
  • 网络Galactic plane
  1. 天文学家通常认为,恒星际星尘都是紧靠着银河平面的。

    Astronomers usually assume that interstellar dust is closely confined to the galactic plane .

  2. 研究者发现,在生物多样性剧减的同一时间,太阳到达其轨道相对银河系平面的最高点,那里是大多数银河系恒星聚集的地方。

    At about the same time as the drops in biodiversity , the researchers determined , the sun reaches the highest point in its orbit relative to the galactic plane , where most Milky Way stars reside .

  3. 这些点分布在银河系所在的平面上,而且主要分布在银河的中心。

    These are clustered in the plane of our galaxy , the Milky way , and are mostly near the center of the galaxy .