
  • 网络Defensive Combat;defensive battle
  1. 浅析防御战斗中某式坦克的生存能力

    Analysis of Survivability of Some Tank in Defensive Combat

  2. 海军基地防御战斗中的电子对抗

    Electronic countermeasure in naval base defensive combat

  3. 电子对抗在军事基地防御战斗中的应用

    Electronic Countermeasures in Military Base Defense Battle

  4. 运用柯尔莫哥洛夫方程,分三个阶段分析了某式坦克在防御战斗中的生存能力问题。

    By using the kolmogorov equation , this article analysed the survivability of some tank in defensive combat in three stages .

  5. 仓促防御战斗是预先没有准备或准备时间极为短促的战斗,是在任务紧迫、受敌威胁的情况下组织实施的一种防御战斗,存在着地形不清、敌情不明的特点。

    Hasty defensive combat is a battle which is not prepared or prepared in extremely short time . It is a defensive combat which is organized under the condition of urgent mission and threat . It has the characteristics that the terrain and enemy are both unknown terrain .

  6. 这些技能可以影响到圣堂武士的物理性,赋予骑士超凡的力量、速度、防御或者战斗能力。

    These often affect the physical abilities of the Templar , endowing a knight with supernormal strength , speed , defenses or fighting agility .

  7. 他们对所有敌人的攻击做出反击,他们有面向敌人移动就增加防御来准备战斗的能力。

    They respond all the attacks made by the enemy , and they 're also able to prepare for battle while moving towards their foe to increase their defense stats .

  8. 中国继续扩大和更新其各式的弹道导弹装备,以便提高其防御力和战斗力和震慑力,以战胜弹道防御系统。

    China continues to expand and modernize all categories of its ballistic missile forces , to increase survivability and war-fighting capabilities , to enhance their deterrence value and to overcome ballistic missile defenses .

  9. 更多的钱将用于军用装备的升级从而加强军队基于信息技术防御战争的战斗力。他指出相比其他国家中国在军备开支上保持比较低的水平,特别是大型武力,在。

    He pointed out that China 's military spending remains a low level compared with some other countries , especially the big powers , in the ratio against gross domestic product ( GDP ) .

  10. 这包括了作战链的生成、机动生成,进攻值计算、防御值计算、战斗比修正、战斗结果生成和战斗结果分摊等等。

    These functions include operational chain production , movement production , attack value computation , defense value computation , the revision of fight ratio , fight result production , fight result apportion and so on .