
rì yǐnɡ
  • shadows cast by the sun
日影 [rì yǐng]
  • [shadows cast by the sun] 日光照射物体所成的阴影

  1. 用CAD进行准确快速的建筑日影分析

    Accurate and Quick Method of Sun Shadow Analysis in Building Design with CAD

  2. 于是前进的日影,果然在日晷上往后退了十度。

    So the sun returned ten degrees , by which degrees it was gone down .

  3. 对保存于三种汉译佛经中的日影资料进行了分析和讨论。

    The material of noon shadow preserved in the three different Buddhist Scriptures is analyzed and discussed .

  4. 我如日影渐渐偏斜而去。我如蝗虫被抖出来。

    I am gone like the shadow when it declineth : I am tossed up and down as the locust .

  5. 短袜尺寸变化的测定从此,人们便通过观测圭表上日影的长短变化来计算时间、测定季节。

    From then on , people were able to measure time and determine seasons based on the position and length of the gnomon 's shadow .

  6. 阳光明亮,和风吹拂,日影掠过田野,鸟儿在歌唱。

    The sun was shining , the wind was blowing , the light and shadows were passing across the field , the birds were singing .

  7. 希西家回答说,日影向前进十度容易,我要日影往后退十度。

    And Hezekiah said in answer , It is a simple thing for the shade to go forward ; but let it go back ten degrees .

  8. 这种仪式有比较固定的行事日期和祭祀场所,带有测度日影的早期天文学观察性质。

    Such ceremony has comparatively fixed dates of action and the places of worship , characteristic of earlier astronomical observation of the movement of the sun shadows .

  9. 就是叫亚哈斯的日晷,向前进的日影往后退十度。

    Behold , I will bring again the shadow of the degrees , which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz , ten degrees backward .

  10. 我要往没药山和乳香冈去,直等到天起凉风,日影飞去的时候回来。

    Until the day break , and the shadows flee away , I will get me to the mountain of myrrh , and to the hill of frankincense .

  11. 中国古文献记载的最早的定季节的方法是观测正午日影和黄昏中星。

    The earliest methods for determining the seasons recorded in ancient Chinese classics are the observation of the sun 's shadow at noon and the meridian stars at dusk .

  12. 先知以赛亚求告耶和华,耶和华就使亚哈斯的日晷向前进的日影,往后退了十度。

    Then the prophet Isaiah called upon the Lord , and the Lord made the shadow go back the ten steps it had gone down on the stairway of Ahaz .

  13. 日晷又称“旧规”,中国古代利用日影测得时刻的一种计时仪器。通常由铜制的指针和石制的圆盘组成。

    The sundial , an ancient Chinese timekeeping instrument consisting of a bronze needle and a stone dial , measures the time by taking advan-tage of the shadow of the sun .

  14. 张遂和南宫说等人一起,用标竿测量日影,推算出太阳位置与节气的关系。

    Togeth-er with Nan Gongshuo , he used a post to measure the shadow cast by the sun , and calculated the relations between the sun 's positions and the solar terms .

  15. 我的良人啊,求你等到天起凉风,日影飞去的时候,你要转回,好像羚羊,或像小鹿在比特山上。

    Until the day break , and the shadows flee away , turn , my beloved , and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether .

  16. 以赛亚说、耶和华必成就他所说的、这是他给你的兆头。你要日影向前进十度呢、是要往后退十度呢。

    And Isaiah said , this is the sign the Lord will give you , that he will do what he has said ; will the shade go forward ten degrees or back ?

  17. “贾蔷遂跺一跺靴子,故意整整衣服,看看日影儿说:”“是时候了.”

    " At this point Jia Qiang stamped the dust off his boots , straightened his clothes and looking at the height of the sun remarked , " It 's time I was off . ""

  18. 吴荪甫猛睁开眼来,窗纱上全是斑剥的日影,坐在他身边的是穿了浴衣的少奶奶,对他微笑。

    All of a sudden , he opened his eyes . The net curtains over the windows were splashed with morning sunlight and shadows , and his wife was sitting on the edge of the bed in a dressing-gown . She was smiling at him .

  19. 北壁中间砌成一个上下直通的凹形直槽,凹槽直壁与横梁组成的高表与台下石圭形成一组测量日影长度的圭表装置。

    The center of the northern wall is built into a hollow groove that is perforated through from top to bot-tom , so the higher gnomon at the groove 's straight wall and the stone gnomon at the bottom constitute a se-ries of gnomon apparatus for measur-ing the length of the shadow cast by the sun .