
xì bāo shēnɡ lǐ xué
  • cell physiology;cellular physiology
  1. 微重力植物细胞生理学研究进展

    Advance in the Study on Cell Physiology of Plant Under Microgravity

  2. 颞叶癫痫患者小胶质细胞生理学与生物能学的关系

    Correlations between granule cell physiology and bioenergetics in human temporal lobe epilepsy

  3. 葫芦科作物矮化突变体的遗传学及细胞生理学研究进展

    Research Progress on Genetics and Cytophysiology of Cucurbitaceae Dwarf Mutants

  4. 微重力细胞生理学研究现状及其应用前景

    The Current Status and Prospect in the Study on Cell Physiology under Microgravity

  5. 本文就两种寄生蜂毒液器官的生物学、细胞生理学及相关的分类进化的意义进行了讨论。

    The significance of venom apparatus of parasitic wasps in biology , cytology and evolution taxonomy were discussed .

  6. 细胞生理学和细胞药理学实验在细胞生物学和医学研究中具有重要意义。

    It is important for the experiment of cell physiology and cell pharmacology in the cell physiology and the medical research .

  7. 我们的研究也证明基因芯片技术是研究药物对心肌细胞生理学及病理学影响的重要而有效的方法之一。

    Also , microarray is proved to be one of the most efficient approaches for investigating drug-induced physiological and pathological effects on myocardial cell .

  8. 蛋白质组学能够联系并且反映癌症基因改变以及细胞生理学变化,因此人们对使用蛋白质分析技术寻找肿瘤蛋白标志物的工作给予了极大的希望。

    Since proteomics can bridge the gap between the genetic alterations underlying cancer and cellular physiology , much is expected from proteome analyses for the detection of better protein biomarkers .

  9. 这项被刊登在《细胞生理学》上的调查结果表明,持久静坐施加于臀部和胯部的压力,会使这些部位生成50%以上的脂肪。

    The findings , published in Cell Physiology , suggest that the pressure placed in the buttocks and hips from sitting down for too long can generate up to 50 percent more fat in those areas .

  10. EEG的检查有助于掌握患者神经细胞电生理学变化状态。

    EEG was serviceable in grasping electrophysiological changes of neuron cells .

  11. 目的:研究关附乙酯(DGFA)对窦房结起搏细胞电生理学的影响。

    AIM : To study the electrophysiological effects of diacetyl guan-fu base A ( DGFA ) on pacemaker cells in sinoatrial ( SA ) node .

  12. 在体心脏后去极化及触发性心律失常的细胞电生理学研究

    Electrophysiological studies of after depolarizations and arrhythmias in the heart in vivo

  13. 对医学研究生开展细胞电生理学实验技术课程的探讨

    Investigation on the experimental courses of cell-electrophysiology for medical postgraduates

  14. 膜片钳技术已成为细胞电生理学研究的重要手段。

    The patch clamp technique has become the main method for cell electrophysiology research .

  15. 对针刺防治玉环柚裂果的细胞、生理学基础进行了研究。

    Cytophysiological study on prevention of fruit cracking of " Yuhuan " pomelo by puncture was carried out .

  16. 气道壁上这种曲率的动态变化很可能会影响气道平滑肌细胞的生理学和物理学行为。

    Dynamical curvature change of the airway walls is likely to affect airway smooth muscle cell physiology and physical behavior .

  17. 目的:从神经细胞电生理学角度探讨头穴针刺急性脑出血大鼠神经元细胞电活动的双向调节作用和机制。

    Objective : to clarify the function and mechanism of bidirectional adjustment of scalp acupuncture to neuron electric-activity of rat with acute cerebral hemorrhage by nerve cell electro-physiology .

  18. “这种蛋白有可能成为一个突破性的治疗疼痛的物质,以前也没有研究感受疼痛的神经元”研究作者,博士,UNC细胞和分子生理学助理教授MarkJ。

    " This protein has the potential to be a groundbreaking treatment for pain and has previously not been studied in pain-sensing neurons ," said lead study author Mark J.

  19. 众所周知,高血糖是DKD发生始动因素和核心因素,而系膜细胞的上述生理学特性决定了它是糖尿病众多致病因子作用的主要靶细胞之一。

    As we all know , high blood sugar is the occurrence of the initiating factors and DKD core elements , and mesangial cells ' physiological characteristics determine that it is main target cell of a number of pathogenic factors in diabetes .

  20. 大鼠发育过程中视网膜神经节细胞的电生理学和形态学特性

    Electrophysiological and Morphological Properties of Rat Retinal Ganglion Cells during Postnatal Development

  21. 交界区逸搏节律的细胞及电生理学基础

    Cytological and electrophysiological basis of cardiac junctional escape rhythm

  22. 这项研究的结果发表于美国生理学杂志-肺细胞和分子生理学上。

    Results of this study are now published online in the American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology .

  23. 为探讨脑微血管内皮细胞的电生理学特征,研究了脑微血管内皮细胞钾离子通道的应力反应性。

    This study was conducted to gain an understanding of the electrophysiologic characteristics of cerebral microvascular endothelial cells . The stress response of the potassium ion channel in cerebral microvascular endothelial cells was explored .

  24. 理查德-麦肯齐博士说:调查选用的十部恐怖片都会使人血脉贲张,使被调查者心跳加速。麦肯齐博士是威斯敏斯特大学细胞代谢与生理学的高级讲师和专家。

    Dr Richard Mackenzie , senior lecturer and specialist in cell metabolism and physiology at the University of Westminster , said : Each of the ten films tested set pulses racing , sparking an increase in the heart rate of the case studies .

  25. 理查德-麦肯齐博士说:“调查选用的十部恐怖片都会使人血脉贲张,使被调查者心跳加速。”麦肯齐博士是威斯敏斯特大学细胞代谢与生理学的高级讲师和专家。

    Dr Richard Mackenzie , senior lecturer and specialist in cell metabolism and physiology at the University of Westminster , said : " Each of the ten films tested set pulses racing , sparking an increase in the heart rate of the case studies .

  26. 小鼠心房肌瘤AT-1细胞在心脏电生理学和药理学研究中的应用

    Mouse atrial tumor myocytes AT-1 in cardiac electrophysiologic and pharmacologic studies

  27. 基质金属蛋白酶(MMP)-9与脑出血后脑水肿、炎症反应、细胞凋亡等病理生理学过程密切相关。

    Matrix metalloproteinase ( MMP ) - 9 is closely correlated with the pathophysiological processes of cerebral edema , inflammatory reaction and apoptosis after intracerebral hemorrhage .

  28. 关节炎大鼠背根神经节细胞的膜电生理学特征

    The electrophysiological characters of dorsal root ganglion neurons obtained from arthritic rats

  29. 间质性膀胱炎中的肥大细胞:在病理生理学和发病机制中的作用。

    Carbachol-induced bladder mast cell activation : augmentation by estradiol and implications for interstitial cystitis .

  30. 提示,发育过程中伏隔核神经元的形态和功能成熟密切相关,幼稚与成熟神经元在细胞形态学和电生理学以及突触功能上的显著差异表明幼稚和成熟神经元对信号的输入、输出整合不同。

    These results suggest the close coincidence of the electrophysiological and morphological maturations in nucleus accumbens neurons , and that the differences of characteristics in electrophysiology , morphology and synaptic transmission between immature and mature neurons reflect the different integration modes of input and output .