
  1. 我需要的可比甘露和日月精华更多。

    Pol : I 'm gonna need a lot more than dew and universe juice .

  2. 据说神龙武士可以几个月不吃饭,只靠银杏甘露和日月精华。

    Tigress : It is said that the dragon warrior can survive for months at a time on nothing but the dew of a single ginko leaf and the energy of universe .

  3. 它是一棵茁壮的大树,沉淀了岁月的历练,吸取着日月之精华;

    It is a robust tree , precipitation of the years of experience in absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon ;

  4. 这样的水,是日月捧出的精华,是花雨酿造的琼浆。

    This water is the essence of the moon and to endorse , Huayu Brewing Qiongjiang .