
  1. 流动资金占用成本在物流成本中的比重不断增大,构成了企业隐性物流成本的主要部分。

    With the proportion rising in total logistics cost , liquidity occupation cost is becoming a main part of implicit logistics cost .

  2. 因为产品生产的周期时间直接决定了公司对市场需求的反应速度;决定了客户对公司的态度;决定了公司能否降低资金占用成本和管理成本,增加营利。

    The production cycle time indicated the enterprise response speed to the market demand , which affected the attitude of customers to the company , made the enterprise to reduce costs and management costs , and increased profit .

  3. 提高生产设备运转率,缩短生产周期,控制备品备件库存资金占用,降低成本。

    Raise the equipments operation rate , Shorten to produce the period , The control has the spare parts stock engross , lower the cost .

  4. 本文分析了原料、中间物料在金属平衡中的影响,加强原料及中间物料管理对提高回收率、减少资金占用、降低成本都有重大意义。

    This article analyzes the influence of raw material and intermediate supplies in metal reconciliation . There is great significance to improve recovery , reduce capital occupation and lower down costs by strengthening raw material and intermediate supplies management .

  5. 这样一来,不仅可以降低库存水平,减少资金占用和库存维持成本,而且还可以提高顾客满意度。

    Which can reduce inventory level , that means lower capital tie-up and inventory holding cost , it also can boost customer service .

  6. 服务水准体现在对内的作业效率和对外的交货水准,成本主要体现在库存资金占用情况和库存成本。

    Service level includes production efficiency and delivery level . Low cost mains the occupancy of storage capital and operation cost are low .

  7. 在供应链范围进行库存控制不仅可以降低库存水平,从而减少资金占用和库存维持成本,而且还可以提高顾客的满足度。

    Under the supply chain management , it can not only cut the inventory level , thus reducing the holding cost , but also improve the customer satisfaction .

  8. 库存管理是企业物料管理的核心,有效的库存管理可以提高仓库的空间利用率,减少库存资金占用,降低生产成本,提高生产效率;

    Inventory management is the core of the enterprise material management . Valid inventory management can improve the space utilization ratio of the warehouse , reduce the occupation of funds and operating costs , and raise productivity .

  9. 如何合理地采购物资,储备物资,降低库存,减少资金占用,降低采购成本,成为企业从内部找利润的有效途径和增加外部竞争力的迫切要求。

    As the national second largest oil field , how to reduce stocks , used capital and purchasing cost become the effective way for Shengli Oil Field to find profit from the inside and to increase the competitive power .

  10. 资金成本是指企业筹集和使用资金而付出的代价,它包括资金筹集费和资金占用费。资金成本的高低直接影响企业利润下降或上升。

    The fond cost refers to the cost that the enterprise need for collecting and using the fund , which directly affects the profit of the enterprise .