
  • 网络bank money;Bank Note
  1. 支票帐户(或银行货币)

    Checking account ( or bank money )

  2. 这些存款叫做准备金余额,与通货一起作为基础货币或中央银行货币的重要组成部分,最终将带来更广泛货币供应衡量指标的变化。

    Those deposits are called reserve balances and are the key component along with currency of base money or central bank money which ultimately brings about changes in broader money supply measures .

  3. 因此,只盯住传统CPI变化而忽视资产价格因素作用的中央银行货币政策的有效性受到质疑。

    Therefore , effectiveness of monetary policy in the central bank has been questioned for only staring at the traditional CPI change , but ignoring the role of asset price factors .

  4. 中央银行货币供给量逐渐减少,中央银行货币供给因素逐渐弱化。

    The Central Bank gradually reduced the volume of money supply .

  5. 基于个体消费的银行货币需求分布研究

    Research of Demand Distribution of Customers for Individual Consumptions for Currency

  6. 由日本银行货币政策争论引发的思考

    The Thinking Based on the Monetary Policy of Bank of Japan

  7. 中央银行货币政策独立性及其法律制度研究

    Central Bank : Monetary Policy , Independence and Legal System

  8. 论我国中央银行货币调控体制改革

    The Reform of Monetary Coordinate and Control System of Central Bank of China

  9. 新体制下中央银行货币政策的优化

    The monetary policy optimization of China 's central bank under new management system

  10. 中央银行货币政策手段与路径存在问题;

    Secondly , there are some problems in monetary policy measures of central bank .

  11. 银行货币与印度经济发展

    Monetary currency in india 's economic development

  12. 本文在最后对于商业银行货币错配的控制提出了政策建议。

    At the end of this paper we give some currency mismatch control policy recommendations for commercial banks .

  13. 确立中央银行货币政策运作的独立性,中央银行综合运用货币政策工具,稳步推进利率市场化,以完善货币政策体系。

    Thirdly , establish the independency of the central bank and promote market-based interest rate reform to consummate the monetary policy system .

  14. 既然我国中央银行货币政策有效的两个前提条件得到了满足,那么接下来就应该研究货币政策的传导机制及其效果。

    Since the two prerequisites of the monetary policy effectiveness have been met , its transmission mechanism and effectiveness should be studied .

  15. 在近年来的世界范围内的金融改革中,各国都将加强中央银行货币政策的独立性放在了极为重要的地位。

    In the coming years of the worldwide financial reform , every country will attach the importance on the independence of monetary policy .

  16. 理性的地方政府投资行为能带动经济一个长期稳定的发展并能配合中央人民银行货币政策的宏观调控,但事实似乎没有这么乐观。

    The rational investment of local government will lead to the long-term stable development of economy , but the fact is not so optimistic .

  17. 同时,中央银行货币政策的最终目标应关注资产价格的变化。

    At the same time , the final target of monetary policy of central bank should show concern for the change of asset prices .

  18. 货币供给的主动性和可控性越来越弱,中央银行货币政策的操作难度越来越大,因此货币内生性问题受到越来越多的关注。

    Initiative and controllability of money supply is weaker and weaker , the monetary policy operation of Central Bank is more and more difficult .

  19. 有些地方,如阿姆斯特丹、汉堡、威尼斯等地,都以他们所谓银行货币兑付外国汇票。

    In some places , as at Amsterdam , Hamburg , Venice , foreign bills of exchange are paid in what they call bank money .

  20. 在货币市场发展的基础上,中央银行货币政策的间接调控方式的有效性在不断提高。

    With the development of the money market , indirect control of the central bank through monetary policy has been becoming more and more effective .

  21. 随着金融在国民经济中地位的提高,中央银行货币政策目标也就为大众所关注。

    With the increase of banking sector 's position in national economy , the objective of monetary policy of central bank is paid more attention .

  22. 利率市场化是中央银行货币政策的基础,也是我国金融体制改革的重要内容。

    Liberalization of interest rates is the base of currencies policies made by the central bank as well as important contents of the financial system reform .

  23. 中国人民银行货币政策委员会委员黄易平说,英国脱欧可能标志着“全球化逆转”。

    Huang Yiping , a member of China 's central bank monetary policy committee , said the Brexit could mark a " reversal of globalisation . "

  24. 电子货币以其与传统信用货币不同的特性,从货币供给和货币需求两方面影响中央银行货币政策。

    The article gives a deep analysis of the influence on the central bank caused by electronic currency from the aspects of currency supply and demand .

  25. 银行货币政策委员会七月提高借贷成本到百分之2.25,在对国内经济增长的前景以及通货膨胀关切之下。

    The bank 's monetary policy committee raised the borrowing cost to2.25 percent in July amid solid growth prospects for the domestic economy and inflation concerns .

  26. 正是这些特有的属性使得电子货币对中央银行货币供求体系产生一系列的影响。

    It is these specific features that make it possible for e-money to exert influence upon on the money supply and demand system of the central bank .

  27. 中国人民银行货币政策委员会应当在国家宏观调控、货币政策制定和调整中,发挥重要作用。

    The monetary policy committee of the PBC shall play an important role in the state macro-control , and in the formulation and adjustment of monetary policies .

  28. 转轨时期特殊的社会经济环境&二元经济结构和双轨经济体制,使得我国中央银行货币政策的实施面临复杂的局面。

    The special socio-economic environment in the time of conversion-bivariate economic structure and two-way economic system makes teh currency policy administration of our central bank face with a complicated situation .

  29. 在本文中,笔者将重新考察在人民币升值预期背景下,我国资产价格的波动与中央银行货币政策的有效性。

    In this article , The author will re-examine the fluctuation of asset price and the effectiveness of monetary policy in the context of the expected appreciation of the RMB .

  30. 研究结果表明,以法定存款准备金率与存款基准利率为代表的中央银行货币政策的冲击能够引发股票市场短期条件波动。

    Our empirical results indicate that the shock in the central bank monetary policy represented by the legal deposit reserve rate and benchmark deposit can trigger the stock market impact of short-term fluctuation .