
  • 网络Banking cost
  1. 维护银行稳定是需要成本的,要在维护稳定的同时尽可能增进社会福利,关键是要寻求银行成本稳定和控制的合理均衡。

    Maintaining the banking stability needs cost . Social welfare should be promoted as possible as it can at the same time when stability is to be maintained , the key to which is to seek a reasonable equilibrium between banking cost steadiness and cost control .

  2. 商业银行成本领先战略与ABC法

    Cost Leading Strategy for Commercial Banks and Activity-Based Costing

  3. 实证结果发现:在SFC与DEA两种不同估计法之下,并购对于银行成本效率皆有不显著的正向关系。

    The empirical findings revealed that there is no significant cost effciency of bank mergers .

  4. 第三章,建立了基于风险调整的SFA法银行成本效率测度修正模型。

    We establish a model to estimate the risk-adjusted cost efficiencies applying SFA in the third chapter .

  5. 银行成本效率高就意味着相同的投入有着高的回报。

    The high bank cost efficiency means the same input with high returns .

  6. 商业银行成本控制方略

    General Plan of Cost Control of Commercial Banks

  7. 全球科技革命:银行成本管理重构

    The Revolution of Global Science and Technology : The Reconstruction of Bank Cost Management

  8. 商业银行成本核算体系再造

    Reforger of a Costing System in Commercial Banks

  9. 深圳发展银行成本管理研究

    Study on Cost Management of Shenzhen Development Bank

  10. 关于商业银行成本管理模型的研究

    On the Commercial Bank Cost Management Model

  11. 一个更重要(尽管是错误)的论点是,银行成本增加将危害经济。

    A more significant , though mistaken , argument is that the higher costs imperil the economy .

  12. 理论上,此举可能降低银行成本,使新加坡更能吸引客户在此办理人民币业务。

    In theory , the move could cut costs for banks , making Singapore a more attractive place to do business in Renminbi .

  13. 传统的银行成本管理采用的是指标控制法,为了配合成本费用指标的考核,传统的银行成本核算方法主要是对一系列费用进行事后的归集和汇总。

    Traditional cost accounting management is by means of index control . It predominantly makes afterwards classification and summing up of series of costs .

  14. 科技革命、银行成本管理重构与中国银行业的未来走势。

    The third part discusses the revolution of science and technology , the reconstruction of bank cost management and the trend of the Chinese banking .

  15. 存款利率的提高意味着银行成本的上升,贷款利率的降低意味着银行收入的减少。

    Deposit interest rate 's enhancement means that the bank cost the rise , the rate on loan reduces means the bank income the reduction .

  16. 而财经批评是,应用围栏计划和添加资本将增加银行成本,也会再全英经济体更大范围内提升信用价格。

    The final critique is that adopting ring-fences and piling on more capital will drive up banks'costs and may make credit more expensive in the wider British economy .

  17. 按照成本预测、核算、管理运行、管理效绩评价4个子系统,对商业银行成本管理体系模型的构架进行了设计;

    The model is designed with four sub - systems , namely , the cast forecast , business accounting , operational management , and the evaluation of management performance .

  18. 首先分析了我国商业银行成本管理的历史与现状,介绍了西方商业银行的成本管理。

    It analyses the history and current situation of the cost management of the commercial bank of our country at first and recommends the cost management of the western commercial bank .

  19. 本论文共分三章。第一章是银行成本管理的基础理论部分,介绍了银行成本的基本内容、银行成本管理概念;

    This thesis is made up of three chapters , the first chapter is the basic theory , introducing the basic contents of the bank cost and the bank management concept ;

  20. 结果表明,资本充足率与银行成本无效率负相关,资产费用率、所有权的国有性质和不良贷款率与银行成本无效率正相关。

    The asset scale has negative correlation coefficient with bank efficiency , while rate of expanse to asset , the quality of the loan and the state ownership have positive coefficient .

  21. 第二章列举了中国银行成本管理现状、存在彻底问题及成因,为后文有关成本管理应用研究打下基础;

    The second chapter lists the current situation of BOC cost management , the existing problems and the cause of formation , which will give basic ideas to the later research about the cost management application ;

  22. 20世纪后期,全球科技飞速发展,猛烈地冲击着银行成本管理这块古老的磐石,对银行成本管理提出了更深层次的变革需求。

    At the end of the 20 th century , global science and technology develops fast . It flaps the old rock of bank cost management and brings forward deeper demands of reformation to bank cost management .

  23. 本文从我国转型时期商业银行成本管理体制的弊端入手,提出了改进商业银行成本管理体制、建立成本管理模型的思路;

    Starting with the shortcoming in the commercial bank cost management system during the transitional period in China , the paper puts forward some ideas to improve the commercial bank cost management system and set up cost management model .

  24. 文摘:通过银行成本管理运作模式的历史与现实的比较研究,探索建立适应现代商业银行发展的新型成本管理运作模式。

    Abstract : the thesis analyses comparatively the operational models of bank cost management from its history to reality , trying to constitute new operational models of bank cost management in order to fit for the development of modern commercial bank .

  25. 引入完全成本理论、可持续增长理论、边际利润理论、资源配置理论、或有及虚拟成本理论等现代经济学、高级管理会计理论,对商业银行成本管理模型进行了充实和完善。

    Meanwhile , some modern economy theories , senior management accounting theory such as the whole cost theory , going - increase theory , margin profit theory , resources dispose theory , cost contingency , fictitious cost are also employed to further enrich and improve the cost management model .

  26. 本文总结了与银行全成本分析相关的研究和算法,重点研究了基于关联规则的分类算法(CBA,ClassificationBasedonAssociation)。

    This paper gives a summary of the research related to the algorithms used in the bank cost analysis , and puts the emphasis on the algorithm of Classification Based on Association ( CBA ) .

  27. 渣打(StandardChartered)新任首席执行官比尔温特斯(BillWinters)告诉员工,他计划裁减四分之一的最高级管理职位,这一大规模举措旨在削减这家新兴市场银行的成本。

    Standard Chartered 's new chief executive has told staff he plans to cut a quarter of its most senior management positions in a drastic drive to cut costs at the emerging market lender .

  28. 引领日本企业大举进入点心债券市场的是欧力士(orix)和日立资本(hitachicapital)等融资租赁公司,它们通过购买机械设备并将其租赁给银行贷款成本较高的客户使资金跨境流入中国。

    The big push into the dim sum market has been led by leasing companies such as Orix Corporationand Hitachi capital , which have moved funds across the border into China to buy equipment and machinery to lease to customers facing higher costs for bank loans .

  29. 明确了商业银行各类成本的变化规律及控制技术。

    It definition the changing of cost and rule of controlled .

  30. 商业银行筹资成本和筹资策略探析

    An Analysis of Funding Cost and Funding Tactics for Commercial Banks