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  • films for reference
  1. 与此同时,公司包厢里的客人,可以通过视频点播(video-on-demand)系统,观看有关皇马俱乐部辉煌历史的资料片。

    Meanwhile , guests in a corporate box can watch archive footage of Real Madrid 's past triumphs using a video-on-demand system .

  2. Andy还告诉我,当资料片发售时,会有新增的坐骑甚至坐其它坐骑的能力。

    Andy did tell me though , that when an expansion was released , we would see additional mounts and possibly even the ability to ride a different kind of mount .

  3. 下一个WOW资料片是否会加入翡翠梦境、大漩涡、库尔提拉斯或者是其它我们已经提到过(了解到)的地方?

    Next WoW expansion * Emerald Dream or will we bridge the gap to the continents and enter the Maelstrom , Jul Tiras , and all those other goody parts we 've yet to see ?

  4. 资料片发布时是否有新的服务器开放?

    Will new realms be opened when the expansion is released ?

  5. 只有资料片才会有这些改动吗?

    Are all of the changes in the patch expansion only ?

  6. 资料片中的新加入了武器和装备的级别。

    New to the expansion pack is weapon and equipment progression .

  7. 请问我需要安装资料片光盘吗?为什么?

    Will I need to install from the CD ? Why ?

  8. 你觉得资料片会让我变胖嘛?

    Do you think the expansion will make me fat ?

  9. 新资料片被设计为面对等级68或者更高的玩家。

    The expansion is designed for lvl68 and higher players .

  10. 资料片中有几个地下城?

    How many new dungeons will be in the expansion ?

  11. 氯氧镁水泥压缩破坏机理分析暗黑破坏神2资料片:毁灭之王

    Analysis . on Compression and Destruction Mechanism of Magnesium Chloride Oxide Cement

  12. 我们的资料片不会有这样的情形。

    That 's not the case with our expansion pack .

  13. 资料片里任务设计是什么样的环境?

    GS : What environments are planned for the missions in the expansion ?

  14. 我们已在资料片中的合作支援增加到了10人。

    We 've increased co-op support to 10 players in the expansion pack .

  15. 资料片有几个区域?

    How many zones will be in the expansion ?

  16. 资料片的历史是怎样的?

    What 's the history on this expansion ?

  17. 这个计划被移动到资料片了吗?

    Have those plans moved to the expansion ?

  18. 三个新特性中的每一种都对应于资料片的战争属性。

    Each of the three new traits fits the warlike nature of the expansion .

  19. 我们决定在资料片里不再增加纹身系统。

    We decided to not pursue any tattooing system for Mask of the Betrayer .

  20. 如果要和朋友一起玩资料片的话,自己需要买么?

    Do you need to own the expansion to play with friends who have it ?

  21. 问:魔兽世界资料片的标题指的是什么?

    Q : what does the title of the world of Warcraft expansion refer to ?

  22. 这个资料片到底值不值?

    So is the expansion worth it ?

  23. 我想肯定很多玩家第一反映就是这些地区将会用来制作“一些”资料片!

    You won 't be visiting all of the locations in the world while playing Diablo III.

  24. 开发升级补丁和资料片的是同一个团队。

    The same WoW team that started has been working on both the patches and expansion .

  25. 资料片中玩家们将会如何对他们的角色做更多的定制?

    In what ways will players be able to further customize their characters in the expansion ?

  26. 我们现在不提供在线购买和资料片客户端下载。

    We are not offering online purchase or download of The Burning Crusade at this time .

  27. 我们希望能够在将来的大灾难资料片的大变动中解决一些类似的问题。

    We 're hoping to be able to clean up some of this with the Cataclysm overhaul .

  28. 精明而又顽强的地精是资料片大灾变中部落方的全新种族。

    The shrewd and tenacious goblins are the Horde 's newest playable race with the Cataclysm expansion .

  29. 该俱乐部拥有4千兆字节的资料片,以及所有重大比赛的统计数字。

    The club has 4 terabytes worth of past Games , complete with the all-important match statistics .

  30. 企业宣传片,资料片,产品推广片整体设计拍摄制作。

    Overall design , shooting and production of enterprise publicity , library footage and products promotion footage ;