
tū zhuī
  • convex cone
凸锥[tū zhuī]
  1. 本文提出了利用凸锥分析(CCA)来改善LPD的方法;

    In this paper , we use the method of Convex Cone Analysis ( CCA ) to improve the detectability of LPD and to eliminate the stripe noise .

  2. 考虑Hausdorff拓扑向量空间中一类重要的凸锥(即nuclear锥),给出了关于它的几个等价性质。

    A kind of important convex cone ( i.e. , nuclear cone ) in Hausdorff topological vector space is considered . Several equivalent characteristics of the nuclear cone are given .

  3. 对8种常见的闭凸锥,系统地提供了MATLAB程序,使求解变得方便、容易。

    For eight familiar closed convex cones , a series of MATLAB procedures are provide to compute the solutions for them easily and conveniently .

  4. 讨论矩阵在闭凸锥上的最佳逼近及其数值算法,在对称半正定矩阵集上,给出了最佳逼近数值算法的MATLAB程序和数值例子。

    In the case of the set of semi-definite symmetric matrices , a MATLAB program and a numerical example for the optimal approximation numerical algorithm are given .

  5. 最后定义了多面凸锥的非劣锥极点,用以说明决策单元强DEA有效的几何意义,并给出一个算例。

    Finally , by the definition of non-inferior vertex of multi-surface convex cone , the geometry meaning of strong DEA-efficient is illustrated , and an ( example ) is given .

  6. 本文在序Banach空间中引入了序闭区间套的概念,获得了闭凸锥正则的两个充要条件。

    The concept of ordered closed interval sheaths is introduced in ordered Banach spaces , and two sufficient and necessary conditions for closed convex cones being regular are obtained .

  7. 本文在非常一般的偏序线性空间中,利用Morris序列以及商空间理论,讨论了序凸锥为非点式锥,且所含映射均为集到集映射的向量极值问题的Lagrange乘子定理。

    In this paper , with the help of the theory of quotient space and Morris sequence , the Lagrange multiplier theorem of vector extremal problems with set-to-set maps is extended to the nonpointed ordered convex cones .

  8. 层次分析法中区间判断的凸锥模型

    Convex cone model for interval judgments in the analytic hierarchy process

  9. 本文提出两个赋权凸锥独立集合问题。

    Secondly , it gives two weighted convex cone independent set problems .

  10. 基于凸锥分析的低概率检测方法研究

    Research of Low Probability Detection Based on Convex Cone Analysis

  11. 本文讨论带闭凸锥的多目标优化问题。

    This paper discusses multiobjective optimization with closed convex cones .

  12. 模糊数的排序以及凸锥的近似空间

    Ranking of the Fuzzy Number and the Approximation Space of Convex Cone

  13. 半序线性空间的凸锥分离定理及其应用

    A separation theorem of convex cone on ordered vector space and Its Applications

  14. 区间判断的凸锥模型与排序方法

    Priority derivation of interval judgments a convex cone method

  15. 纵筋加强的凸锥柱结合壳应力状态的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Stress Condition for Convex Cone-Cylindrical Jointed Shell Stiffened with Longitudinals

  16. 一个一般情形下求凸锥全部极方向的算法

    An algorithm for computing all extreme directions for the general form of the cone

  17. 线性模型中假设是凸锥时似然比统计量的零分布

    Null distribution of likelihood ratio statistic for and against convex cones in the linear model

  18. 矩阵在闭凸锥上的最佳逼近(英文)与锥体有关或类似于锥形。

    The Optimal Approximation of Matrices on Some Closed Convex Cone ; relating to or resembling a cone .

  19. 本文基于凸锥理论对鲁棒线性最优化作了若干拓展。

    Based on theory of convex cones , our extensions of robust linear optimization are done in three directions .

  20. 软指接触的线性和椭圆摩擦模型是两个4维的凸锥。

    The linear and elliptical friction models of soft finger contact can be regarded as different 4D convex cones .

  21. 首先我们放松了对不确定集的限制,把鲁棒线性最优化拓展到凸锥和子空间平移的交的不确定集的情形。

    First , we relax the uncertainty set to be intersection of a closed convex cone and the translation of an affine subspace .

  22. 本装置由两台等温内凸锥空腔黑体炉、一台带水冷观察窗的旋转样品炉、一台双光束光栅红外分光光度计和一台九点循环控温仪组成。

    It consists of two blackbody furnaces with an isothermal convex-inward cone cavity , a double-beam infrared spectrophotometer with a double-grating and a nine-point cyclic temperature control equipment .

  23. 它揭示了该结构的力学特性,证明采用纵筋加强能有效地降低凸锥柱结合壳在结合边附近的高应力。

    The present analysis reveals mechanical characteristics of such structure and proves the fact that the high stress cf near intersection of convex cone-cylindrical jointed shell can be efficiently reduced .

  24. 应用一次二阶矩法和蒙特卡洛法计算潜艇凸锥柱结合壳焊趾处的脆性断裂可靠度。

    The reliability of brittle fracture at the weld toes of the convex cone cylindrical shell of the submarine was calculated using First Order Second Moment method and the Monte Carlo method .

  25. 在模糊赋范空间的背景上,得到了模糊凸锥的若干性质,同时,还给出了模糊赋范空间中两个相关命题的证明。

    The author illustrates in this article the properties of fuzzy convex cone based on the fuzzy normed space ; furthermore , testifies the two relevant propositions in the fuzzy normed space .

  26. 本文主要研究闭凸锥上的广义线性互补问题、广义非线性互补问题、及广义变分不等式问题的绝对误差界和相对误差界。全文共分三章。

    The thesis mainly considers the error bound for the generalized linear complementarity problem , the generalized nonlinear complementarity problem , and the generalized variational inequalities problem over a polyhedral cone , respectively .

  27. 对主导结构D为点闭凸锥的一类多目标规划问题有效集的存在性进行了研究,并讨论了有关的性质。

    The existence of one kind of multiple-objective programs efficient sets , in which the domination stricture D is a point closed convex cone , is studied , and some relevant properties are discussed .

  28. 破岩首先从对应着射流能量最高的环形区域开始,并逐步向内、外扩展,形成凸锥状的孔底。

    During the rock breaking process , the breaking begins from the rock at the annular area with corresponding high energy , then gradually extends both inwards and outward , finally forms a hole bottom with a convex cone .

  29. 最后,由于(PSam-C~2WH)模型中的锥只是一般性的闭凸锥,而且该模型中也没有给出相应锥的构造方法。

    Because the cones we considered in the PSam-C ~ 2WH model are only usual closed convex cones and the way of constructing cones is not provided , there exist many difficulties to apply the PSam-C ~ 2WH model directly .

  30. 资源位第二定律是指,在经济系统的资源位已呈凸集的情况下,可以通过引进凸集外部的一个资源点,将资源位拓展为一个凸锥。

    The second law of resource-niche for resource integrating states that under the condition of resource-niche of the economic system is already convex set , a point from outside the system should be introduced , and resource-niche of the system can be extended to a convex cone .