
fáng dào mén
  • Security door;burglar-proof door;burglarproof door
  1. 基于DSP的能识别主人的防盗门设计

    Can Distinguish Master 's Burglar-proof Door Design Based on DSP

  2. 通常情况下门体的薄弱地方是锁芯和铰链,但随着防盗门质量和技术的提高,在小药量情况下想通过这两处弱点将坚固的防盗门破开已经不太容易。

    The weak placees of the door are usually the core and the hinge , but along with the enhancement of quality and technology of the burglarproof door , it is not easy to blast out the door through these two weaknesses in a small explosive .

  3. 本论文以防盗门产业中的关键设备冷弯成型机为实例,利用Solidworks建立其三维模型。

    In this thesis , the roll forming machine is taken as an example , then , three-dimensional model is established by modeling software Solidworks .

  4. LBA钢木结构防盗门胶粘剂

    LBA Structural Adhesive for Steel / Wood Door against Burglary

  5. 这东西能打开防盗门吗

    And this thing 's rigged to open the security door ?

  6. 防盗门这么结实,没有入能闯进来。

    With the security door so firm that nobody can break in .

  7. 防盗门用裂纹漆的研制与涂装

    Preparation of Crackle Lacquer and Finishing for Security Door

  8. 基于短信密钥控制的防盗门电控系统的设计

    The design of security door system controlled by SMS

  9. 我与他们隔着防盗门辩论。

    Standing behind the locked anti-theft door , I kept debating with them .

  10. 换男朋友的时候,记得换防盗门。

    Change your locks when you change your boyfriend .

  11. 榫合式防撬门是一种新型的安全防盗门,安全性较以前的有很大提高。

    The burglary-proof door with rabbet joint is new and much safer than those before .

  12. 防盗门铝合金安装队

    Anti-Burglar Door & Aluminum Alloy installation Team

  13. 居民安装防盗门要选择正规厂家的产品,不能图便宜买劣质产品。

    When installing security doors , residents should choose the products of regular manufacturers and do not purchase inferior products .

  14. 他用棍子打那些私闯进来的人.防盗门这么结实,没有入能闯进来。

    He set about the intruders with a stick . With the security door so firm that nobody can break in .

  15. 防火岩棉板也可以用于防盗门的填充,使防盗门具有良好的抗火及耐火性能。

    Fire prevention board can also be used for anti-theft door padding , the anti-theft door has good fire resistance and fire resistance performance .

  16. 在没有安装防盗门的情况下,阻止犯罪分子利用软插片从门缝拨开锁舌是家庭防盗的关键。

    It is very important to prevent criminals from using flat objects to move the bolt aside if residents do not install security doors .

  17. 它可以通过平面图和图形显示界面提供动态图片到监控报警器,继电器,防盗门来达到报警确认。

    It offers dynamic mapping to monitor alarms , relays , doors , and alarm acknowledgements through a floor plan and graphic map interface .

  18. 金融危机为整个防盗门市场带来了巨大的冲击,企业迫切需要自主改进和研发关键设备。

    The financial crisis has a huge impact to the entire security door market and the enterprises are urgently to improve and develop the key equipment .

  19. 多年来,盼盼防盗门坚持走自主创新之路,不断加大原始创新、集成创新和引进创新力度。

    Over the years , the company stick to the road of independent innovation , increasing the original innovation , integrated innovation and the introduction of innovation .

  20. 归燕防盗门的口号:“用户第一、服务第一、产品第一、安全第一”。

    Turns over to the swallow security gate the slogan : " The user first , serves first , the product first , the safety first " .

  21. 在我国,家庭的安全防护还停留在对个人财产的保护上,例如防盗门、保险箱已成为家庭安全防护的重要组成部分。

    Safety protection for family in our country remained in the protection of personal property , for example , security doors and safes which have become an important part of the safety protection for family .

  22. 现代社会的快速发展和需求,使得各类多弯曲型材越来越多应用于诸多场合,如防盗门门框、铝合金窗框、特殊截面结构用框架等。

    With the rapid development and growed demand in modern society , more and more multiple bending sections are used in many cases , such as security door frame , aluminium window frame and framework of special section .

  23. 防盗安全门的结构安全与检测

    Structural Safety and Inspecting of Safe Door of Guarding against Theft

  24. GB17565-1998防盗安全门通用技术条件

    General specification for burglary resistant safety door