
  • 网络bacterial antigen;bacterium antigen
  1. 方法:以细菌抗原作为包被抗原,以酶标IgG作为标记二抗进行IgY药物针对不同病原菌抗体效价的间接ELISA检测。

    Methods : Antibody activity of IgY was studied by indirect ELISA with bacteria debris as coating antigen and enzyme-IgG as second antibody .

  2. 本文用半定量RT-PCR方法检测多种细胞因子、细菌抗原、丝裂原对P2X7受体表达的诱导作用,探索P2X7受体的诱导表达模式。

    RT-PCR was used to detect the constitutive level of P2X7 receptor and the levels upon stimulation with bacteria , bacterial product , mitogen and various cytokines in human PBMC and monocytes .

  3. 细菌抗原微阵列中玻片修饰方法比较

    Comparison of modification methods on glass slides used for antigen microarray

  4. 26种中草药中含痢疾杆菌等细菌抗原成分的初步检测

    Preliminary report on the investigation of bacterial antigenic determinant components in 26 kinds of Chinese medicinal herbs

  5. 这表明,酸处理的沙门氏菌作为异种细菌抗原的载体,在改变机体对某种抗原的免疫类型上具有一定的作用。

    Accordingly , it suggested that acid-treated bacteria as immune carrier could be of potential for altering the pattern of immune response to some antigens .

  6. HLAⅡ类抗原对细菌超抗原诱导人T细胞产生TNF的影响

    Influences of Types of HLA Class ⅱ Molecules on TNF Production from Human T-cells Stimulated with Superantigens

  7. 本文研究不同型别的HLAⅡ类抗原对细菌超抗原,葡萄球菌肠毒素B和链球菌致热毒素A,诱导人T细胞产生TNF的影响。

    The influences of types of HLA class ⅱ molecules on TNF production from human T-cells stimulated with superantigens , SEB and SPEA were investigated .

  8. 抗咽喉细菌复合抗原的IgY抗体活性研究

    Study on the activity of IgY against complex bacteria in pharynx and throat

  9. 用不同念珠菌的孢子和菌丝、其他常见酵母菌、细菌做抗原,用间接免疫荧光法(IIF)检测抗体特异性。

    Blastospore and mycelium of the clinical isolates and reference strains were used as antigens to prepare indirect immunofluorescence ( IIF ) test .

  10. 从Ag43/Fcε3嵌合细菌表面抗原蛋白疫苗免疫小鼠血清中分离纯化的免疫球蛋白过继免疫治疗取得和Ag43/Fcε3嵌合细菌表面抗原蛋白疫苗主动免疫治疗相似的效果。

    The effects on prevention and cure of asthma with purified immunoglobulins were similar to those of active immunization with Ag43 / Fc ε 3 chimeric bacterium surface antigen protein vaccination .

  11. 血清中,中药组鲤鱼NO和NOS的含量均显著高于对照组,而肝脏中仅在注射细菌性抗原后中药组iNOS的含量会显著高于对照组。

    The contents of NO and NOS in serum of Carps feed with Chinese herbal compound were significantly higher than them in control groups . However , in liver , only the contents of iNOS presenced the same change when bacterial antigen were injected .

  12. Ag43/Fcε3嵌合细菌表面抗原蛋白能够打破小鼠免疫系统对自身IgEFcε3结构域抗原的免疫耐受,产生抗自身IgEFcε3结构域的抗体。

    Ag43 / Fc ε 3 chimeric bacterium surface antigen protein vaccination could induce an autoimmune response directed against self-IgEFc ε 3 structural domain , break of the immune tolerance against mouse IgEFc ε 3 structural domain .

  13. 免疫斑点法快速检测肠杆菌科细菌共同抗原

    Rapid detection of enterobacterial common antigen by immuno - dot assay

  14. 本文采用碱化乙醇法制备细菌O抗原,用以致敏醛化红细胞。

    We used the base-alcohol method to extract bacterial O-antigen , with which the aldehyde-treated sheep red blood cells ( SRBC ) were sensitized .

  15. 近年来的大量研究证实了革兰氏阳性(G~+)细菌超抗原对银屑病的诱发作用,但临床上也常见银屑病患者伴有革兰氏阴性(G~-)细菌的感染。

    In recent years , many studies have proved the superantigen of Gram-positive ( G ~ + ) bacteria is relevant to the pathogenesis of psoriasis .

  16. 采用培养基加载体的方法培养变形链球菌,提取细菌表面蛋白抗原Ⅰ/Ⅱ(SAⅠ/Ⅱ),可使常规从培养上清液中提取SAⅠ/Ⅱ的程序明显简化且操作方便。

    Abstract The culture method used medium and carrier was studied for extracting cell surface protein antigen ( SA ⅰ / ⅱ) from Streptococci mutans .

  17. 胃肠黏膜固有屏障正常稳态的维持,对于防止胃肠腔内细菌、食物抗原、酶和化学药物等直接与黏膜裸露面接触引起的相关疾病至关重要。

    The maintenance of the normal homeostasis of gut barrier is critical to prevent diseases caused by the direct contact between naked membrane and intestinal bacteria , food antigen , enzymes , and chemicals .

  18. 鼠伤寒沙门氏菌Ⅰ型菌毛对细菌及其所携带抗原GFP诱导小鼠免疫反应的影响研究

    Type ⅰ Fimbriae of Salmonella Typhimurium Affects the Immune Response to Both the Bacteria and Co-expressed GFP in Mice