
  • 网络desertification
  1. 以色列防治荒漠化的办法对我们的启示

    The Enlightenment from Israel 's Methods of Preventing the Desertification

  2. 关于完善我国防治荒漠化法律制度的思考

    Thought about Improving the Legal System on Combating Desertification in Our Country

  3. 根据联合国防治荒漠化公约的有关规定,运用Thornthwaite计算可能蒸散量的方法作出了第一张中国荒漠化气候类型分布图,首次确定了中国荒漠化的潜在发生范围。

    The first climatic type distribution map of desertification in China has been drawn out making use of Thornthwaite method which was recommended in International Convention to Combat Desertification .

  4. UNCCD作为第一份荒漠化治理的全球性公约,具有众多的创新之处,为世界各国的防治荒漠化工作提供了崭新的视野。

    As the first global desertification control of the convention ," UNCCD " has many innovations for the world to provide a new perspective of combat desertification .

  5. “像每一个人一样,对于我们从索马里乃至整个非洲之角看到的图片和新闻,我们都非常难过。”联合国防治荒漠化公约(UNCCD)秘书处负责人MansourN'Diaye说。

    Regrets " Like everyone , we are very much moved by the image and news that we are seeing from not only Somalia , but also the whole Horn of Africa , " said Mansour N'Diaye , chief of cabinet at the Secretariat of the UNCCD - the United Nations Convention to Combat .

  6. 联合国防治荒漠化公约亚洲防治荒漠化的战斗(2006)

    United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Combating desertification in Asia ( 2006 )

  7. 在中国西部防治荒漠化:政策透视

    Combating Desertification in Western China : A Policy Perspective

  8. 浅析亚非防治荒漠化合作框架的可行性与现实意义

    The Feasibility and Significance of Asia Africa Cooperation Frame Work to Combat Desertification

  9. 拟订防治荒漠化国际公约政府间谈判委员会

    Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for the Elaboration of an International Convention to Combat Desertification

  10. 防治荒漠化&我国西部大开发的瓶颈问题

    Desertification control - a key problem to the development of the west of China

  11. 综合防治荒漠化技术的探讨

    On Comprehensive Techniques of Desertification Prevention and Combat

  12. 旱地生态系统和防治荒漠化方案活动中心

    Drylands Ecosystems and Desertification Control Programme Activity Centre

  13. 资助执行防治荒漠化行动计划特别帐户

    Special Account to Finance the Implementation of the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification

  14. 国家防治荒漠化行动计划;

    National plan of action to combat desertification ;

  15. 安南秘书长在防治荒漠化和干旱世界日的致辞

    UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan 's Message on the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

  16. 西非防治荒漠化和保护自然资源总计划

    Master Plan for Combating Desertification and for the Conservation of Natural Resources in West Africa

  17. 防治荒漠化公约全球机制

    Global Mechanism of the Convention on Desertification

  18. 因此,防治荒漠化,是实现荒漠地区人口,资源与环境协调发展的根本途径。

    So to prevent from desert is realizing base way of population resources and environment coordinating development .

  19. 让母性的光辉温暖荒漠&妇女与防治荒漠化国际会议侧记

    Brilliance of Motherhood Warms Desert

  20. 植树造林、种草恢复植被是目前防治荒漠化的最有效手段。

    Afforestation and recover vegetation on the deserted is most efficiency and practical method to combat the desertification .

  21. 防治荒漠化的三圈生态-生产范式,是干旱生态系统优化与重建的新结构。

    The " 3-Circles " eco-productive paradigm for combating desertification is an optimized and reconstructed new structure for arid ecosystems .

  22. 因此,防治荒漠化的基本对策是控制人口增长和通过防治与开发并重来促进地方经济的发展,进而富民。

    Strategy for combating desertification is to control population increase and to alleviate poverty through both developing economy and protecting environment .

  23. 值此防治荒漠化和干旱世界日,让我们重申对防治荒漠化和土地退化以及减少干旱影响的承诺;

    On this Day , let us reaffirm our commitment to combating desertification and land degradation and mitigating the effects of drought ;

  24. 固沙保水复合材料的研究与改良荒漠化土地的应用西非防治荒漠化和保护自然资源总计划

    Study on a New Multi-functional High Polymer Complex Material to Preserve Moisture and Fertility in Desert ; Master Plan for Combating Desertification and for the Conservation of Natural Resources in West Africa

  25. 第四部分针对我国目前所存在的问题,进一步提出了完善我国防治荒漠化法律体系的构想,即:1.加强立法工作,确保法律法规的统一、协调、有效。

    The fourth part for the problems that China put forward the idea of the perfect to Combat Desertification in China legal system , namely : ( 1 ) to strengthen the legislative work to ensure that laws and regulations unified , coordinated and effective .

  26. 实施大区封育控制,小区优化建设,以防治荒漠化为重点,不同断流地段确定不同生态恢复目标,在维护自然生态的基础上积极加强人工生态建设。

    Enforcement is big , district gives birth to control and sub-district optimization construction in order to precaution desertification for focal point , difference break to flow out section definite different ecological recovery goal , when defending the basic last positive reinforced artificial ecology of natural ecology construction .

  27. 分析了中国北部荒漠化与沙尘暴产生的根源,提出了防治荒漠化与沙尘暴的对策及今后研究的方向,认为农田和草地沙化应是今后研究的重点。

    The origin of desertification and dust storm in north of China is analyzed , the countermeasures and the study direction of preventing desertification and dust storm are put forward , and it is emphasized that farmland and grassland desertification should be the focus of study in the future .

  28. 因此,今年的沙尘暴敲响了防治西部荒漠化的警钟,并提示了西部生态建设的极端迫切性。

    Therefore , sandstorms sounded the alarm to combat desertification and showed the imminence for ecological construction in western China .

  29. 研究结论对实现陕北砂土基型地质条件下的保水采煤,从采矿角度防治矿区荒漠化具有重要意义。

    The article has some meanings in preventing desolate and boundlessization by using protection water mining method in Shanbei mining area .

  30. 通过调查,查清了太原市土地荒漠化的主导自然因素及荒漠化程度,分析了造成太原市土地荒漠化的原因,提出了防治土地荒漠化的对策。

    Through an investigation , the dominant natural factors and degree of land desertification in Taiyuan was made clearly and the reasons for land desertification are analyzed .