
  • 网络access system
  1. 城市开发与住房排斥:城市准入制的表象及实质

    City Development and Housing Exclusion : the True Meaning of City Access System

  2. 实行绿色食品市场准入制是WTO的一项重要工程。

    The implementation of market admission system for green food is an important project of WTO .

  3. 论器官移植准入制的施行及其意义

    The Execution and Significance of the Guideline about Organ Transplanting Enter the System

  4. 我院实施手术医生资格准入制的实践

    To carry out the " surgeon qualification admittance system " in our hospital

  5. 推行无公害蔬菜市场准入制;

    Executing the quality authentication of non-polluted vegetables .

  6. 严格准入制制度;70.0%为国有制;

    Allow to make the system strictly ; 70.0 % of them are state owned .

  7. 严格准入制制度;

    Allow to make the system strictly ;

  8. 严格准入制制度;预算编制要稳妥可靠、留有余地。

    Allow to make the system strictly ; Budgeting should be safe and allow leeway .

  9. 当前医院药学面临的若干问题(Ⅱ)&我国药师执业资格准入制与管理办法应与国际接轨执业药师制度的实施现状及几点思考

    Some recent problem about hospital pharmacy (ⅱ) Thinking on Current Situation of Practising Apothecary Institution

  10. 实行农产品市场准入制是农产品质量安全管理的必然趋势。

    It has become a must to adopt mandatory market access permit for all agro-products .

  11. 对新护士实施夜班准入制的效果观察新护士夜班观察抢救能力评估及培训

    The assessment and training of the observation and rescue capability of the new night shift nurses

  12. 对人口准入制的法学思考

    Legal Thoughts on Population Admittance

  13. 高职院校面对就业准入制的思考

    Thoughts on The System of Allowing Labour to Enter the Job in Frant of Higher Vocational Colleges

  14. 文章就我院推行的手术医生资格准入制背景、具体操作程序及效果进行了深入的探索。

    In this article , we explore the relatively background , detailed work procedure and effect about the surgeon qualification admittance system thorough which has been put in practice in our hospital .

  15. 因此,要实行最严格的行政审批准入制,对于不符合法律规定、利用红头文件设定的管理、收费、罚款项目,要一律取消。

    Therefore , we should have the strictest enforcement of a threshold for items requiring administrative approval . Items established via official documents to impose administrative management or to collect charges and fines must be abolished if they do not conform with laws and regulations .

  16. 加之我国证券市场实行严格的市场准入制,相当多的具备上市条件的企业被拒绝于市场之外,因此,上市资格便成为众多企业竞相争取的一种稀缺资源。

    In our country , the stock markets perform admittance-system , therefore , many quality-corporations were kept from the front door of stock markets , and then the qualification for listing on stock markets has been becoming a kind of scarce resources in Chinese capital markets .

  17. 通过工业园区安全评价体系的分析和研究,将为工业园区的选址、实现布局的合理性、工业园区的项目准入制建立可靠的保障,对促进工业园区可持续发展有着十分重要的意义。

    It 's pointed out that based on analysis and study of that evaluation system , some guarantees can be made with both the sites selection and layout of parks reasonable and admission to projects assured . That is significant for pushing the sustainable development of industrial parks .

  18. 如何加快与农产品质量安全有关的法制建设、完善农产品质量监督检测体系、实施标识管理、实行追溯和承诺制度,是广西农产品实行市场准入制的保障措施。

    In point of view of initiation of market access permit for agro-products , the measures shall be taken to speed up the legislation concerning agro-product security , to improve supervision and inspection system for agro-products , to launch product labeling management , and to conduct tracing and undertaking mechanisms .

  19. 首先要完美以代写员的准入轨制为核心的轨制建设;

    First of all , to improve access to the system of counselors at the core of the system ;

  20. 在实行银行机构准入审批制的国家,银行监管机构在颁发许可证过程中会面临信息不对称困境。

    In a country with an examination and approval system regarding the admission of commercial banking institutions , the bank supervision departments would find themselves in the difficulty of information asymmetry while issuing permits .

  21. 中国化妆品准入制度向备案制转变的策略研究

    Study on how China cosmetic admittance system should transmit to a registration and recording system

  22. 根据《出版管理条例》,国家对新闻出版单位实行企业准入和特殊产品准入审批制度,对业务准入实行审批指定制,对人员准入实行持证上岗制。

    On the basis of publication regulation byelaws , the nation implements enterprises and special commodity admittance authorization system for the press and publication units , operation admittance appointment system and certification system for personnel .