
  • 网络bhc;Bank holding company;ABN AMRO Holding NV
  1. 高盛此次扩大股本的前一天,获得美联储(fed)加急批准,将对自身进行重组,成为一家银行控股公司。

    The boost in equity comes one day after Goldman Sachs received an accelerated approval from the Federal Reserve to restructure itself as a bank holding company .

  2. CIT在去年12月成为一家银行控股公司,但这并没有让其有足够时间过渡到更加稳定的融资模式。

    CIT became a bank holding company in December but that did not give it enough time to make the transition to a more stable funding model .

  3. 美联储(Fed)出人意料地决定,允许高盛和摩根士丹利转型为银行控股公司,遵守与其商业银行竞争对手相同的规定。这是一次历史性的救援行动。

    The Federal Reserve 's surprise decision to allow Goldman and Morgan Stanley to turn into bank holding companies , abiding by the same rules as their main street rivals , is a rescue operation of historic proportions .

  4. 该行悄悄将自己转型为一家银行控股公司,从而有资格获得当时美国财政部正在筹备的Tarp的帮助。

    With little ceremony , it converted itself into a bank holding company to be eligible for the Tarp then being put together by the US Treasury .

  5. 如果Pimco不参与GMAC的债务重组,GMAC将有可能达不到转为银行控股公司所需资本。

    If Pimco doesn 't participate in GMAC 's debt restructuring , GMAC would likely fall short of the capital it needs to become a bank holding company .

  6. 即便不是米尔顿弗里德曼(miltonfriedman)的信徒,你也会想知道这些超级监管官员将从何而来当然不会来自美联储,它在监管抵押贷款放贷机构和银行控股公司方面表现得一团糟。

    You do not have to be a devotee of Milton Friedman to wonder where these super-regulators will be found surely not at the Fed , which botched its supervision of mortgage lenders and bank holding companies .

  7. 通用汽车金融服务公司(GMAC)和CIT仍然无法发放政府支持的债券。3个月前,这两大美国金融公司转型成为银行控股公司,以获得参与援助计划的资格。

    GMAC and CIT , two of the largest finance companies in the US , remain unable to issue government-backed debt almost three months after they became bank holding companies to gain access to the rescue schemes .

  8. 控股公司在20世纪初,出现于美国,但只对公益事业控股公司和银行控股公司有专门的规定。

    The holding company appeared in USA in the early 20th century .

  9. 中国银行控股公司资本充足率管理的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Capital Ratio Management of Chinese Bank Holding Companies

  10. 其改革方式和步骤为:(1)设立国有银行控股公司;

    The reform methods and steps : 1 . Establish state bank holding company .

  11. 美国银行控股公司的监管实践、监管改革及其借鉴

    The U.S. Supervisory Practices and Reforms On Bank Holding Companies and Implications in China

  12. 诚然,高盛和大摩已变身为银行控股公司。

    True , Goldman and Morgan Stanley changed their status to become bank holding companies .

  13. 几天后,政府允许高盛和摩根士丹利成为银行控股公司。

    Within days , the authorities had allowed Goldman and Morgan Stanley to become bank holding companies .

  14. 高盛和摩根士丹利或许称得上是银行控股公司,但事实上也只是名义上而已。

    Goldman and Morgan may be bank holding companies , but it 's really in name only .

  15. 本周,最后二家(高盛集团和摩根士丹利)成为银行控股公司。

    This week the last two , Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley , became bank holding companies .

  16. 它已经在监督和监管银行控股公司,包括美国所有主要的商业和投资银行。

    It already supervises and regulates bank holding companies , including all major US commercial and investment banks .

  17. 我国金融控股公司有两种模式:非金融企业控股公司和银行控股公司。

    There are two models of China 's FHC : non-financial enterprise holding company and bank holding company .

  18. 7月份,雷曼就转型成为传统性银行控股公司的计划,与监管者进行了商谈。

    Lehman held talks with regulators over a plan to convert to a traditional bank holding company in July .

  19. 2008年,为了能参与政府救助项目,它们转变成了银行控股公司。

    In2008 , the two became bank holding companies so they could have access to the government 's bailout programs .

  20. 通过与其他各因素相比来判断业务多元化是否对银行控股公司的整体风险具有显著影响。

    Compared with other factors to judge whether business diversification of bank holding company has significant influence on the overall risk .

  21. 与贝兰克梵和麦晋桁不同,富尔德未能获得美联储的批准,未能让雷曼变成一家银行控股公司。

    Unlike Mr Blankfein and Mr Mack , he could not win fed approval to convert Lehman into a bank holding company .

  22. 高盛去年9月转型为银行控股公司时表示,其在美国的银行将拥有1500亿美元资产。

    When it converted to a bank holding company in September last year , Goldman said its US bank would have $ 150bn in assets .

  23. 金融控股公司发展的初期模式为银行控股公司,它是美国金融业为绕开管制而进行的一种组织创新。

    The initial mode of FHC is BHC , it is a kind of structure innovation that the American financial industries getting out of financial supervision .

  24. 本文通过分析我国金融监管能力的现状以及金融市场主体的成熟程度,认为纯粹型金融控股公司中的银行控股公司更适于成为未来的发展模式。

    Through analysis of Chinese financial supervision capacity , as well as the status of the financial market maturity , the banking-controlled company that is more suitable for future development model .

  25. 然而,当时很少有人会想到,在剩下四家投行中,有两家将很快倒闭或被收购,而摩根士丹利和高盛会成为银行控股公司。

    However , few anticipated that two out of the four remaining investment banks would quickly collapse or be taken over , and that Morgan Stanley and Goldman would become bank holding companies .

  26. 美联储官员正在考虑,中投公司本身是否应被视为银行控股公司对待,作为这两家银行的最终控股股东,与汇金公司承担同样的义务。

    Fed officials are considering whether CIC should itself be treated as a bank holding company and subject to the same obligations as Huijin , as the ultimate controlling shareholder in the banks .

  27. 该交易可能是首批利用新监管规则灵活性的并购活动之一。新监管规则允许私人股本和对冲基金收购银行控股公司,而不需受到额外的监管。

    The proposed deal would be one of the first to make use of new regulatory flexibility to allow private equity and hedge funds to acquire bank holding companies without becoming subject to additional regulation .

  28. 但改革的复杂性和拥挤的立法议程意味着,一个关键支柱一个允许监管机构接管即将破产的银行控股公司的决议机构在年底前不太可能成立。

    But the complexity , coupled with a crowded legislative agenda , means one key pillar a resolution authority allowing a regulator to seize a failing bank holding company is unlikely to be set up until the year end .

  29. 一周之内,高盛和摩根士丹利就抛弃了自己的投行身份,转型为银行控股公司,以便获取美联储的资金援助,抵御投资者的抛售浪潮。

    Within a week , Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley had become bank holding companies , ditching their investment banking status to gain access to financial help from the Federal Reserve and fend off a barrage of selling from investors .

  30. 这项措施涉及的机构包括银行控股公司、储蓄和贷款公司以及存款机构,美联储正在就该建议公开征求意见,时间截至七月,届时美联储将决定最终生效的方案。

    Among the firms have been covered by the rule , bank holding company , savings and loan company and the depository institution would be open for public comment through July when the Fed then needs to finalize for taking effect .