
  • 网络Daily necessities industry;home furnishings
  1. 日用品行业的前景更加不明确了,资产净值也是如此。

    The outlook is bouncier in commodities and for the moment equities .

  2. 糖基表面活性剂原料来自天然可再生资源,具有良好的生物可降解性,广泛应用于日用品行业和食品工业中。

    Sugar-based surfactants are derived from renewable nature resources , it has good biodegradable properties , and widely used in commodity products and food industry .

  3. 由于市场竞争日益激烈,家庭日用品行业在价格战中大都采用薄利多销的战略。

    Because market competition is increasingly drastic , most household goods industries take a measure of small profits and good sales in the price competition .

  4. 产品广泛用于电子、玩具、食品、五金、医药、日用品等行业。

    Products are widely used in electronics , toys , food , hardware , medicine , daily necessities and other industries .

  5. 乙苯是重要的石油化工大宗有机化学品,其下游产品如工程塑料、合成树脂、合成橡胶等是建筑、汽车、电子及日用品等行业的重要原材料,用途非常广泛。

    Ethylbenzene is an important petrochemical organic chemicals , and its down-stream products such as engineering plastics , synthetic resin , synthetic rubber are important raw materials which have close relationship with construction industry , auto industry , electron industry and daily necessities .

  6. 这种现象广泛存在于汽车制造、计算机制造、日用品制造等行业的供应链中。

    This phenomena widely exist in supply chain of car-making , computer-making . commodity production industry .

  7. 曲柄压力机是应用最广的制造装备之一,其广泛应用于电器机械、汽车、电子设备、仪器制造、国防工业、日用品等生产行业。

    The crank press is one of the most wide-ranging used Manufacturing equipment . It is widely used in the field of electrical and electronic equipment production , Automobile Manufacturing .