ ( 2 + ) homeostasis in cell .
Study on extraction and removing protein of polysaccharides from Schisandra chinensis
Ultrasonic and microwave Assisted Extraction of rapeseed protein
These are likely to be a multi-step processes , which are assisted by many nuclear-encoded auxiliary and regulatory proteins .
To study the correlation of the expression of Bax protein before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy with clinical effect , the expression of Bax protein was evaluated in tumor samples by immunohistochemistry in 23 patients with locally advanced cervical cancer before and after neoadjuvant intraarterial chemotherapy .