
  • 网络INFORMATION;Health information;health informatics
  1. 满足医师资讯的需求〉,健康资讯行政的建议1998。

    " Serving Physician Information Needs . " Advance for Health Information Executives.1998 .

  2. 2000年及其未来的热门科技〉,健康资讯行政的建议2000。

    " Hot Technologies for2000 and Beyond . " Advance for Health Information Executives.2000 .

  3. 通过公共图书馆为全州居民供医疗健康资讯;

    Increase the utilization of reliable medical information by citizens .

  4. 运用科研验证的健康资讯作以实践康管理及促进健康;

    Be able to use evidence based health information to manage and promote health ;

  5. 在美国黑人的社区里,理发店常常扮演着一个健康资讯的传输渠道。

    Barber shops often serve as a pipeline for health information in African-American communities .

  6. 是否不同年龄妇女都能得到相关生育健康资讯,服务或医疗途径?

    Are relating information , services and medications on reproductive health readily accessible to different age groups of women ?

  7. 会员可以申请成为安康国际的产品助理,宣传安康国际的健康资讯和理念。安康国际将提供必要协助和补偿。

    Member can apply to be product coordinator to promote Encore 's health concepts and information on a compensation basis .

  8. 本网站内提供的资料包括健康资讯仅拟作为一般教育用途及参考之用。

    The information ( including health information ) provided in this web site is for general educational purposes and reference only .

  9. 这是一个公开的精神健康资讯枢纽,不但鼓励社区人士加入防止自杀工作,也致力推广精神健康。

    Here , we create a mental health information hub to engage the community in suicide prevention and promote mental well being .

  10. 基督教联合会那打素社康服务现正推行义务工作训练和健康资讯的课程,对象为非华语妇女。

    The United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service is now providing intensive volunteer training and health literacy course for women of minority groups .

  11. 只要平时对健康资讯有所关注,便不难知道慢性炎症是(引发)心脏疾病的主要因素。

    If you 've been following the health news , you 'll know that chronic inflammation is a major contributor to heart disease .

  12. 病人不再只依靠上网搜索,才能得到健康资讯,他们可以直接从他们信任的医生那里得到答案。

    Patients no longer have to rely solely on Internet searches to get medical information . They can find the answers they need directly from their own trusted doctor .

  13. 快餐业听到市民要求更多选择和更健康营养资讯,并有回应。

    The fast food industry has heard the public asking for healthier options and more nutritional information , and they have responded .

  14. 但是世卫组织健康统计暨资讯部门负责人布尔马表示,在提供良好的保健方面,钱是起关键作用的。

    Health Statistics and Informatics Department Director Ties Boerma says money talks when it comes to providing good health .

  15. 世卫组织健康统计暨资讯部门协调员阿布-察尔表示,有很多问题使一些国家停滞不前。

    Coordinator in WHO 's department of Health Statistics and Informatics , Carla Abou-Zahr , says there are a whole range of issues that hold countries back .

  16. 利用网络改善健康照护〉,健康资讯行政的建议1997。

    Bergeron , B.P. " Using the Web to Improve Health Care . " Advance for Health Information Executives.1997 .