
yín zhēn
  • silver needle
银针 [yín zhēn]
  • [silver needle] 指针灸用的毫针,今多用不锈钢制成

银针[yín zhēn]
  1. 我们混合了功能银针,最优质的白茶与樱花。

    Our blend features Silver Needle , highest quality white tea , with Sakura .

  2. 采用单芽为厚料加工而成的为芽茶,称之为银针;

    Single bud is thick material processed for Ya Cha , called the Silver Needle ;

  3. 小小银针,大有妙用。

    A tiny acupuncture needle can work wonders .

  4. 银针灸组治疗前后晨僵时间、20m步行时间、胸廓活动度变化均有显著性意义(P<0.05,P<0.01)。

    There were significant differences in morning ankylosis time , 20m walking time and change in thoracic activity between pretreatment and posttreatment in the silver-needle moxibustion group ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 但是并不是所有人都信任外国人的草药和银针。

    Not everyone trusts a foreigner with Chinese herbs and needles .

  6. 陆氏银针配合肩部松解手法治疗肩凝症30例

    Silver Needle Acupuncture and Shoulder-Loosening Techniques for Shoulder Periarthritis in 30 Cases

  7. 银针茶品种适制性研究

    Study on the tea varieties suitable to make the silver-needle tea products

  8. 白毫银针(每50克6.20英镑)

    Silver Needle white tea ( 6.20 for 50g )

  9. 粗银针合硬膜外腔阻滞治疗顽固性腰腿痛临床疗效观察

    Clinical observation on healing stubborn lumbocrural pain by using warm silver needles and extradural blocking

  10. 这样,您便可以准确体验到白毫银针音的标准味道了。

    In this way , you 'll accurately experience the standard taste of Baihao Yinzhen .

  11. 日本银针浅刺轻针法介绍

    Japanese Silver-Needle Shallow and Light Puncture Method

  12. 中国的韦生楚用最多数量的针灸用的银针扎满了自己的头和脸,因而声名远扬。

    China 's Wei Shengchu gains notoriety for most acupuncture needles in the head and face .

  13. 君山银针以形、色、香、味俱美著称于世。

    Junshan silver needle is famous for its excellent shape , color , aroma and taste .

  14. 一些针灸师仍然使用金针或银针,但大部分医师使用不锈钢制成的针。

    Some acupuncturists still use gold and silver needles but the majority only use stainless steel ones .

  15. 全麻下陆氏肩关节黏连松解术配合长银针治疗重症肩周炎200例

    Treatment of 200 Cases of Severe Shoulder Periarthritis by Adhesion-Loosening Technique and Silver-Needle Acupuncture Under General Anesthesia

  16. 这些银针又是怎样能让病人在外科手术过程中保持清醒却又毫无痛感?

    How can the needles keep the patient awake without feeling any pain during a surgical operation ?

  17. 著名的白茶品种为“白毛银针”和“白牡丹”。

    The most famous varieties are " silver Needles White Fuzz " and " White Peony " .

  18. 这是不朽的茶,这是柏毫银针茶的起源。

    This is the tea of immortality , and this is Bai Hao Silver Needle tea origins .

  19. 我们美国人对你们的传统医学非常感兴趣,尤其是那用于针灸的神奇银针。

    We Americans are very interested in Chinese traditional medication , especially the magical needles for acupuncture treatment .

  20. 阿格莱特银矿物型合金金花怒放是以金盏花为花芯,用银针茶包裹而成的。

    Arguerite alloy Jinhua for Marigold flowers are in full bloom movements , with Silver Needle tea from the packages .

  21. 一张一名女同学头顶插着银针的照片在网上引起很多人的注意。

    A picture of a female student with a silver needle on top of her head drew a lot attention online .

  22. 一朵雪花的体态是轻盈的,宛如六枚小银针,千针万线,给S大学校园绣出了合身的水晶外套。

    A snowflake is light , like six silver needles weaving a suited crystal coat with thousands of strings for S university .

  23. 对于心脏外科,除在腕关节的银针外,在每只前臂上扎了一根银针。

    For the heart surgery , in addition to the needles in the wrists , a needle was placed in each forearm .

  24. 目的:介绍腰椎间盘突出症手术治疗后,出现顽固性下腰痛患者的银针治疗。

    Objective : To introduce a new silver needle therapy at tender point for intractable low back pain after removal of nucleus pulposus .

  25. 扎入穴位的银针或者局部注射药物以激发腺苷释放都能使得小鼠对痛觉敏感性大大降低。

    Inserting an acupuncture needle or locally injecting a drug that boosted adenosine 's action made the mice far less sensitive to pain .

  26. 在课堂外,我的手拿着锋利的银针还有线在编织着我的服装作品。

    Outside of the classroom , my hands embraced the sharp , silver needle and thread to create the usable art of clothing .

  27. 一根银针连四海&第三届中医针灸技术国际培训班在太原举行

    A Silver Needle Connects World ── The 3rd International Training Class of Traditional Chinese Medicine : Acupuncture and Moxibustion Technique opens at Taiyuan

  28. 通过对近十年针灸治疗腰椎间盘突出症的进展分析,得出如下结论:治疗方法以常规针刺、芒针、长银针、电针、电热针为多;

    This paper analyses the development of lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse ( PLID ) by Acupuncture and Moxibustion , and decide a conclusion below .

  29. 在真正的治疗组,银针会刺入身体的特定部位,并且会根据传统的针灸术进行行针。

    In the real treatment group , needles were inserted at specific points on the body and manipulated in accordance with traditional Chinese acupuncture techniques .

  30. 其中一种认为,银针刺激了痛觉敏感神经,以此激发大脑释放名为内啡肽的吗啡类化合物释放入体内循环系统。

    One holds that the needle stimulates pain-sensing nerves , which trigger the brain to release opiumlike compounds called endorphins that circulate in the body .