
tū āo bù píng
  • Unevenness;rough and uneven in surface
凸凹不平[tū āo bù píng]
  1. 凸凹不平的石墙就像一条很深的运河的河岸。

    The rough rock walls were like the sides of a deep canal

  2. 由多个细小晶粒构成的团粒结构的GSD金刚石磨料新品种,具有表面粗糙、凸凹不平的形貌特征,且在结合剂中把持牢固,避免了单晶磨料过早脱落的现象,使得磨具寿命成倍提高;

    The new kind of CSD diamond abrasive with the crumb structure which consists of many fine crystals has the character of coarsen and scraggy surfaces , it can avoid that single cystals early fall off because of the fast - ness in the bonder ;

  3. 基本原理是当光通过凸凹不平的透明薄膜时,在薄膜表面要发生散射,散射能力大致与薄膜表面粗糙度成正比。

    The scattering ability of the films is approximately proportional to its roughness .

  4. 如果你觉得粗糙或凸凹不平,别觉得奇怪。

    Don 't be surprised if what you feel is rough and bumpy .

  5. 指纹是手指末端正面皮肤上凸凹不平的纹路。

    Fingerprint is a rugged finger skin lines .

  6. 由于地面凸凹不平,当水流逐渐集中于低地时,就形成了溪流。

    As the flow becomes concentrated in low places because of irregularities in the surface , rills are formed .

  7. 它甚至可以检测剪切、刨削和手工气割的凸凹不平的表面。

    It can be used even to detect the uneven surface which was sheared , planed and manually gas cut .

  8. 天然岩石的裂隙面是凸凹不平的,用一般的函数难以描述裂隙面的复杂形态。

    It is hard to quantify the roughness of rock fractures with commonly used function because rock fracture surfaces are rough .

  9. 他们在凸凹不平的石头上小心翼翼的行进着;这种问题只能小心翼翼的处理。

    They proceeded with gingerly footwork over the jagged stones ; the issue was handled only in a gingerly way - W.S.White .

  10. 转化之后的表面膜凸凹不平,不需粗化处理就可以为有机涂装提供良好的基底。

    The conversion film surface is rough and uneven , it provides a good base for organic coating without any crude process .

  11. 用原子力显微镜表征了碳膜,结果表明碳膜是凸凹不平的膜,有许多凸起。

    The carbon film was characterized by atomic force microscopy and the result indicates that the carbon film is a rough film with a number of spikes .

  12. 若平放,底层支撑应平整均衡,码放不宜过高。随从把回来路上有点凸凹不平的地方平整好。

    The beneath strutting must level off and equilibrium if lie flat , not suitable too high . The attendant smoothed away the slight irregularities in the retuning track .

  13. 在凸凹不平的地面上滚动的沙粒只需很小的速度(厘米/秒量级)就可离地而去,并从风中获取更多的能量。

    The rolling sand particle which move om uneven surface can detach from ground surface with low velocity ( cm / sec ) and get more energy from wind .

  14. 针对液压阀控马达模型建立困难而又不准确,路面凸凹不平造成冲击载荷时变等问题,设计了模糊控制器对行走马达的速度进行闭环控制。

    As to the difficulty in constructing a model and variable impact because of uneven ground , a fuzzy controller is made to control the velocity of the hydraulic motor .

  15. 发现3种麦饭石观察面均具有多孔海绵样凸凹不平形态,与大多数矿石晶面或断裂面截然不同;

    On those surfaces observed we have seen the shape of porous-sponge and full of bumps and holes , which is different from many mineral crystal faces or sections entirely .

  16. 构建了可模仿凸凹不平地形表面的实体模型,该模型能够表征山脊、山尖、山涧、丘陵等地形特征;

    Secondly , two physical models were constructed , which could model rough surface and describe the features of the earth surface , such as chine , neck , valley and hill , etc.

  17. 在进行车辙检测时,由于车辆行驶颠簸或路表纵向凸凹不平导致检测时激光束与路面夹角发生变化,影响车辙计算结果和精度。

    During the detection , because of vehicle bumps or uneven and longitudinal road surface causes the angle of laser beam and the surface change , this will affect the results and the accuracy of rut .

  18. 纳米粒子作为催化剂具有表面凸凹不平、比表面积大、表面能高、晶内扩散通道短、表面催化活性位多等优点。

    Be used as catalyst , nano particles show many excellent qualities , such as roughness surface , high surface area , high surface energy , short diffusion channel in crystal and much more surface active sites .

  19. 一所建筑中部分低于或完全低于地平面的最低的那一部分;通常是作储藏之用。由于地面凸凹不平,当水流逐渐集中于低地时,就形成了溪流。

    The lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level ; often used for storage . As the flow becomes concentrated in low places because of irregularities in the surface , rills are formed .

  20. 结果为稀土的添加可以减少镀层表面层的厚度;对合金层的厚度影响不大;并使合金层与基体出现凸凹不平界面。

    The result is that the accession of rare earth can reduce plating layer surface layer thickness and make male and female face appear on alloy layer and body , but it has little effect on alloy layer thickness .

  21. 同时我们运用双波长全息法测量物体表面形貌,把一个凸凹不平的表面的高度分布情况借助干涉条纹显现出来,通过理论分析和实验验证,这是一种具有纳米准确度的可行测量方法。

    We use two-wavelength holographic to measure the surface of objects , and show the contour distribution of the surface with interference fringes . Through theoretical analysis and experimental testimony . This is a kind of method with nanometer precision .

  22. 结果:髌骨软骨软化时,软骨的厚度变化不大,但其与股骨界面和关节软骨界面回声图呈现出凸凹不平的毛糙或毛刺样改变。

    Results : In 36 cases of chondromalacia patellae , the surface of patellar articular cartilage between it and articular surface of femur became roughness or burr on the ultrasonic image , but the change of its thickness was small .

  23. 而多数情况下误差曲面都是凸凹不平变化无常的的多维曲面,一种更有效的选择是使动量项系数在整个训练的过程中自适应变化而非取为某正常数[13]。

    Since in most cases the error surface is multidimensional and protean , to be more effective , it is necessary that the momentum coefficient should be adaptively varied instead of being kept a fixed one through the entire training procedure [ 13 ] .

  24. 用量过大,会导致连泡或表面凸凹不平甚至破泡现象,用量过少,会导致泡孔数量不足,不能发挥发泡材料的特性。

    Excessive use will lead to even the uneven surface of the bubble , or even break the bubble phenomenon , the amount is too small , will lead to the insufficient number of cell , can not play the characteristics of foam materials . 4 .

  25. 他一边回思着那段回弯曲折的历史,一边极小心地用脚试探着凸凹不平的路面,他想起曲折的路心里就酸楚得难以自抑,虽然他并不是不知道,世界总是在曲折中前进的…

    As his feet carefully probed the uneven srufaceof the road , his mind kept pondering on that part of history , a tortuous paththey had gone by . He could not help feeling grief , even with an awarenessthat history never foUowed a straight forward course ...