
  • 网络Bank Account
  1. 不接受过户至第三者银行户口。

    Transfer to third party bank account is not allowed .

  2. 如何登记网上转帐银行户口?

    How to register a bank account for giving withdrawal instruction online ?

  3. 纳税人可将支票存入外地的银行户口。

    The taxpayer may bank in the refund cheque overseas .

  4. 香港公司的银行户口,现在都有银行操作的功能,在世界各地任何地方都可以操作,只要当。

    HK company bank account could be controlled all over the world where has internet service .

  5. 分销公司在香港以外地方开立银行户口,有关户口由集团库务中心监管。

    The distribution companies maintains bank accounts outside Hong kong , which are monitored by the Group Treasury center .

  6. 每次应在浏览器上输入网址或将真正的网址记录在电脑的书签内,藉此连结至你的银行户口。

    Always type the address into your browser or bookmark the genuine website and use that to access your bank account .

  7. 若阁下不接受有关的送货期,我们会安排退款。退款一律以现金存入阁下指定银行户口。

    If you do not accept the delivery arrangement , we will arrange the amount paid to be banked in your designated bank account .

  8. 倘阁下欲日后赎回股份之款项以电汇形式汇入阁下之银行户口,请填写以下的阁下银行户口资料。

    If you would like future redemption proceeds to be paid into your bank account by telegraphic transfer , please complete your bank account details below .

  9. 在泰国若没有居留签证会很不便,因不能开银行户口,及每月都要出境到邻近国家一次。

    Living in Thailand without a residence visa is a headache because we cannot open a bank account and have to go for visa run every month .

  10. 如有需要,税务局可查阅银行户口记录,或从环境证据核实纳税人陈述的供养资料。

    If necessary , the IRD may check the records of their bank accounts or verify from the circumstantial evidence the maintenance information provided by the taxpayers .

  11. 请注意,赎回股份之款项只能存入姓名已被载于「基金」股东名册的股份持有人的银行户口内。

    Please note that redemption proceeds will only be paid to the bank account of any holder of shares whose name is registered on the register of members of the fund .

  12. 结算这些交易时,金融管理局需要自向其出售港元的银行的结算户口扣除有关款额。

    The settlement of these deals would involve the HKMA debiting the clearing accounts of those banks selling the Hong Kong dollars to it .

  13. 任何一般投资者如欲认购零售债券,必须在其中一间配售银行开设银行户口及投资户口。

    Any retail investor wishing to subscribe for the Retail Notes needs to have a bank account and an investment account with one of the placing banks .