
xì bāo jiān qiáo
  • intercellular bridge
  1. 肿块活检提示Castleman病,直接免疫荧光示基底膜C3线状沉着,间接免疫荧光示抗棘细胞间桥粒IgG阳性阳性,均支持副肿瘤性天疱疮。

    The clinicopathologic diagnosis of paraneoplastic pemphigus was confirmed by biopsy of tumor for Castleman 's disease , direct immunofluorescence staining of linear C3 deposition in the cutaneous basal layer and indirect immunofluorescence staining of IgG against desmosome between keratinocytes .

  2. 多核结构和细胞间桥自始至终存在于精子发生过程中。

    There are intercellular bridges and multinuclear structure from the early stages until the end of the spermatogenesis .

  3. 5例很像膀胱移行上皮癌,无细胞间桥,即使在小角化珠旁的多边形癌细胞,也无细胞间桥或非常罕见,与鳞状细胞癌不同。

    In 5 cases the tumor closely resembles urinary bladder transitional cell carcinoma without intercellular bridges , a sign which distinguishes this tumor from squamous cell carcinoma .

  4. 光镜和电镜观察发现复合皮片移植区棘细胞间桥粒清晰,基底膜连续而完整等。

    It was demonstrated by light and transmission electron microscopy that the desmosome between the spinous cells is clear and the basement membrane is continuous and intact in the composite graft site .

  5. E-P-组细胞间的桥粒及镶嵌连接有减少趋势,但差异无显著性(P>0.5,0.1)。

    The results revealed decreasing tendency in the numbers of desmosomes and interdigitations of the cells in E  ̄ - P  ̄ - tumors , but compared with those of the cells in E  ̄ + P  ̄ + tumors there was no significant difference ( P > 0.05,0.1 ) .

  6. 电镜观察可见胞质内含成束的张力细丝,相邻细胞间有桥粒结构。

    Under electronmicroscope , bunches of tonofilaments were clearly shown in the cytoplasm , and desmosomes were seen between neighbouring cells .

  7. 线粒体颗粒状,细胞间仍有桥连通。

    Mitochondria and the cytoplasmic bridges between cells are still present .

  8. 高倍镜下,细胞边界清楚、细胞间桥、粉红色胞质均是鳞状细胞癌的特征。

    The pink cytoplasm with distinct cell borders and intercellular bridges characteristic for a squamous cell carcinoma are seen here at high magnification .

  9. 电镜显示肿瘤细胞有大量的细丝、细胞间桥和细胞连接。

    Electron microscopically , the tumor cells showed prominent masses of filaments , and the cells processed intercellular junctions .

  10. 电镜下观察到淋巴管内皮细胞的超微结构,细胞间有类似桥粒样结构。

    Under TEM , ultrastructure of LECs , desmosome - like structures and so on were observed .

  11. 电镜观察细胞表面微绒毛丰富,细胞间偶见桥粒等细胞连接。

    A plentiful of microvilli and fewer cell junctions such as desmosomes were observed by transmission electron microscopy .

  12. 自胚胎17d至成熟以后,在支持细胞与其周围的生殖细胞间见到大量类似桥粒和类似中间连接等不典型的细胞连接。

    A lot of atypical junction between Sertoli cells and germ cells , such as resemble desmosome and intermediate junction can be observed from the 17th day of embryo .

  13. 体外培养的小鼠精原干细胞常呈不完全的胞质分裂,细胞间由细胞间桥相连而呈链状或团状的细胞群丛,细胞群常由偶数细胞组成。

    The cells were connected to one another by intercellular bridges as aligned or clumped population , which usual consists of even number cells .

  14. 在透射电镜下见到细胞胞浆内有张力原纤维,在二个相邻细胞间有桥粒。

    Under TEM , there were tonofilaments in the cytoplasm of cultured cells and desmosomes were seen between these cells .

  15. 细胞大小均一,核大,细胞表面有丰富的微绒毛,未见到细胞间的桥粒结构。

    Numerous microvilli were present in the cells and desmosomes were not observed .

  16. 发现光镜下所见的肿瘤组织内横纹肌肉瘤样细胞,电镜下可见其胞浆内有较多的张力原纤维,未见肌丝,癌细胞间可见成串的桥粒。

    We found that there were many tonofilaments in the rhabdomyosarcoma like cells observed with light microscope and there were not any myofilaments . A string of desmosomes can be seen between the cells .

  17. 精原细胞贴壁较迟,贴壁后呈规则的圆形或卵圆形,以链状或团块状位于体细胞层之上,细胞分裂不完全,相互间以细胞间桥相连。

    Then the spermatogonial cells , regularly round or ovoid in shape , adhered to the somatic cells in chains or clumps .