
  • 网络Bank holding company;BHC;BHCs
  1. 发行直接票据的主要是大型金融公司和银行持股公司。

    The main issuers of direct paper are large finance companies and bank holding companies .

  2. 美联储计划更严密地监督银行家的薪水,对银行持股公司的非银行借贷补助也严加看管。

    It plans to supervise bankers'pay practices more closely , as well as the " non-bank " lending subsidiaries of bank-holding companies .

  3. 在分析分业经营存在的弊端的基础上,明确提出了建立金融持股公司的具体措施和当前设立银行持股公司应注意的问题。

    Based on the analysis of the abuses existing in operation with divided occupations , this paper puts forward clearly the concrete measures as to establishing financial holding companies and some problems to which attention should be paid in establishing bank holding companies presently .

  4. 谈我国国有商业银行发展银行持股公司制

    On Practice of Bank-share Holding Companies for China 's State-owned Commercial Companies

  5. 如果决策者在危机爆发之初就能通过决议机制,果断关停非银行金融机构和复杂的银行持股公司,那么周日晚上我们讨论如何处理濒临破产的机构时,可能就有更好的可选方案了。

    If policymakers had gone into the crisis with the ability quickly to shut down non-banks and complex bank holding companies resolution authority we might have had better options on Sunday nights to deal with failing institutions .

  6. 在论文的最后部分,我们对我国银行业市场化改革的几个重要命题&产权改革、资本金补充、利率市场化以及银行持股公司等内容进行了深入研究。

    In the last part of the dissertation , we massively discuss some important issues of the market-oriented reform of Chinese banking system , such as property rights reform , supplementary for capital , interest rate market-oriented reform and banks share-holding company etc.